The End of the World Is Deduced at the Beginning

Chapter 12: The All Shakes of the Summer Kingdom (14)

The heated discussion caused by the audience network is far faster than Jiang Yi imagined.

Or rather, he underestimated the spread effect of viewer content and dreamers.

That simple few fragments include countless places and characters in reality, and even people with a slightly insufficient IQ can guess that this is not a fake movie or the like.

No one......

In other words, it is not people who make these fragments at all, which can bring together high-ranking officials from all countries.

Naturally, Jiang Yi's role as an "observer" has become the object of everyone's attention.

At this time, he, like the officials of the Xia Kingdom at that time, felt that the existence of observers was almost a god.

"The observer ... What the hell is this existence..."

Xia Guo Imperial Capital

In the center of power that all officials are looking at, an old man in a Zhongshan suit sits on a chair and watches "Age of Warriors" in the audience.

He looked at himself in the video and only felt creepy.

Because he is very sure that his own words and deeds in the video are so consistent.

The terrain, the buildings, the personnel, even the most rigorous schedule, did not go wrong.

Seems...... It's really another world's self.

"Did you find out?" , The old man turned his head to look at the personal guard beside him.

"I'm sorry chief," the middle-aged man in a guard suit shook his head, "no matter how much the technicians checked, they couldn't find out the specific information of this website, and they couldn't even force it down." ”

"From the current situation, if you want to stop the spread of websites, you can only block the national network signal."

The old man was not too surprised by this result.

Rather, in the face of a mysterious existence like an observer, what Xia Guo can find out is really strange.

"Have the people and materials in the video been verified?" , the old man spoke again.

This time, the guard no longer showed his head, but took out a stack of materials, and replied while flipping through it:

"The citizens of Xia Guo who appeared in the video have all been registered, and all the talents involved in gene medicine research have been protected, and all the outstanding talents from overseas will be brought back to China as soon as they receive the news."

"As for the existence of the wilderness, we are still searching."

After hearing this, the old man nodded slightly, narrowed his eyes, and fell into solitary contemplation.

If everything in the audience network is true, then where did the audience network come from and for what purpose?

Observer? Audience Network?

If there is no connection between the two, the old man will never believe it.

"Could it be... Is it that His Majesty feels that it is too boring to observe the development of human beings only by himself, so let the humans of this world watch together, which adds a little interest? ”

The old man speculated, or so everyone guessed.

With mortal thinking and logic, try to figure out as much as possible the observer who is most likely a god.

"However, instead of figuring out the intentions of that crowned person, the current urgency is to watch out for the arrival of meteorites...", the old man suddenly showed a wry smile.

If the meteorite really falls on Blue Star, with the current level of technology of Blue Star humans, it is impossible to intercept it successfully.

It can only be like the Xia Kingdom government in the warrior era, building a large number of underground fortresses in advance.

The old man let out a long sigh and suddenly felt quite a headache.

All in all, if you are cautious and cautious, you will never be wrong.

"Chief, although we can't turn off the audience network, we can block and delete the relevant discussions and turmoil, do you want to...", the guard next to him suddenly asked.

But the old man just shook his head calmly.

"No need, no matter how closed this kind of thing is, it can't be completely blocked, maybe it will be ridiculed by people in other countries to close the country, not to mention..."

The old man paused for a moment and continued in a meaningful tone: "That observer has set up a special audience network, but we deliberately blocked the news, maybe it will anger him. ”

The guard subconsciously shivered.

Take the initiative to anger a suspected god? That's not very sane.

"Keep an eye on other countries, reduce the volume of export trade, and increase the import of basic materials," the old man stood up and looked out the window, "This world is about to change." ”


Within 24 hours of Jiang Yi's cultivation of the Body Forging Technique, the storm caused by the audience network and the dreamer quickly spread throughout the Xia Kingdom.

Even people on the Internet have noticed this mediocre little website.

The oppressive storm shrouded the territory of Xia Kingdom, and even gradually spread to the whole world, only waiting for Jiang Yi's next move to detonate it.


Exhaling a breath of heat, Jiang Yi stood up from the rental house, and the moment he opened his eyes, it seemed that two rays of essence shot out.

After a little look at the system panel, he understood the current development of the audience network.

"Has the official noticed, but it is much faster than expected."

Jiang Yi muttered, but he did not plan to make the next move yet, and only after waiting for the existence of the audience network to continue fermenting for a period of time was the best time to release the diluted virus.

"System, select the initial file to load directly."

[The archive is loaded successfully, start to continue the deduction]

With the familiar system prompt, the scene in front of Jiang Yi changed into a familiar deduction world again, but the bustling city before the meteorite fell.

The corners of Jiang Yi's mouth rose slightly, in a sense, this is the starting place of dreams.

"This time I have to make two preparations...", Jiang Yi said, and two vials of gene potion type III appeared in his hands.

One of the bottles, he planned to give directly to the young man's wilderness, so that this Martial Ancestor directly had the physical qualities of adulthood.

The other bottle was handed over to the old man of Xia Guo and asked him to send someone to study.

"It's an exciting development," Jiang Yi said with a smile.

It is foreseeable that this deduction will usher in an unprecedented height. *

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