At the border of Bingzhou, a young girl was walking quickly from a distance.

She was very fast, covered with white hair, and had a pair of long, pointed ears on her head. She looked like some kind of mythical beast.

She came to the place Li Hui said, looked around, but did not see a single person.

Puzzled, she sent a message to Li Hui.

Li Hui also did not understand, so he asked Ao Xin.

"I saw her, asked her to put the things down, and I will transfer the points to you after Xiaochen confirms it!"

Ao Xin was communicating with Ao Chen while sending a message to Li Hui.

"Brother, you are too wary of me. If you take the things but don't give me points, I will lose a lot, right?"

Ao Xin said,"I am a better person than you. I won't do such a thing."

Li Hui: You are so weird?

But he didn't say it, and could only say helplessly,"Okay, I've told her, let your sister come and confirm it."

Ao Xin said again,"Let that woman leave here."

In Bingzhou, Tong Yao received Li Hui's order again. Although she was confused, she put down the box in her hand and returned to where she came from.

Not long after her figure disappeared, not far from the original place, a little mouse crawled out from the ground and turned into a girl.

""Brother, you really don't need to be so careful!"

Ao Chen picked up the wooden box and opened it immediately. Inside was a fruit with curly lines.

Judging from its appearance, it was the most precious devil fruit in the end times!

But she was still not at ease. Remembering Ao Xin's previous instructions, she immediately took the fruit and fled underground, and entered the God-given space underground for identification.

After the identification, she said to Ao Xin:"Brother, yes, it is the Bug Bug Fruit·Ancient Species·Beautiful Lacewing Form!"

After getting Ao Chen's affirmative answer, Ao Xin said:"Leave there immediately, at least leave Li Hui's sphere of influence!"

Then, he transferred 500,000 points to Li Hui.

"The points have been transferred to you, the transaction is complete. If you have other devil fruits, you can trade with me at any time!"

After completing the transaction, he continued to browse the latest news on the God-given network. The first and most sensational news was the death of the Fuso who ate the Tremor-Tremor Fruit!

He suddenly vomited blood during the battle, staggered, and was bitten and infected by the hairy corpse he was fighting with, and then died.

At that time, he was still recording the video of his battle as usual, but this happened.

After his death, his men still uploaded the video to the God-given network, causing an uproar.

Because he ate the Tremor-Tremor Fruit, which is known as the strongest superhuman fruit, it attracted a lot of attention.

But this weird way of death made everyone confused.

On the Internet, there are many discussions about the cause of his death under this video.

"Why did this Japanese suddenly vomit blood? When I saw him fighting zombies before, he was very cautious and didn't get hurt. How strange!"

"Was he injured before, or was it an internal injury?"

"Nonsense, when fighting zombies, getting injured means being infected. The zombies attack with either claws or teeth, so it’s really weird to have internal injuries!"

"Isn't it hard to guess? It must be that the Tremor-Tremor Fruit injured him as well!"

"Impossible! Oda never said that the Tremor-Tremor Fruit would injure the user himself! If you don't believe me, let's ask Oda!"

"I am Oda, and I never said that the Tremor-Tremor Fruit has the side effect of hurting yourself!"

"You are a piece of shit! You are Oda, and I am just a bartender!"

"The Tremor-Tremor Fruit is a superhuman fruit. It only causes vibrations, not the vibration itself. It's not surprising that I can't be immune to it."

"So according to you, the hot-hot fruit will kill you with the heat?"

"How do you explain this? In the comics, Whitebeard is old and sick, but Golden Lion, Sengoku, and Garp, who were all alive and kicking at the same time? Even the older Steel Bone Kong has no injuries at all!"

"This can only be the result of suffering from the side effects of the fruit for many years, but Whitebeard has a strong physique and can withstand it. However, the hidden injuries continue to accumulate, and when he is old, he will naturally explode!"

"So, if you don’t have a physique as strong as Whitebeard, don’t eat the Tremor-Tremor Fruit!"

"I don't believe it! Oda and I are good friends. I just asked him and he said he never gave such a setting!"

"Believe it or not, I will shock you to death sooner or later!"

It's a pity that the man was infected and turned into a zombie, and there was no chance for an autopsy. What was the truth behind his sudden vomiting of blood? No one knew it for the time being.

Ao Xin chuckled. This guy is finally dead!

But the next two times the shock fruit did not refresh in China. If he wants to get this fruit, he has to wait.

"If nothing unexpected happens, there will be a second person who eats the Zhenzhen Fruit within half a month!"

No longer paying attention to this message, he continued to scroll down.

The apocalypse has been going on for nearly five months. A considerable number of famous strong men in the previous life have emerged. They are all the owners of powerful fruits!

Those purely domineering strong men will gradually show up in the later period.

In a video, a man in black clothes with blond hair and blue eyes exuded countless black particles from his body, wrapping a zombie.

When three powerful hairy corpses attacked from three sides, his body also turned into black particles and scattered, avoiding the attack of the hairy corpses.

He is a Fu countryman and the owner of the natural system·coal coal fruit.

Although his development strength is far less than that of the crow, and he cannot shape these coals, but relying on the characteristics of elementalization that is not affected by physical attacks, he can still leisurely wander among these powerful zombies.

In another video, a man with a naked upper body stood in the ice and snow, and a spear of ice appeared in his hand when he waved his hand.

The moment those zombies were touched by him, they were frozen.

Only when you reach the level of the hairy corpse , can break through the ice with great strength.

He is the leader of the northern great country. Because of the birth of a large number of powerful zombies due to nuclear weapons, they had to flee to the Arctic Circle.

But he was lucky to get the frozen fruit, and here is simply his home court!

In western Europe, a girl turned into a flash and quickly wandered in the tide of corpses. With the extreme speed brought by the flash, her attack power is also very strong.

She holds a rapier of the same style as Cavendish. This sword is called Durandal, which is a big knife!

Being able to exchange for a big knife worth 100,000 points is enough to prove her strength!

She is the ability user of the Flash Fruit. With this fruit, she has also gathered a lot of people and become the leader of a big force!

Because the natural system is unsolvable in the early stage, as long as the domineering talent is not too bad, they can grow quickly and become strong.

Of course, the premise is not too arrogant and know how to advance and retreat.

Otherwise, if you are like the little yellow hair in the previous life, you get the thunder fruit but waste too much, and eventually die in the tide of corpses due to exhaustion, it would be too stupid.

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