The End Of The World: I Use Plants To Control The World

196: Little Fat Man, You Are So Excited (5/5)

Look at the dirty woman gnashing her teeth.

Luo Tian couldn't help but feel funny.

Seeing that the situation was not going well, you ran away on your own, and even took the initiative to cut off contact with your companions.

It was obvious that he had sold his companion.

Now he's biting back.

But it doesn't matter, Luo Tian is not interested in things between insects.

The key is that you fucked me over and over again.

This matter cannot be left alone.

And you are a super monster worth 40,000 experience and points.

Unexpectedly, it was delivered to my door.

I can only smile and accept it.

With a thought, Luo Tian's powerful telepathy tore the dirty woman's head into pieces.


"You killed the Evolved Corpse King four times and gained +30,000 experience points."

"Get points +30000."


This is so cool!

It’s another big BOSS, and it looks like it’s the first kill, right?


The system beep sounded again.


"You kill the Evolved Corpse King four times for the first time and get a reward [unlocking the level 2 mall]."

Does this unlock the level 2 mall?

Luo Tian couldn't help but feel happy.

Whether it is the standard Elf leather armor of the Guards or the Elf tights of the servants, they can only withstand submachine gun fire.

In fact, the protective performance is still a bit low.

Especially after the second great evolution.

With the emergence of evolved zombies and evolved beasts, level 1 armor seems a bit embarrassing.

The performance of level 2 armor should be very strong, right?

Although the strength of the guards and servants is very strong.

But Luo Tian still wants to continue to strengthen them.

Because Luo Tian may leave Chengdu soon, in order to upgrade quickly, he needs more tool people.

But the forging speed at the Lucker Island Arsenal is too slow.

It's not a worker problem.

Rather, it is limited by the device.

Currently, there are only more than a hundred air hammers in the arsenal.

The weapons that can be forged are limited.

The mountain city 500 kilometers away next door is a quasi-first-tier heavy industry city.

There are many companies that need to use air hammers.

You can definitely get a lot of air hammers in major industrial areas in mountain cities.

Luo Tian decided to open a base there.

This will be a base focusing on the forging industry, and the weapons produced will be continuously distributed.

Although at the speed of Luo Tian's flight.

It takes less than an hour to travel between Rongcheng and Shancheng.

But not here most of the time.

Servants and personal guards will be the most powerful fighting force in Luhu.

Their strength is already very strong.

But the defense is still a bit weak.

In order to prevent possible dangers, it is necessary to equip level 2 armor.

Luo Tian also thought about establishing a harm transfer contract for them, but he gave up the idea.

Some abilities.

It can only be owned by oneself, which is a symbol of the status of the supreme ruler.

Don’t give it to others casually!

Luo Tian was not in a hurry to check what products were available in the level 2 mall.

Because after the dirty woman’s head exploded.

A black insect crawled out of his brain in panic.

It spreads its short legs.

Running madly towards the nearby crack in the ground.

I can't let you run away!

Forty thousand points!

Luo Tian stepped on it.

With a snap, the black bug turned into pulp.


"You killed ??? and gained +40,000 experience points."

"Earn points +40000."

Six insects died, five insects died, and the remaining ones were also controlled by themselves.

The bug problem is temporarily solved.

At least in the short term, there will be no more bugs in Chengdu.

at the same time.

As the parasite that lives in a dirty woman's brain dies.

The last 20,000 zombies lost control.

There was great confusion for a while.

All the zombies stopped running away and began to automatically attack the people around them.

Luo Tian was overjoyed.

If you don't run away, wouldn't it be equivalent to delivering food to my soldiers?

It seems that all the more than 20,000 zombies have to be accounted for here.

Luo Tian clicked on the headset.

"Guozhong, except for the Celestial Army who are on duty, all other soldiers went out to kill zombies.

"Yes, Master!"

At present, the total number of the Celestial Army is more than 500.

