The End of the World Is Deduced at the Beginning

Chapter 13: Waste: I Want to Give the Gene Elixir to the Country (part 2 of 4)

From the beginning, Jiang Yi understood.

If you want to break the ending of the evolutionary frenzy and avoid Blue Star being used as a farm, you can only start from the barren body.

The speed of human technology and global evolution is very fast, but no matter how fast it is, there is an upper limit, a so-called threshold.

Only the BUG-level genius of Ara can surprise Jiang Yi again and again.

"Waste, let me see, what height you have grown."

Jiang Yi's figure suddenly disappeared in place, and when it reappeared, it was already above a small city in Xia Kingdom.

[Ara lost his parents at a young age and was taken into an inconspicuous orphanage, even though the environment in which he lived was very difficult since childhood, Arashi's character is still very pure and resolute]

[Golden scales are things in the pool, and they turn into dragons when they meet the storm]

Jiang Yi raised his eyebrows, good guy, the system is directly designated as the son of luck.

But yes, if it weren't for the son of luck, how could he become the martial ancestor of mankind.

"Accept your power, Arashi."

Jiang Yi pointed to the young wilderness in the orphanage, instilled all the memories belonging to the barren in the "warrior era", and left him two bottles of genetic potion type III.

Yes, just two bottles.

An idea popped into Jiang Yi's mind, what would he do if he let Ara hold the remaining two bottles of genetic potions?

It's a bottle for yourself, a bottle for the country;

Or two bottles alone?

"That's why I said that observing humans is a very interesting thing," Jiang Yi's mouth raised slightly.

While instilling memories, Jiang Yi also deliberately influenced Arashi's cognition.

The importance of the forging method is infinitely magnified.

After doing all this, Jiang Yi sits high above the sky dome, overlooking the changing world.


Two hours later.

Inside the orphanage, Barren opened his tired eyes, restrained with the calm and vicissitudes that a teenager should not have.

He looked at his surroundings and looked down at his hands again.


"It's really a dream that is so real that it can't be faulty, is it Zhuang Zhou Mengyu or Yumeng Zhuang Zhou..."

Recalling the end of his death in the dream, Ara took a deep breath, as if he wanted to spit out all the regrets in his body.

Sitting up from bed, Ara is ready to get out of bed and start the day.

His right hand accidentally touched an object, and the touch was both familiar and unfamiliar.

"This is !!!"

Arashi's expression changed, and he held the test tube of the gene potion tightly in his hand and looked it up and down.

There is no mistake, this magnificent scarlet liquid and familiar shape, there is no doubt that this is the genetic potion in dreams.

And it is a gene agent type III!

"Could it be... Am I born again? The boy's look of amarana was shocked, but then he became calm.

In just a moment, he thought of many reasons, maybe accidents, or maybe the mercy of the gods, but it was clear that he had been born again.

And it is a return to the past with the precious genetic agent type III.

After thinking solemnly for a few minutes, Ara finally took action.

He first took a bottle of genetic potion, pulled out the cork, took a deep breath and drank the liquid in it, his eyes revealing determination.

As soon as it was swallowed in the abdomen, a familiar sharp pain spread throughout the body.

"As long as I survive the strengthening of the genetic potion, with my skills, I can unknowingly approach the supreme chief and announce the meteorite crisis and the arrival of the evolutionary virus in advance!"

"This Xia Kingdom, I will protect it!"

Arashi's whole body was trembling with severe pain, and a large amount of cold sweat appeared on his forehead, but he did not say a word.

Compared to the physical pain, he was even more reluctant to see the fall of Xia Guo.

"It's a ruthless man."

In a place where the wilderness was imperceptible, Jiang Yi watched the young Martial Ancestor's actions the whole time.

Rao is Jiang Yi, who has seen many thrilling pictures, and is amazed at Arashi's direct action of taking gene potion type III.

If a second-order martial artist takes a gene potion type III, there is naturally no problem, but if you take it with an ordinary ordinary human body, you may accidentally explode your flesh and blood.

[Just when the host marveled at the strength of the wilderness, time passed at a rapid speed, and soon, the physical potential was completely exploited by the three generations of genetic medicine, and he broke through to become the only warrior in the world today]

[Ara rushed to the imperial capital of the Xia Kingdom as quickly as possible, and after two days of reconnaissance, he finally chose the best time and decided to infiltrate the Heavenly Dragon Pavilion of the imperial capital]

The voice of the system fell, and the picture in front of Jiang Yi's eyes also changed.

The prosperous city that was still in the daytime just now suddenly turned into the starry midnight, and from the remote town to the imperial capital of the Xia Kingdom.

Under Jiang Yi's gaze, the barren figure dressed in black was extremely fast, moving back and forth at an astonishing speed, shuttling into the Heavenly Dragon Pavilion, the highest authority in the imperial capital.

For him, the only warrior in the world, the so-called strict defense is just a child's play.

"Not bad, not bad, worthy of the chief's guard company, the quality of these people is very good, at least they can become second-order warriors."

Ara walked through the security with ease while commenting on the physical fitness of the guards.

It didn't take long for him to see the target of his trip—the Heavenly Dragon Pavilion, the old man's permanent residence.

When the desert entered quietly, the old man had not yet fallen asleep, and he sat behind his desk and muttered to himself, as if he was chanting how to make Xia Guo stronger.

It wasn't until he looked up and saw the figure of Ara that the old man's expression changed color slightly, and he put down the book in his hand.

Very strange, obviously it was the first time to meet, but the old man had a sense of familiarity.

It was as if he had known the teenager in front of him a long time ago.

(Goo, I can tell you that the deduction is my friend's work, I can say what you want to spray)*

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