After searching for a long time, he did not see the second silver droplet.

He broke through the killer whale's body and came out.

Because of the killer whale's death, his body was sinking rapidly.

"This sea king is higher in level than the previous plesiosaur, and its nutrition should be richer."

Ao Xin turned into a blue dragon again. He clearly felt that his affinity with sea water was a little higher.

He raised his left front paw and looked at it. The water droplets there had already melted into more than half.

He stretched out his claws and grabbed the killer whale's body,"It's heavy!"

He felt his body suddenly sink. This killer whale was much heavier than his size showed!

That's right, with the advancement of life level, its muscle density and bone density are higher, and naturally its body will be heavier.

Just as he was about to grab him and return to the sea, he suddenly heard a louder roar.

With a better vision in the sea, he vaguely saw a huge monster approaching in the distance.

Before the creature approached, he felt his heartbeat accelerate. It was definitely a stronger sea king than this killer whale!

"Sure enough, the dangers in the sea are far beyond imagination!"

At this moment, he felt that in his previous life, Wu Shuang crossed the sea to the east, and it was a miracle that he could come back alive on the sea!

He could clearly hear the anger of the sea king. Perhaps, the sea king had some kind of close relationship with the killer whale.

Without time to think about it, he threw the killer whale in his claws and swam quickly to the sea surface.

Behind him, there was a long groan. The huge sea king caught the sinking body of the killer whale and let out a mournful cry, and then, there was an even more piercing scream.

Even though Ao Xin had quickly moved away, this scream had been transmitted by the sea water and reached the eardrum directly!

"So strong!"

He was shocked. The sea is indeed a forbidden area for humans. This is not the deepest part of the sea, but there are such strong people. I wonder what kind of existence has been bred in the center of the sea!

His left palm was dyed silver again, and the silver light illuminated the surrounding sea.

With the integration of this drop of water, he felt that his swimming speed increased again!


The blue dragon broke through the water flow and soared up. There was a rumbling sound in his ears. He looked up and saw dark clouds gathering, lightning and thunder.

The wind was raging below, and the waves were surging.

"Is this the sea in the end times?"

Qinglong grabbed the flame cloud and climbed up rapidly, identifying the direction of the continent. Fortunately, he did not swim too far and could still vaguely see the land in the distance.

He raised his left front paw and looked. At this time, the silver water droplet had completely merged into his palm.

All the silver light converged, and the small silver dot on the back of his hand also doubled in size.

"What is the use of this silver water drop?"

He pondered in his heart.

This water drop is related to the sea king, but it is obvious that he has not been transformed into a sea king, nor does he have the ability to control the water creatures.

However, what are the uses of enhanced vision in the sea and enhanced swimming speed?

These two points are completely useless in battles on land!

In the clouds, the Azure Dragon traveled through thunder.

These few battles with the dragon body made him feel that his fruit ability has been further developed.

The Azure Dragon's body became stronger, and the control and power of the three elements of wind, thunder and fire were also enhanced.

Even the flame cloud he caught became stronger.

The speed of the flame cloud's flight and the weight it could lift have all become stronger.

The strengthening of the Azure Dragon's body will also feed back to his human body, further strengthening his physique.

Cornetto is known as the strongest creature, and the development of this fruit has contributed greatly.

Unfortunately, for some reason, Cornetto did not awaken...

Suddenly, he felt something in his heart. He looked down and saw a huge monster leaping out of the water, opening its mouth wide, as if it wanted to swallow the sky!


Ao Xin was surprised. In front of this big guy, the killer whale seemed as cute as an underage baby.

"Is it also a killer whale?"

He could see clearly from the sky that this big creature had a black back and a white belly, and there were a few white spots on its back. It was a killer whale!

"Are they the parents of the killer whale from before?"

He guessed so, because the killer whale's eyes were staring at him angrily, as if he had an irreconcilable hatred with him.

There is no doubt that this is a more powerful sea king.

Fortunately, it can't fly.

When the momentum of the leap reaches its limit, it just falls down helplessly and returns to the sea.

A long groan shook the sea surface, and Ao Xin seemed to hear the meaning of a declaration of war.

Sea kings have intelligence that is not inferior to humans, so it is not surprising that they behave like this.

"Well, I guess I can't go into the sea from here for the time being."

Ao Xin felt it was a pity. He originally wanted to use the body of the Azure Dragon to fight a few more times. Although it was not helpful for the cultivation of domineering, it was beneficial to the development of his fruit ability. He couldn't just rely on the awakening crystal.

Although there was no evidence, he intuitively felt that it was safer to develop it himself.

Unfortunately, after killing this killer whale, the big guy below might have to guard him here.

I don't know how long it will guard, but for Ao Xin now, fighting this big guy, there is no chance of winning

"I'll let you be arrogant first, and I'll deal with you later!"

The silver mark on his palm means that he will have to fight with sea kings in the future.

Although he doesn't know if this thing has other functions, he doesn't believe that useless things will appear in the end of the world. He returned all the way back to the mainland.

The sky gradually cleared up, and the sea gradually calmed down.

The offshore is relatively peaceful.

After returning, he realized how far he had swum.

Looking at the sky that darkened again, the gray moon rose from the horizon. This time, a whole day had passed since he went to the sea.

The blue dragon fell from the sky, and the people below were gathering together for dinner.

Those who were stronger could be assigned a piece of sea king barbecue to replenish the energy lost in their bodies.

"Why do I feel that the boss is stronger?"

Wu Shuang watched the Azure Dragon land. Ao Xin's talent really shocked him.

Although he knew how strong he was when they first met, he could vaguely feel that Ao Xin had become stronger every day.

Today's feeling was particularly obvious.

He was a Qilin, and the existence of Chinese mythology was not inferior to the Azure Dragon. He was particularly sensitive to the oppression of the Azure Dragon.

"Well, although I can't be the boss, it doesn't disgrace me, Wu Shuang, to be able to follow such a strong man!"

His eyes became more determined, and he thought to himself:"Besides, the boss seems to have the intention of conquering Fuso in the east. This is what the person who can control me should do!"

Ao Chen secretly glanced at the back of Ao Xin's hand. The silver dot became bigger. She guessed in her heart:"Brother?" She asked softly, and Ao Xin said:"Let's talk about it when we get back."

After returning to his residence, Ao Xin told Ao Chen what he saw and heard in the sea.

"When I figure out the full effect of this mark, I'll make a silver water drop for you to try."

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