Including servants and personal guards, there were a total of 600 people.

Divide it evenly.

Each person cannot kill 50 zombies.

Of course, with the harvesting speed of the servants and personal guards, it is estimated that each of the Celestial Army soldiers would not be able to kill even 30 heads.

But this is a rare opportunity for group combat.

You can experience the cooperative combat capabilities of the Celestial Army.

At this time, Huang Feipeng and the other two teams came over.


Everyone knelt down in unison.

The people in Liuyin Temple also softened their feet and knelt down.

no way.

The aura is so strong that if anyone dares not to kneel down, the Celestial Army will probably tear that person apart.

"Holy Lord, we received an order from Commander Wei to go out and hunt down the zombies."

Luo Tian nodded.

"It was my order."

"You all get up."

At this time, Huang Feipeng suddenly thought of the little fat man.

"By the way, God."

"The news about today's corpse wave was first told to me by someone who escaped from Liuyin Temple.

"I'm afraid that the tide of corpses will threaten the safety of Luhu Lake."

"I temporarily incorporated these people into my team."

"One of them claimed to have had dinner with you.


Luo Tian suddenly became excited.

Are they friends from before the apocalypse?

At this time, the soldiers of the Celestial Army automatically stepped aside, and Huang Fei pointed at the little fat man.

"The Lord of Gods is this one."

Luo Tian glanced over.

Depend on!

A dark, fat little man.

It looks so round that it can roll away in the blink of an eye.

This guy is winking at Luo Tian.

"Oh it's you?"

The little fat man immediately nodded and bowed.

The doctor next to him suddenly said excitedly: "It's amazing!"

The word "brother" hasn't been uttered yet.

The little fat man covered the doctor's mouth.

"Hehe... God, we are really destined."

The little fat man said cheerfully.

But I was so excited that I changed my tune on the spot.


Such a powerful celestial army knelt down as soon as they saw Luo Tian. Naturally, the little fat man knew that things were different now.

If you call someone brother again, that is Tuoda.

You're just running around on the ground, but if you can have anything to do with someone who's flying in the sky, it's already a big deal.

I want to be on equal terms with others.

Only people like doctors who are stupid at reading can do it.

Luo Tian looked at the little fat man and was speechless.

Do you think you've had dinner with me?

Does eating zombie meat count as eating?


But looking at the little fat man’s appearance, it is indeed very festive.

People are also inspired.

There is no emotion of disgust in my heart.


Since we can meet again, 830 is indeed fate.

"Huang Feipeng, these two people do have some intersection with me.

"In a moment..."

Before Luo Tian finished speaking, the little fat man hurriedly said: "Honored God, we are both awakened ones."

Depend on!

So exciting.

Luo Tian rolled his eyes at the little fat man.

"Let's do this. Once the zombies are finished killing, take them to Wei Guozhong to report.

"Just say what I said."

"Incorporate the people from Liuyin Temple into a squad of the Celestial Army."

"The fat man is the squad leader, and the doctor is the deputy captain."

Luo Tian finished speaking.

A casual wave.

Sixteen sets of equipment fell out of the space ring.

Buckler with short sword.


The entire Liuyin Temple's eyes suddenly turned straight.

This is the artifact they dream of.

The god is so awesome.

A wave of the hand is a pile.

At this moment, everyone's understanding of Luo Tian has undergone earth-shaking changes.

It turns out that he can conjure these artifacts at will.

So strong!

"Don't forget to tell Wei Guozhong something."

"Although the people from Liuyin Temple have been incorporated."

"But there must be no shortage of procedures to follow under the sacred tree."

This is the rule.

What if there is someone here who is unfaithful to me?

Determined to be selected.

"Little fat man, take your people and pick up the equipment."

"Follow us and go out and kill the zombies."

The fifth update ends at 3:15 am, so it will be posted at 9:30 am. I hope you understand.

Cold coding is so slow.

The author does not owe updates!

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