After returning to the city, he transformed into a green dragon again, let Ao Chen sit on his back, and quickly returned home.

His parents were exhausted and had gone home to rest.

Liu Xiyao was serving them diligently.

It made them feel quite uncomfortable.

Meng Kui was still fighting alone downstairs. He knew that it was not enough to just rely on Ao Xin.

In order to be reused in the future, he must have enough strength.

Downstairs, there were also many people trying to kill zombies at this moment.

After all, the exchange commodities of the God-given space were too attractive.

However, even the cheapest three-color domineering practice method required ten points each, which meant that ten zombies had to be killed.

They took out kitchen knives, shovels, wooden sticks and other weapons that could be used at home, trying to fight the zombies.

However, the zombies' strength, speed, and defense were far beyond theirs. From time to time, someone was disemboweled by zombies, or infected and became a new zombie after being bitten.

Meng Kui saw Ao Xin coming back and immediately reported to him the situation after he left.

"You've worked hard. If you're tired, go back and rest."

Ao Xin was very satisfied with Meng Kui's performance. This kind of hard-working spirit is the guarantee for survival in the end times.

"No, I will continue to fight!"

After Ao Xin gave him points to buy the three-color domineering cultivation method, although he still did not awaken his domineering, Meng Kui could clearly feel that every time he fought, his physical fitness would be slightly improved.

He is a fighting coach, and his physical condition has been developed to the extreme.

He has not had the pleasure of improving his strength for a long time.

Therefore, he especially cherishes this opportunity given to him by Ao Xin.

If there was no Ao Xin, although he was confident that he could kill ten zombies, it would probably take at least five days!

""Okay, do what you can, don't push yourself too hard."

Ao Xin took Ao Chen upstairs.

As soon as they entered the room, they saw Liu Xiyao massaging her mother Zhang Hong's legs.

Although the two elders were in good physical condition, they were old after all, and after such a fierce battle, their bodies were extremely sore. Although

Liu Xiyao's technique was not formal, it was still much more comfortable to have someone press on them.


Seeing Ao Xin coming in, Liu Xiyao immediately called her master obediently.

This girl is indeed sensible. Ao Xin feels that he has a good vision. Both Meng Kui and Liu Xiyao are worth cultivating.

After entering the house, Ao Chen immediately let go of his arm and jumped to his father:"Dad! We brought you a good thing!"

As she said, she took out the surgery fruit from her chest and put it in front of Ao Kang:"Superman's surgery fruit! Dad, you are a doctor, you will definitely like its ability!"

When she saw the surgery fruit appear, Liu Xiyao's heart trembled.

But she immediately stabilized her mind and continued to massage Zhang Hong's legs.

However, she was shocked in her heart and was more fortunate for her choice.

Another devil fruit! Or a precious surgery fruit!

As long as I perform well, he will give me one in the future, right?

Ao Kang was not very excited, after all, he had never seen One Piece. He took the surgery fruit from his daughter and looked at it curiously:

"Surgery fruit? Can I perform surgery after eating it?"

He naturally inferred from the name of the fruit:"But I can perform surgery, can it make me do it more delicately?"

Ao Kang was puzzled, and Ao Chen immediately explained to him:

"Dad, the surgery fruit can create a space cover, in which you can cut anything! And you can teleport here!"

"When you perform surgery, it will cause harm to the patient's body, but in the room space, cutting an object will not cause any harm to the object! After removing the harmful substances, it can be directly reassembled without any scars or pain! Isn't it amazing?"

Ao Chen's explanation was a bit messy. Seeing that her father still didn't understand, she found the video of the surgery fruit and showed Luo's abilities to her father one by one.

Ao Kang was more and more surprised. The devil fruit was really magical.

"How about it, Dad, it suits you very well, right? I discovered this!"

The little girl was taking credit, and Ao Kang stroked her hair with a doting look on his face:"Chenchen is so amazing!"

"But, Dad is old now, so you brothers and sisters should keep this fruit."

Ao Xin said:"Dad, I still have a thunder fruit, you can eat this one, this is a gift from Chenchen and I!"

"Besides, if you and mom become stronger, I can do my own things with peace of mind. Otherwise, I will always worry about my family."

Ao Xin said this deliberately, and Ao Kang was convinced after hearing it.

As parents, they don't want to be a"burden" to their children.

It is indeed as his son said, the world is too dangerous now. If he is too weak, his son can only be restrained by them to take care of the two of them. How can he develop himself?

""Okay! Dad will eat it!"

After taking a bite, the unpleasant taste spread in his mouth. Seeing him frown, Ao Chen hurriedly explained:"Devil fruits are very unpalatable, don't spit them out! Don't chew, just swallow it, just one bite will do!"

Ao Kang listened to his daughter and swallowed the fruit flesh in his mouth. Looking at the bitten fruit, he asked:"What about the rest?"

Ao Chen said:"Just throw it away, the rest is useless."

"Dad, feel the power of the devil fruit in your body and see if you can use it!"

Ao Kang did as he was told. Following the guidance of the power in his body, he gently raised his hand and pressed it, and a transparent cover appeared beside him. He glanced at the mop not far away, and with a thought, he switched positions with the mop.

"Dad! You succeeded!"

Ao Xin and Ao Chen were very happy.

"Try your ability to cut off everything again!"

Ao Kang pulled out the saber that was placed beside him to chop zombies and chopped it down at the table.

The table was immediately cut in half like a piece of paper.

""Dad! Cut me! Try to cut me!"

Ao Chen excitedly jumped in front of his father and asked him to cut him off.

Ao Kang was speechless. Although he had heard his daughter talk about the power of the Operation Fruit, he still felt strange when he heard the request to be cut off.

It was as if he had given birth to a brain-dead daughter.

""No, Dad's operation is not smooth yet, what if I hurt you?"

Ao Chen didn't listen, but no matter how she begged, Ao Kang was unwilling to cut her.

Physical fatigue gradually came over her. When using the power of any fruit, a lot of physical strength is consumed.

The consumption of the operation fruit is particularly large.

Ao Kang, who had already fought a"battle" with zombies, had not yet recovered his physical strength. After a few experiments, he couldn't stand it immediately.

After removing the room space cover, he sat on the sofa to rest.

Ao Chen ran behind Ao Kang and massaged his shoulders.

While massaging, she suggested to Ao Xin:

"Brother, I think we should try other places. I have the ability to find devil fruits. There are limited devil fruits that appear in one place, but as long as we go to enough places, we will definitely find more devil fruits!"

"When the time comes, give one to mom, sister Xiyao, and brother Mengkui! Then we can dominate Biancheng!"

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