Ao Xin took Ao Chen to the southeast.

Both of them were in human-beast form, and Ao Xin was surprised by the speed of Duobao Rat.

With its speed and miraculous ability to burrow underground, the zombies couldn't even touch the corner of Ao Chen's clothes.

Although Ao Chen's own attack power was not very good, he could also use the method of fighting to kill the zombies.


When Ao Xin killed another zombie with a stick, Ao Chen also successfully beheaded a zombie.

But the frequent use of abilities made her breathless with fatigue.

But she still happily showed off to Ao Xin:"Brother! I killed another zombie!"

Looking at the girl's expression that was about to praise me, Ao Xin smiled and said:"My Xiaochen is so strong!"


Hearing Ao Xin's praise, the girl's beautiful eyes curved into a pair of crescents, and a pair of dimples appeared on her cheeks.

However, how could one be so complacent in a battle?

A zombie pounced from behind and bit Ao Chen's neck.

Ao Chen was startled and hurriedly tried to escape underground, but the huge consumption of physical strength made it impossible for her to escape underground!

The zombie was getting closer and closer, and at the critical moment, Ao Xin smashed the zombie's head to pieces with a stick.

""Brother, I can't fight anymore."

Ao Chen panted heavily. She didn't train as hard as Ao Xin for a month. She didn't have the talent of a domineering genius.

With the help of Ao Xin's points, she only obtained the qualification to practice domineering, but she hasn't awakened her domineering.

Duobao Rat doesn't add much to physical strength. The fact that she can fight until now is the result of her daily exercise.

Ao Xin said,"Point a direction, I'll take you there!"

Ao Chen stuffed the long knife into the treasure space, turned into a beast, and moved it to Ao Xin's shoulder.

The palm-sized little mouse rubbed Ao Xin's cheek that was not full of dragon scales, and the familiar voice of his sister rang in his ears:


Ao Xin turned into a dragon and roared, shaking the surroundings.

It startled countless people hiding in residential buildings.

They all stuck their heads out and saw a green dragon rising up on a flaming cloud, rushing into the clouds.

"Qinglong! It's the Qinglong boss in the video!"

"Boss Qinglong actually came to our Biancheng? Can he clean up the zombies in Biancheng?"

"Maybe the Azure Dragon boss is from our Biancheng!"

Someone else filmed the flying Azure Dragon and uploaded it to the communication channel of the God-given space.

They didn't dare to fight the zombies, so they could only hide in the house and communicate with people from all over the world through the God-given space.

Soon, a video titled"The Azure Dragon boss is suspected to be from Biancheng" was topped the hot search.

The number of comments under the video also quickly exceeded 100,000!

"Boss Qinglong is one of the strongest men at present! Can he completely kill the zombies and restore order to the world?"

"There are more than a hundred people who have eaten devil fruits all over the world! However, there are only a few who can beat zombies like Qinglong. I think Qinglong is the strongest! No doubt!"

"It looks like Boss Qinglong is leaving Biancheng. He may just be passing through Biancheng, or he must be hunting zombies in Biancheng to get points."...

Above Biancheng, Ao Xin followed the direction pointed by Ao Chen and quickly arrived at the place where she said there was a treasure.

"Brother! It's there, in that forest!"

Ao Chen, who had transformed into a treasure mouse, sniffed hard. The closer she was to the treasure, the stronger her feeling was.

Ao Xin descended from the air and transformed back into a human-beast form after landing on the ground.

Ao Chen on his shoulder also jumped down and transformed into a human-beast form.

The two quickly ran into the forest.

There were not many people here, and there were few zombies.

There were only three or two zombies scattered here and there, and he easily smashed their skulls.

""Ahhh! Stop it!"

Suddenly, Ao Chen screamed. Under a big pine tree, a wretched-looking man was holding a red heart-shaped fruit!

At this moment, he was extremely excited. He ran out of the city and wanted to hide in the deserted suburbs, but he found this devil fruit in the woods!

He was not a fan of Haimi and didn't know what kind of fruit it was.

But from the forum of the God-given space, he knew that no matter what it was, it was a treasure!

"Haha! This overwhelming wealth will belong to me, Wang Defa!"

He opened his mouth full of yellow teeth and was about to bite down.

Ao Xin and Ao Chen's faces changed.

It was too late, a breath of hot air spurted out, instantly drowning the man.

He didn't even scream before he was burned to ashes by the hot breath.

Ao Xin and Ao Chen ran over and saw that the devil fruit in the ashes was safe and sound, so they hurried to pick it up.

Ao Xin, who had experienced the end of the world, no longer had the so-called mercy.

He was not a good person, killing people and robbing treasures, which was normal in the end of the world.

Ao Chen felt a little sorry. Killing a living human being for a fruit was inconsistent with the education she had received.

Ao Xin said:"In the end of the world, only the law of the jungle matters. Being strong is the truth, and being weak is the original sin."

"If I don't have such strength, and I get the devil fruit and get discovered by a strong person, I will have the same fate as this person."

Ao Chen nodded gently. Although it was only the second day of the end of the world, she also saw the ugliness of human nature from the forum of the God-given space.

Killing people and stealing treasures at least has a reason.

In the end of the world, more people are releasing the evil in human nature without reason.

"I understand, brother."

Although I understand this truth, I still feel a little uncomfortable in my heart. I hugged Ao Xin's arm tightly and looked at the fruit with him.

The red heart-shaped fruit has black curly lines on it.

As senior fans, the two recognized this fruit.

This is the most expensive fruit in the pirate world!

Like the Nika fruit, it is worth 5 billion Baileys!

This is the surgery fruit!

Ao Xin looked at the charcoal on the ground again.

The ability of the surgery fruit is very strong. In the previous life, the person who obtained the surgery fruit was a very famous strong man.

But this wretched man is not similar to the strong man in his impression.

It seems that this wretched man died not long after eating the fruit, and then the surgery fruit was refreshed in other parts of the world and eaten by a real strong man.

The devil fruit in the end of the world, like in the comics, will be randomly refreshed as long as the ability user dies.

Therefore, in the later period, there are also strong physical masters who hunt weak ability users and try to get the refreshed fruit themselves.

But the success rate is very low, because no one can predict the refresh location

"Brother, you can give the surgery fruit to dad. He will definitely like it!"

Ao Xin immediately thought of the best destination for the surgery fruit.

His father Ao Kang is a surgeon, and he will definitely be interested in it.

"Well, just as I thought, put it in your treasure space."

With Ao Chen accompanying her, Ao Xin didn't carry her own big backpack. This little girl is the best backpack!

Safe, effective, and very easy to use!

Ao Chen smiled and stuffed the surgery fruit into her chest. This was discovered by her own ability, and it was her contribution to this family!

She was very happy.

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