In addition to the natural system, some superhuman systems also performed very well.

For example, a man in the Middle East obtained the evaporation fruit. He is an oil lamp man, and can summon a lamp man with independent consciousness by rubbing his body.

The lamp man comes with a long-handled broadsword with good attack power. Moreover, because the lamp man is made of smoke, when it encounters an attack, it can also dodge by turning into smoke, which is equivalent to elementalization!

In the anime, Daifuku's method of watching the lamp man fight is too stupid.

The lamp man has independent consciousness and does not need the control of the master. He can fight side by side with him.

However, maintaining the lamp man requires physical strength, but fighting together can also improve his strength faster.

One of America's people obtained the weapon fruit, and he can turn any part of his body into any weapon!

This is the upper level of the slashing fruit. The body can also be turned into a steel knife, with a body harder than metal!

It can also be turned into guns.

Modern guns are much more powerful than those ancient guns in the pirate world. Even after being influenced by modern science fiction movies, it is not surprising to turn into a star destroyer!

As long as his physical strength is enough to support this change.

The only pity is that the guns and cannons transformed by the devil fruit are still considered hot weapons, and no points will be obtained for killing zombies!

Participating in assists is useless.

He can only use this fruit ability to transform various cold weapons to fight.

But this ability is very useful in battles between people.

It is through this ability that he killed many strong men and gathered the survivors.

After exiting the God-given space, these things are almost the same as in the previous life, so he no longer pays too much attention to them.

Outside, the trees have long been withered and yellow, and a snowflake is falling. He suddenly realized that it is winter now.

The snow is not heavy, but the weather is very cold.

But he is still wearing a single piece of clothing, and his strong physique has made him fearless of cold and heat.

The blood in his body is flowing like magma, and the moment the snowflakes fall on him, they have melted.

He can no longer stay in the God's Capital. In order to verify his conjecture about the king's aura, he has to go to various ancient capitals.

In addition, the supplies he left in the Magic City have been used up, and he has to replenish them.

"Brother Xin, you don’t have to run back and forth like this."

When Jiang Shuyue learned that he was going to replenish supplies for the Magic City, she said to him:

"Why don't you let your men go to the Dragon King Shop and buy at a 99% discount, and then transfer the extra points to them?"

"If you are afraid of trouble, you can ask the person in charge of each region to do the statistics, and have them make regular unified purchases. Then let them tell you the extra points they have counted, and you can transfer the points to those persons in charge, and have them distribute them one by one. Isn't it more convenient?"

Ao Xin:!!!

That makes sense!

Why didn't I think of it before?

"You are worthy of being my wife! You are so smart!"

He hugged the girl and kissed her on the cheek. Although they have been together for more than a month, the girl still blushed when doing these intimate actions.

"Let's go, arrange the work in the capital, we should return to Biancheng!"

Gathering everyone, he announced that he was going to leave.

"Brother Xin, are we going back?"

When Xiao Bai heard the news, he wagged his tail happily. Ao Xin glanced at him and felt that the little tiger had been taught the wrong way again.

"Yes, I'll arrange some work before I leave."

He looked at Xiaobai again, feeling a little entangled. Shendu is different from Modu. Modu is a group of people who gathered together to kill the Japanese devils. They have more strong people and check and balance each other, so it is easier to deal with.

But Shendu is a force that Luo Qingyan has built up.

Moreover, Luo Qingyan has a closer relationship with Xiaobai, although they have not had any negative distance contact for the time being.

Should Xiaobai be left behind? If

Xiaobai stays, he can help him guard the city, but he quickly rejected this idea.

Xiaobai is still too naive now, and he is not at ease leaving Xiaobai alone.

Take Luo Qingyan away?

After all, she is Xiaobai's nominal wife, but once Luo Qingyan leaves, they will lose a strong person here, and they will be unable to deal with some powerful zombies.

After thinking for a while, he decided to leave Luo Qingyan behind, but at the same time, he also left Ji Yinghong, Yao Kexin's mother and daughter, Wei Mingxuan and Xiao Sa.

They are not from Shendu, but from Jizhou.

In this month, he felt that these four people were quite loyal to him, and they could stay to disperse Luo Qingyan's power.

After announcing her decision, Luo Qingyan was a little surprised, but she still spoke:

"Brother Xin, can you keep Xiaobai here?"

As a result, before Ao Xin could say anything, Xiaobai jumped out first:"No! I want to meet Brother Xin in Biancheng!"

Luo Qingyan:╮( ̄▽ ̄)╭

Well, there is no room for discussion!

After sleeping in the same bed with Little Tiger for a month, she has already recognized the fact that Ao Xin will always be the most important person in Xiao Bai's mind!

""Hey, Boss, I want to go to Biancheng with you too!"

The little yellow-haired boy raised his hand to speak.

The little Sasha beside him also barked and wagged its tail at Ao Xin in a flattering manner.

"The Divine Capital is bigger, you stay and help Luo Qingyan share the pressure, Biancheng has enough manpower for the time being."

Ao Xin refused, and the little yellow-haired boy felt a little disappointed.

Although he was jumpy, he was not stupid.

Although Biancheng was small, it was where Ao Xin started his career, and it was also his base camp.

Only by entering there would he have the opportunity to enter the core circle.

After arranging these, he told Jiang Shuyue's idea:

"In the future, you will still go to the Dragon King Shop to buy supplies, but the points will be given to Ji Yinghong, who will make unified purchases on time. Ji Yinghong, you will send me the statistical table, and I will return the extra points to you, and you will distribute them back one by one!"

The authority to manage and distribute supplies was given to Ji Yinghong, and Yao Kexin was responsible for the registration and reporting of the information of the people in Shendu. Wei

Mingxuan was assigned the job of inspecting gains and losses, and Xiao Sa was his deputy.

After arranging all this, he returned to Biancheng with Xiaobai, Jiang Shuyue, and Pei Yuanjing's mother Yang Yulan.

The old lady had already reported safety to her son, and Pei Yuanjing had already joined the battle team of Biancheng under the leadership of Meng Kui.

A flame cloud appeared under their feet, and several people stepped onto the flame cloud and headed east.

Below, Luo Qingyan shouted to Xiaobai:

"Xiaobai, remember to think of me!"

Ao Xin smiled after hearing this. It seems that these two people get along well?

Xiaobai also leaned out of the flame cloud and looked at Luo Qingyan below, and also shouted loudly:

"OK! I'll come to see you later!"

The flame cloud went away, Luo Qingyan looked back and looked around, everything seemed the same as before, but it was completely different.

Du Feng was dead, and three new people from Jizhou and a dog came.

His own manpower had increased several times, and there were hundreds of steel cages in Luoshui.

Inside were crystal beasts with broken bones after the successful alienation.

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