The killer whale is not only strong in strength, but also fast in speed.

Although Ao Xin only killed the water monster that besieged him for a moment, the killer whale finally seized the opportunity and bit his neck with its sharp teeth.

There is no way to dodge!

Since there is no way to dodge, then don't dodge!

Qinglong lowered his head and used his dragon horn to face the killer whale head-on.

The dragon horn was hardened by the armed color and hit the killer whale's sharp teeth.

The water flow was swept away by their attack. The teeth of this killer whale were even harder than weapons of the good knife level!

His strength was not as good as the killer whale, and he was repelled by the collision.

But he raised his head and touched it again. Naturally, the killer whale was not willing to be outdone and also fought with him.

Although this foolish man was strong, he did not know how to change. Seeing that this sea snake-like creature that he had never seen before dared to fight with him, the killer whale would kill it with absolute strength!

But Ao Xin's purpose was not to wrestle with it.

After the two sides had clashed like this for dozens of times, even this sea king killer whale thought that Qinglong wanted to fight him.

Suddenly, the Azure Dragon that rushed over suddenly became smaller.

Ao Xin, who had transformed into a human-beast form, stepped into the water.

At the same time, he used the Moon Step and the Shaving technique.

His human-beast form did not have the agile underwater posture of the Azure Dragon.

But with this drop of silver liquid, his swimming ability would be greatly improved even if he went into the sea in human-beast form!

The Moon Step that could even step on the air was like a flat bottom when stepping on the water. He jumped into the killer whale's mouth in an instant.

The killer whale was shocked. How could the sea snake that was as long as himself suddenly become smaller?

He had seen humans, but this thing did not look like humans.

Ao Xin looked so small in the mouth of the hundred-meter-long killer whale.

But this was exactly his plan!

"If we can't break through the defense from the outside, is it possible to break through from the inside?"

He jumped down the throat of the killer whale and went straight into its belly.

"Give you a free deep throat package!"

"Roaring thunder!"

As he leaped down, a mouthful of thunder blew out, shattering the killer whale's esophagus!

""Hot breath!"

Another blaze of fire burned fiercely in the killer whale's body.

The killer whale felt severe pain in his body and uttered a long and shrill groan. The burning sensation made him suffer and he swallowed seawater in big mouthfuls.

His mouth was so huge that this mouthful of seawater directly extinguished the flames.

But in just a moment, his esophagus had been destroyed!

The seawater extinguished the flames, but the severe pain was still there. He rolled and rolled in the sea, and his shrill roar made all the aquatic creatures quickly move away.

In the distance, a larger killer whale suddenly heard his groan, and his swimming posture suddenly stopped. A very penetrating sound wave penetrated the layers of ocean currents and conveyed to the distance.

Soon, he received a response from afar and swam there quickly.

In the killer whale's stomach, Ao Xin stood in his gastric juice.

The gastric juice of this sea king was extremely hot, comparable to an oil pan!

With this temperature and corrosiveness, if ordinary creatures entered, they would be melted in the blink of an eye.

But he was strong and had the armor color covering his body. Covering the body, it can avoid being corroded.

The finger gun stabbed out, and a small hole was immediately pierced in the killer whale's stomach!

Just because his stomach is too huge, this small hole does not seem to be fatal.

He took off the steel whip from his back and tried hard, but the stomach sac is quite flexible and the damage effect of the blunt weapon is limited.

Wrapping the thunder on the steel whip, the electric current crackled. This time, he did not smash it down, but focused on one point and stabbed it with all his strength!

A hole was broken in the killer whale's stomach again.

Gastric juice flowed out of the hole, burning its flesh and blood.

The killer whale was in even more pain. He wanted to vomit, but he couldn't vomit. He rolled madly in the ocean current, hoping to knock out the little thing that was destroyed in his stomach.

Ao Xin used his dragon claws to deeply pierce the killer whale's stomach sac. No matter how he rolled, he stood as steady as a mountain.

More and more holes were broken in the killer whale's stomach sac, and gastric juice slowly flowed out. Ao Xin tore open these holes, jumped out of his stomach sac, and jumped into his flesh and blood.

"This tube must be a blood vessel!"

He saw the tube with red liquid flowing in it and poked it. It was still quite strong!

""Finger gun!"

The sharp dragon claw pierced the blood vessel, he pulled hard, jumped into it, and swam up along the blood vessel!

His blood was so hot, but such hot blood was like a hot spring bath for Ao Xin.

The blood was very viscous, and he swam very slowly. When he finally came to the end of the pipe, a wicked smile appeared at the corner of his mouth.

"It's time to send you on your way!"

Here is the heart of this sea king killer whale!

The heart is also huge, beating thump thump thump, and the power of each beat is enough to kill a zombie instantly!

"Hot breath!"

"Roaring thunder!"

"Bad wind!"

The wind, fire and thunder raged in his heart. This tough heart was naturally no match for his skin defense.

He destroyed it crazily.

The steel whip was raised, with electric current and wind blades wrapped around it, further destroying the killer whale's heart.

Deep in the sea, blood flowed from the killer whale's mouth. His long roar made all the aquatic creatures within three miles around retreat. Only the larger killer whale in the distance swam towards him. The killer whale emitted a more powerful sound wave. After hearing it, a ray of hope flashed in the killer whale's eyes.

However, the damage to his heart caused his breath to weaken rapidly.

""King Kong·Dysprosium!"

Ao Xin whipped out, and a huge column of stick energy swept the damaged heart into two pieces.

""I finally mastered it!"

He looked at the steel whip in his hand with surprise. Ever since he exchanged for Teacher Kai's combat skills gift pack, he has focused most of his energy on practicing this move [King Kong·Dysphorus].

Hard work pays off, and today he finally mastered it!

When the killer whale's heart was completely crushed by him, the behemoth was completely silent.

"do you died?"

"What is that?"

He was about to leave when he suddenly saw a silver light in the damaged heart of the killer whale.

"Silver light?"

His heart moved. This silver light looked so familiar. He quickly opened the broken heart and saw a silver droplet lying inside.

This silver droplet was exactly the same as the one that merged into his palm, but it was three times larger than that one.

"This thing is indeed related to the sea kings!"

He wanted to grab the water drop with his right hand, but after thinking about it, he suddenly changed his hand and grabbed the silver water drop with his left hand. The silver dot on the back of his hand suddenly burst into a dazzling silver light!

"There is a reaction, indeed the same source!"

Before he could observe carefully, this silver droplet also merged into his palm like the previous one.

Moreover, this time it merged faster.

"Are there any more?"

Although the abilities to improve his vision in the sea and swimming speed are cumulative, they will help him explore the sea, so it won't hurt to get more.

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