Sure enough, the next second, the black steel needles in the sky exploded with the mutant rat king as the center.

"Rainstorm pear blossom needles..."

Wang Mingyang remembered this move, which can be said to be the signature skill of the second and third level mutant rats. The long hair as hard as steel can be actively shot out, which is very lethal.

Because it is very similar to the legendary king of hidden weapons - rainstorm pear blossom needles, this move is also called this by the survivors.

The water chain broke inch by inch and turned into a pool of water stains. Cao Jing, whose superpower was broken upstairs, groaned as if struck by lightning. This water chain superpower seemed to be closely connected with his mental power.

When the water chain was broken, Cao Jing suffered the backlash immediately. His face turned pale, his hands trembled, and his body was shaky.

Before Zheng Hong's stone spear was stabbed down, countless black steel hairs shot towards him, frightening him so much that he immediately rolled over, and the rock armor on his body was splashed with stone chips.

Several puffs sounded, and even though Zheng Hong dodged in time, several steel hairs still pierced his body, and blood immediately flowed out of the rock armor.

The mutant rat king screamed with anger, and without the water chain to restrain its body, it shook all over, and splashed water.

The mutant rat king pushed the ground with all its four feet, and rushed forward rapidly, heading straight for Zheng Hong who had rolled several meters away.

"Brother Hong! Be careful!"

Cao Jing upstairs watched the mutant rat king rushing towards Zheng Hong, exclaiming.

Zheng Hong rolled to his side again after hearing the words, and the whistling sound passed by. The mutant rat king's sharp teeth took away a piece of stone armor on his shoulder, and Zheng Hong's body was knocked flying and smashed directly into the residential building on the first floor.

The mutant rat king braked on all four feet, turned around quickly and wanted to pounce on Zheng Hong again, but was greeted by a huge fist, which was the giant zombie that was striding over.

The remaining two bronze-armored zombies also surrounded them. The zombies had no wisdom, but the mutant rat king jumping around in front of them completely attracted the firepower of the zombies and became the only target of these first-level zombies.

The mutant rat king was entangled by three first-level zombies, roaring angrily, but he didn't care about Zheng Hong anymore.

It did have wisdom, but it was obvious that the animal instinct was still driving him. He only cared about biting the first-level zombies in front of him and completely gave up Zheng Hong who was out of sight.

Zheng Hong climbed up from a pile of broken bricks. His rock armor had already shattered. He covered his chest and coughed repeatedly, but he didn't dare to delay any longer. He quickly struggled to get up and ran upstairs.

"Tsk tsk... This kid is really lucky. He was saved by a zombie!"

Wang Mingyang, who was hiding and watching the show, couldn't help but touch his chin and said with a tsk tsk. While sighing at Zheng Hong's good luck, he watched the melee between the mutant rat king and the first-level zombies not far away.

As the battle intensified, the mutant rat king seemed to be injured by Zheng Hong's blow just now, and his body was a little uncoordinated when dodging.

The giant zombie was too big, and with the help of two bronze-armored zombies, even the mutant rat king couldn't take it down for a while.

Seeing the zombies surrounding him, the few remaining first-level mutant rats were also wounded. The mutant rat king's bloody eyes turned and screamed.

The few first-level mutant rats that were still fighting in the zombies quickly turned around and ran towards the field.

"Huh? The rat king wants to leave?" Wang Mingyang was refreshed and stood up.

This mutant rat king obviously wanted to leave. It had swallowed more than ten first-level zombies before and was also injured.

In addition, Zheng Hong's condescending blow seemed to injure his spine. At this moment, the three first-level zombies joined together, and the strength and size of the giant zombie were still a threat to it.

With the wisdom of the mutant rat king, this wave of rat tide raising Gu has benefited a lot, and it doesn't make much sense to continue.

But Wang Mingyang was attracted by its second-order crystal core. Seven days after the apocalypse, all organisms above the third order will have crystal cores, and second-order organisms are also likely to have crystal cores.

Based on the performance of this mutant rat king, Wang Mingyang felt that it should have a second-order crystal core.

Looking around the rooftop, Wang Mingyang retreated a few meters, accelerated his run-up and jumped towards the opposite rooftop.

After jumping over two rooftops in a row, Wang Mingyang quickly approached the battle circle of the mutant rat king and the first-order zombies. Lying on the rooftop and looking down, the mutant rat king's body, like a plucked chicken, suddenly appeared downstairs.

The sparse hair hung on his body, and the rain of pear blossom needles was a one-time move. It was impossible to use it again before the hair grew back.

This mutant rat king actually did not have much combat experience, otherwise he would not have shot out all the hair on his body in a hurry.

Cao Jing's water chain looks powerful, but in fact, its binding force is limited. With less than the first-level strength, it can only hold the second-level mutant rat king for a second second at most.

Suddenly, the mutant rat king swept away two bronze-armored corpses with one claw, and his flexible body kicked the giant zombie's chest fiercely, trying to take advantage of the momentum to run to the roof.

Wang Mingyang's eyes lit up, and without thinking, he shot out dozens of steel needles that had been prepared around him.

The sharp steel needles whizzed down and stabbed the mutant rat king jumping in the air.

The mutant rat king screamed violently, curled up into a ball, and the steel needles pierced his back.

I'm afraid that the mutant rat king would never think that it had shot someone in the face a few minutes ago.

A few minutes later, hehe, it was shot in the back by someone else...

The sudden attack directly knocked the rat king to the ground, and it was basically impossible to leave the roof.

The mutant rat king endured the severe pain, raised his head and screamed angrily at Wang Mingyang, supported himself on all fours, turned around and knocked away several zombies, and rushed out.

"Uh...really running?!"

Wang Mingyang was stunned for a moment. This mutant rat king didn't care at all and turned around and ran, which made him a little dumbfounded.

Responding quickly, Wang Mingyang flicked his finger, and a black line appeared at the fingertips, shooting towards the running mutant rat king in the moonlight.

As if aware of the huge threat coming from behind, the mutant rat king suddenly moved to the left, and the black line instantly crossed its shoulder, and a large piece of flesh and blood stayed in the air.

The next second, the flesh and blood fell to the ground, and the mutant rat king's shoulder suddenly lost a piece, and blood immediately sprayed out.


The mutant rat king screamed, but continued to run without looking back, followed by a dense group of zombies.

Wang Mingyang secretly said it was a pity, the distance of space cutting was limited, if he hadn't crossed the rooftop to get close, he would have had no way to attack this mutant rat king.

Looking down at the three first-level zombies downstairs, Wang Mingyang's eyes turned, and just as he was about to control the steel needle to shoot at the three zombies, he suddenly found that there was no place around him.

"Fuck! My needle was taken away by that rat!"

Wang Mingyang was stunned for a moment. What the hell, is this a bare-handed takeover?

"Dead rat, you ran away, and you took away the guy I was eating with. It's too much!"

Complaints aside, without the steel needle, the space cutting can still be used. Wang Mingyang flicked his fingers, and three black lines crossed the necks of the three zombies in succession.

Even the super strong defense of the copper-armored corpse could not resist the black line that could cut the space, and the head slid straight down.

The snipe and the clam fight, and the fisherman benefits.

I got some, but it's really not much...

I can be regarded as half a fisherman!

In the end, I got three first-level zombies, but whether I can get anything depends on my luck.

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