The second-level black-haired rat king screamed, and the remaining ten or so first-level mutant rats in the field immediately screamed in unison, clawing at the ground with their four legs and rushing straight towards the zombies.

The rat king used all four legs to jump down directly from the roof of a building more than ten meters high. His sharp claws directly penetrated a copper-armored corpse, and his big mouth opened, and the four upper and lower fangs instantly bit through the head of the copper-armored corpse.

A creepy chewing sound came, and the head of the copper-armored corpse was splattered with red and white things, and was bitten open by the second-level rat king.



"This is...too strong!"

"I'm emo, is this still a rat? Tigers are not as strong as it!"

It is obvious that Wang Mingyang is not the only one who is still secretly watching this melee. The low cries mixed in the roars of mutant rats and zombies are all brave survivors without exception.

Wang Mingyang was also shocked. In his previous life, he had killed mutant rats before. Although his highest level was only level 5, because his superpowers were too useless, he spent more energy on tempering his own body.

In terms of close combat ability, many level 6 or even level 7 non-enhancement and transformation superpowers are not his opponents.

But as for the mutant rat king in front of him, Wang Mingyang knew very well that he could definitely deliver food in close combat at this moment, and the rat king might even give him a five-star praise.

With the participation of the rat king, the battle in the field became one-sided. The first-level zombies were killed one after another, and the second-level rat king kept gnawing on the heads of these evolved zombies.

It seems that this mutant rat king knew very well that there were things in the heads of these first-level zombies that would help it greatly. It didn't touch any other ordinary zombies.

Wang Mingyang was a little confused. Could it be that this second-level rat king actually knew that crystal cores would appear in the brains of first-level zombies?

If the facts are as he guessed, then the purpose of this second-level rat king in launching this rat tide to fight the zombies is obviously somewhat clear.

Thinking about it carefully, the wisdom of this second-level mutant rat king is obviously beyond Wang Mingyang's imagination.

It's terrifying to think about it...

On the second day of the apocalypse, a very intelligent mutant creature appeared in front of Wang Mingyang.

Is this still the apocalypse he is familiar with?

Looking up at the bright moon hanging high in the sky, the faint blood light around the bright moon makes him feel extremely absurd.

"Is it an illusion, or has this apocalypse changed?!" Wang Mingyang couldn't help muttering to himself, and a chill suddenly rose in his heart.

All along, he has been extremely confident in his future after his rebirth, but everything that happened before his eyes made him unable to tell whether this was the original plot or a change due to his rebirth.

At this moment, the mutant rat king in the field has killed the fourth first-level zombie.

Wang Mingyang, who had sharp eyes, suddenly saw a faint golden luster flashing in the head of the bronze-armored corpse that the second-level mutant rat king was gnawing at two hundred meters away under the moonlight.

"Golden crystal core!"

Looking intently, Wang Mingyang confirmed the luster again, and a huge wave of shock rose in his heart. It was indeed a golden crystal core.

In the previous life, the crystal core bred in the brain of the bronze-armored corpse was indeed a golden crystal core with a faint golden hue.

Among the elemental crystal cores, the fire system is red, the water system is dark blue, the wood system is dark green, the earth system is brown, and the gold system is light gold.

The thunder system is purple, the wind system is sky blue, the light system is pure white, and the dark system is pure black.

There are also blood red for the blood system, dark green for the poison system, and so on. Crystal cores of various colors correspond to different abilities.

Although the bronze-armored corpse is a strengthening zombie, it is also a golden evolved creature with a pale golden crystal core.

However, the ability of the bronze-armored corpse is more to use gold energy to strengthen the body's defense, rather than being able to control metal like Wang Mingyang.

Wang Mingyang clearly felt that this second-level mutant rat king showed a look of joy and pleasure when he gnawed on this gold crystal core.

"This is really a ghost!"

"Can a second-level mutant creature have this kind of wisdom?!"

Wang Mingyang even suspected that this mutant rat king definitely did not become smart after becoming second-level, but must have had a certain amount of wisdom before that.

Otherwise, it would be impossible to launch this rat tide on the second day of the apocalypse, as if raising so many first-level zombies for it to harvest crystal cores.

Originally, Wang Mingyang wanted to take advantage of the chaos to sneak attack this mutant rat king to see if he could get a second-level crystal core on the second day of the apocalypse.

But now it seems that this black-haired rat is obviously not an object that can be easily provoked.

After thinking about all this, Wang Mingyang suddenly became a little scared.

Even with two major superpowers, he didn't think he had much chance of winning.

Such a smart mouse is too scary!

I can't afford to offend it, I can't afford to offend it at all!

It's better to be a little bit cowardly and slowly develop.

After rebirth, Wang Mingyang has the Zhutian Reading System. As long as he is given a little time and extracts a few more powerful superpowers, even if he faces this smart and scary black-haired mouse again, Wang Mingyang believes that he can definitely handle it.

Wang Mingyang decided to hide. It's not wrong to be cowardly, but it's just from the heart.

The dozen or so first-level mutant rats left before attacked the ordinary corpse group, but they were also surrounded and killed by the dense ordinary zombies, so two or three first-level zombies were created.

The mutant rat king crushed the corpse group, and only four of the dozen first-level zombies were left, two bronze-armored zombies, a hunter and a giant zombie were still resisting.

But the mutant rat king was also injured. The claws of the hunter were so sharp that even the tough fur of the rat king could not completely block them. Although the giant zombies moved slowly, they occasionally hit the rat king, and the huge force could damage its internal organs.

The mutant rat king ran quickly and bit the hunter's head. When his body stopped, he was kicked more than ten meters away by the giant zombies and crashed directly into a house less than fifty meters away from Su Yu's small building.

A scream came from the house. The mutant rat king shook his head, chewing the hunter's head in his mouth, and climbed out of the house leisurely.

"Cao Jing! Take advantage of this moment, control it!"

A roar came from upstairs. Zheng Hong's tall figure wrapped in rock armor jumped down from the rooftop and smashed directly at the mutant rat king who was a little dazed.

Cao Jing's figure also appeared on the rooftop. As his hands waved, a stream of water quickly wrapped around the mutant rat king's body and tightly bound its limbs.

The mutant rat king was startled by the sudden attack. His head was wrapped in a water ball, and a string of bubbles floated up. He couldn't get out for a while.

The next moment, Zheng Hong, wearing rock armor, hit the mutant rat king's back heavily, making a sound of bone breaking.

"Go to hell!"

Zheng Hong rolled to the ground, condensed a stone spear in his hand, raised his hands high, and stabbed the mutant rat king trapped by the water chain fiercely.

"Too tender..."

The sudden appearance of Zheng Hong and Cao Jing also scared Wang Mingyang. The cooperation between the two was really great at the beginning, but Zheng Hong wanted to attack again as soon as he landed.

This made Wang Mingyang shake his head. If this second-level mutant rat king was so easy to deal with, he would have gone up long ago, and why would he squat on the rooftop and dare not move at all.

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