Liu Yang then used this method to set all nine other buildings on fire.

The fire was burning brightly.

10 high-rise residential buildings were burned to pieces.

At this moment, a survivor jumped from the top floor of one of the high-rise buildings and fell to the ground with a loud "pop", causing his brains to splash everywhere.

Watching this scene, Liu Yang was a little surprised.

Unexpectedly, there are survivors in high-rise residential buildings?

Being besieged by zombies for several days and surviving tenaciously, he finally committed suicide by jumping off a building due to a fire?

Liu Yang's eyes were neither moved nor remorseful.

When they were trapped in the residential building, their lives had already entered a countdown, and they were just hanging on. Starvation would be a matter of time, and they would never be able to break out.

The end result is just to starve to death, or to be bitten to death by zombies in addition to looking for food.

I lit a fire and forced them to jump off the building, but it allowed them to escape early.

What a great merit.

As the fire burned, Liu Yang also received a prompt from the system.

"Congratulations to the host. Currently, I have attacked and killed 6,600 zombies and gained 660 attribute points!"

Upon receiving this prompt, Liu Yang was suddenly pleasantly surprised.

Already killed more than 6,000 zombies?

He killed less than three hundred zombies in the villa area! After burning down the residential buildings, the number reached 6,600.

In other words, there are more than 6,000 zombies in the residential building!

660 attribute points can increase the 4 basic attributes by an average of 660÷4=165 points.

This directly doubled his attribute points!

You know, he got a three-kill reward and all his attributes were increased by 30, and he got a five-kill reward and all his attributes were increased by 50. All kinds of rewards, combined, increased his attribute points to 160.

But burning 10 residential buildings can actually increase the number by 165!

If all are added successfully, your four-dimensional attributes can reach 325!

This is already 6.5 times the 50 points of an ordinary human being!

What is this concept?

It takes an ordinary person 12 seconds to run 100 meters, but Liu Yang only needs less than two seconds!

Simply a true superman!

He chose to add attributes without hesitation.

"Tip: Congratulations on successfully adding the host's attribute points!"

"Current attributes: Strength 325, Speed ​​325, Physical strength 325, Spirit 325!"

Seeing this prompt, Liu Yang clenched his fists and felt full of strength.

He felt that with his current strength, even without using super powers, he could hit a zombie in the head with just one punch!

Just by setting a fire, I got so many attribute points. Such a reward is so cool.

Liu Yang thought in his heart:

"It seems I have to kill more zombies! Kill 10 zombies and get some attribute points. Such a reward is really tempting!"

"The university is very close to the villa area. There is only a wall between them. You can get in by climbing over the wall. This is why many rich second generations live in this villa area. It seems that I will go over the wall to enter the school next to see if I can give the school some help. Put some fire too!

By the way, raid the school canteen and canteen and take all the food for yourself! "

Liu Yang killed more than 6,000 zombies in 10 high-rise residential buildings.

This made Liu Yang very excited.

There are about 30,000 students in the university.

Except for the rich second generation who can rent a house outside, most students stay in school.

It happened to be a weekend morning when the disaster broke out.

Many students may still be sleeping in in the dormitory building and haven't gotten up yet.

This also shows that the zombies in the school are mainly concentrated in 10 dormitories.

There are 5 male dormitories and 5 female dormitories.

If we burn down these 10 dormitories, we might be able to kill 20,000 zombies!

Wouldn't it be possible to get two thousand attribute points by then?

When he thought of this, Liu Yang couldn't help but get excited.

So Liu Yang started the next future deduction.


He came to the side of the wall.

There is only one wall separated from the school.

Liu Yang squatted down, jumped hard, and jumped over the three-meter-high wall, landing smoothly inside the school.

There happened to be a few zombies next to him. When they saw Liu Yang landing, they instantly showed an excited expression and pounced on him crazily.

Liu Yang picked up the fire axe, one ax at a time.

Kill the zombies in seconds.

Then he started rushing towards the school cafeteria.

When we came to the school cafeteria, there were no students in the cafeteria because it was not meal time when the zombies broke out. Only some staff turned into zombies, only a few dozen in number. Liu Yang picked up the ax and quickly killed all the zombies. Got rid of it.

Then we came to the kitchen and warehouse of the canteen.

Seeing the grain in the warehouse, Liu Yang suddenly became excited.

"What a guy! There are more than 50 bags of 50 kilograms of rice and flour each! Take them all away!"

"There are more than a dozen barrels of cooking oil in a 10-liter barrel? Take them all away!"

"A bunch of fruits and vegetables? Take them all away!"

"All kinds of fresh meat, deli and braised meat? Take them all away!"

"Induction cooker, gas stove, gas tank? Take them all away! Maybe you can use the gas tank to fry zombies if necessary!"

Liu Yang just ransacked the school cafeteria. Anyway, he had a large dark space.

Useful and useless things were all taken away.

It may not be useful now, but what if it is useful in the future?

After cleaning up the canteen, he came to the canteen again.

The canteen has a lot of packaged food, bread, sausages, biscuits, vacuum chicken legs, milk drinks and the like.

Liu Yang also took them all into his own space.

This much food is enough for him, Su Xiao and others to live for several years!

After doing all this, he left here.

Prepare to go to the dormitory buildings and burn down all 10 dormitory buildings.

Before entering the school, he filled a lot of gasoline in a bottle and placed it in his own space.

All you need to do is come to the dormitory building and pour gasoline.

Just when Liu Yang was about to go to the dormitory building, he passed by the infirmary and found several zombies wandering outside the infirmary. One of them kept banging his head against the door of the infirmary.

Liu Yang had his brows done, which was obviously a problem.

Zombies generally only bang their heads on doors when they want to attack survivors.

And only zombies with a little bit of intelligence would headbutt them.

The wooden door of the infirmary has been cracked by the impact. If it continues to be knocked, it will probably be broken.

When the zombies saw Liu Yang appear, they immediately focused on him and then rushed over.

Liu Yang did not hesitate to strike at the zombies with his axe.

Five zombies were killed quickly.

Liu Yang approached the window of the infirmary and checked.

Sure enough, there was a female student inside who was trembling with fear!

Liu Yang opened the door directly and walked in.

When the woman saw Liu Yang coming in, a frightened expression appeared on her face.

Huddled in the corner.

Liu Yang said to her:

"Don't be afraid, I'm not a zombie. I can take you to a safe place, follow me."

"Are you...are you from the rescue team? Are you here to rescue us?" When the girl saw Liu Yang arriving, she had a hopeful expression on her face.

"No, I'm just here for food. But I don't care if I save you by the way." Liu Yang said.

The hope on the girl's face suddenly dimmed.

Seeing her disappointed face, Liu Yang said, "I have food."

As soon as she heard these words, hope shone in her eyes again.

Liu Yang also feels very lucky.

He originally came to school to burn down the dormitory building and get more attribute points, but he didn't expect to miss it and meet a beautiful woman.

This is an unexpected bonus!

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