After listening to Zhao Lina's words, Zhou Qiuping showed a surprised expression on her face and asked:

"Is he really that powerful?"

"Yeah, everything I said is true. Last night I ate food in advance before talking to him. I was almost exhausted to death, so I left food for you to eat. I'm really afraid of you tonight. You'll be tortured to death!" Zhao Lina nodded and said.

After listening to Zhao Lina's words, Zhou Qiuping's face showed a look of fear and expectation.

the other side.

Liu Yang is deducing what will happen in the future.

Today he plans to clear out all the zombies in the entire villa area.

Yesterday, most of them were killed while searching for survivors. What we need to do now is to kill the scattered zombies wandering in every corner of the villa area.

In that case, the entire villa area would be completely cleared and turned into a safe zone.

Then his woman can move around as she pleases.

The facilities in the villa area are all extremely high-end, including a stadium, swimming pool, gym, and various sports equipment.

There is a huge artificial lake in the middle of the community, where you can put boats and fish.

Once this place is cleared, you can fully enjoy the convenience brought by the entire villa area and do whatever you want in the villa area.

After wandering around the villa area for a while, Liu Yang found no zombies yet.

After all, the entire villa area is vast and sparsely populated. Moreover, Liu Yang killed a large part of the survivors while rescuing them, and now there were not many scattered zombies left wandering around.

The zombies in the 10 high-rise residential buildings are all trapped inside by Liu Yang and cannot get out.

After wandering around for a few minutes, the first zombie finally appeared.

Liu Yang's physical fitness at this time has reached more than twice that of ordinary people.

He didn't use any superpowers and rushed towards the zombie with his axe, easily killing him.

The fire ax struck into the opponent's brain and got stuck in the skull.

Liu Yang stepped on the zombie's head, and then pulled out the ax with force.

Liu Yang shook his head and said:

"Although every blow of the fire ax is a heavy blow and can even break armor, unfortunately it is not sharp enough. The ax head is too thick and easily gets stuck in the bones. It takes time to pull it out, which greatly reduces my efficiency."

Now Liu Yang's basic attributes have exceeded twice that of ordinary humans.

His melee combat ability is very strong. Even without using superpowers, he can kill dozens of zombies by himself.

It's a pity that the weapon is too stretched on the crotch, so I can't hit continuously.

Every time you chop a zombie, it may get stuck on the other person's head.

Then you have to work hard to pull it out.

If there are many zombies, this delay may put you in danger.

"It would be great if you could give me a good weapon. That way, even if I am surrounded by 100 zombies, I won't panic!"

Although Liu Yang thought so in his heart, he did not stop and continued to kill zombies with his axe.

In less than an hour, all the zombies in the entire villa area were killed by Liu Yang.

The reason why it was able to be cleaned up so quickly was because Liu Yang used to be a security guard here and was very familiar with this community, and the other was because the villa area was vast and sparsely populated.

As for the ten high-rise residential buildings in the high-rise residential area, the doors have been locked by him, and the zombies inside cannot get out.

After all the zombies were killed, Liu Yang passed by a high-rise residential area and heard the door of one of the high-rise residential areas banging.

He walked over and took a look.

It was discovered that it was a zombie, banging its head against the iron door.

The loud noise also attracted other zombies.

Dozens of zombies surrounded the iron gate, blocking the entire iron gate.

When the zombies saw Liu Yang through the hollow iron door, they banged on the door even more crazily.

At the same time, he kept roaring from his mouth.

Some zombies even bit the iron door directly with their teeth, and then knocked out all their teeth without stopping.

The scene was very crazy.

But Liu Yang was not afraid and was very calm. Now this kind of ordinary zombies pose no danger to him at all. Even if there is no iron gate to block it, dozens of zombies inside will all rush out. Liu Yang can also kill them all effortlessly.

However, this phenomenon still caused him to think.

"Under normal circumstances, when I close the iron door, these zombies can't see any living people, so they shouldn't attack. But now zombies have begun to attack the iron door for no reason. This means that the zombie knows that this iron door The door is the key to getting out. Their level of intelligence is getting higher and higher."

Originally, Liu Yang didn't want to deal with high-rise residential buildings.

His initial plan was to lock all the doors of 10 high-rise residential buildings and let the zombies inside fend for themselves.

But now this method seems to be a bit ineffective.

As the wisdom of the zombies increases, the door may eventually be destroyed, and then all the zombies inside will pour out. It will be troublesome then.

The villa area is indeed sparsely populated, but the high-rise residential area is densely populated.

Each high-rise residential building houses at least hundreds of households.

The 10 buildings together house at least nearly 10,000 people.

There are at least thousands of people who have turned into zombies.

If all these thousands of zombies came out, even though Liu Yang's strength had been strengthened, he didn't think he would be able to kill them all.

So we still have to find a way to completely get rid of the zombies in high-rise residences.

"Roar!!!" At this moment, a strong zombie suddenly crashed into the iron door.

He roared at Liu Yang.

At the same time, his eyes were full of madness, and he wanted to rush out immediately and eat Liu Yang.


Their IQ is still not enough.

Can't even open the door.

But in a few days, maybe.

"Damn, you scared me!" Liu Yang cursed and shot the strong zombie in the head with an ice needle.

Then he walked to a luxury car parked outside the villa, took out a basin from his dark space, then drained the gas from the luxury car's fuel tank and caught it in the basin.

After filling a basin, Liu Yang took the basin of gasoline and poured it directly on the zombies through the door. In an instant, the zombies were covered with gasoline.

Liu Yang took out a lighter and lit the gas.


The raging fire burned instantly.

Those zombies didn't know pain, and they still had crazy looks on their faces.

Constantly banging against the iron doors, the flames quickly engulfed them and spread to the upper floors. Soon the building was on fire.

"The effect is good. In less than a day, the entire building will be burned out, and all the zombies inside will be burned to coke. It seems that we have to burn down all 10 buildings and kill all the zombies inside. Otherwise, it will be easy. As their wisdom deepens, they may be able to break through the iron gate directly."

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