There was a light snow in the sky. Although he was not afraid of the cold, he still didn't want to get wet.

He summoned another flame cloud and placed it on his head, moving forward in sync with the flame cloud below him.

Snowflakes fell on the flame cloud above his head, but some still drifted downwind to them.

He controlled the flame cloud above his head to move forward a few times, trying to avoid getting wet by the snow.

Jiang Shuyue leaned on his shoulder and had entered the God-given space to watch the latest video.

This is one of the few entertainment activities in the end times.

Leisure and intelligence gathering are both possible.

He smelled the girl's fragrance and felt very peaceful.

Recently, he learned that the moonlight has the effect of self-purification, which makes Jiang Shuyue's body free of dirt even if she doesn't take a bath.

Luo Qingyan likes her, probably because of this.

In this month, she has made a lot of moonlight pills and left them in the God Capital, enough for everyone in the God Capital to use for a long time.

In addition, Ao Xin also put some pills in the Dragon King Shop for sale.

This is a product that even the God-given space does not have!

When someone discovered this pill that can purify the zombie virus and has a strong healing effect, they immediately rushed to buy it!

Each pill is priced at one thousand points, which is equivalent to a sharp knife!

Although the price is high for ordinary people, it is a chance to save their lives!

As long as someone can take out these one thousand points, no one can resist the temptation of this pill!

"Tsk tsk, no one doubts the efficacy of the pills?"

Ao Xin looked at the pills that were sold out in the shop in an instant, and complained in his heart.

These pills were not produced by the God-given Space, and their efficacy was entirely up to him.

Moreover, the identification function of the God-given Space can only identify devil fruits. Do those people trust their own things so much?

If he puts some fakes in, wouldn't it be free?

But he doesn't intend to do so.

The reason why others don't doubt it is because of his reputation over the past few months.

His Dragon King Shop has already monopolized the sale of supplies, and there is no need to do such a thing that would destroy his reputation.

However, the effect of the Yuehua Pill is related to Jiang Shuyue's own strength. The pills made with her current strength will have little effect on Ao Xin.

When her strength grows up, she can also make Yuehua Pills of different levels for people of different strengths to use.

While thinking about these things, Xiaobai suddenly stood up, walked to the other side of him, turned into a tiger and lay down next to him.

Reaching out and stroking Xiaobai's fur, although his form looks like an adult, he is not yet an adult in terms of both his mentality and age.

The little tiger rubbed his hand with his head and moved forward:"Brother Xin, lean on me if you are tired."

Little Tiger is still considerate!

Ao Xin leaned his back against Xiaobai, put his arm around Jiang Shuyue, and looked up at the snowflakes slowly falling in the distance. Although it was the end of the world, his life was still quite comfortable.

When he returned to Biancheng, it was already afternoon, but it was not snowing in Biancheng.

The base beside the Bian River has taken shape, and many houses have been built.

There are indeed many talents in the team, and the base planning, sewage system, etc. are all available.

Now parents and Liu Xiyao and others no longer return to their homes in the city, but move to the houses that have been built here.

That is the largest and most luxurious one.

It was specially prepared for Ao Xin by Meng Kui.

When they saw a cloud flying quickly from a distance, they knew that Ao Xin was back.


"Brother Xin!"

The core cadres immediately came forward. Ao Xin saw the current development of the Biancheng base from the sky. It was very good!

This was all thanks to Meng Kui and others!

"Call Pei Yuanjing, this is his mother."

He led his men down from the flame cloud, restored his human form, and asked Meng Kui to take care of Pei Yuanjing.

The mother and son had been separated for several months. Although they could communicate in the divine space, they were still worried because they couldn't see each other.

Soon, Pei Yuanjing left a combat team and ran to him.


He saw his mother from a distance and shouted excitedly, his voice trembling a little.

In order to capture Jiang Shuyue, he was separated from his mother for too long, and he was always worried that he would not be able to complete the task and his mother would be punished by Luo Qingyan.

Later, when he met Ao Xin, he was desperate and thought he was dead.

But Ao Xin gave him hope again and went to the capital to bring his mother back in person.

This made him feel more grateful to Ao Xin!

Originally, he thought Ao Xin was interested in his ability of fantasy beast species, but after coming to Biancheng, he found that there were many fantasy beast species here!

And any one of them was stronger than himself!

"Thank you, Boss!"

With excitement, he knelt down in front of Ao Xin:

"Pei Yuanjing will go through fire and water for you from now on, and will not refuse death!"

The words were very old-fashioned, he had seen them in novels, but that was all he could say.

Ao Xin was a little surprised, Pei Yuanjing's performance was beyond his expectations.

"Get up and take your mother to settle down."

He didn't say much, but Pei Yuanjing was moved again by these plain words: The boss cares about me too much! As soon as he came back, he wanted me to take my mother to settle down! I must repay the boss well! After

Pei Yuanjing left with Yang Yulan, Ao Xin asked Meng Kui:

"How is the clone?"

Meng Kui replied:

"Just like before, his body was cut apart by Uncle Ao's power, and the locked parts of his body also turned into corpses along with his upper body."

"But don't worry, boss. Every part of his body is completely sealed, his upper body is also pierced with high-quality chains, and there are special guards, so nothing will happen."

Under Meng Kui's guidance, he went to the cell where Zheng Fang was imprisoned.

This was originally an interrogation room built by Xu Wenhao temporarily. Later, when Zheng Fang was to be imprisoned for a long time, it was used as a cell.

In the room, there was a middle-aged man guarding here. When he saw Meng Kui and Ao Xin coming here, he hurriedly greeted:

""Boss! Brother Meng!"

Nodding at him lightly, Ao Xin walked into the room.

On the ground, there was a cross. On the cross, the upper body of a zombie was fixed to the cross with chains piercing through its body.

The cross was very thick and very strong, obviously specially made.

On the ground, there were four iron boxes.

Inside were the chopped-off limbs of the zombie, which had been completely sealed in the iron boxes by Xu Wenhao's ability, without even a gap.

The zombie struggled frantically, he was tireless, trying to break free.

But the iron chain wrapped around him so tightly that even if he shook it, he couldn't make any sound.

Occasionally, his body would transform into the appearance of different people, which was the unconscious use of the replication fruit by him.

He had no wisdom and did not know how to actively control the fruit ability.

This change was nothing more than the reckless use of the energy in his body during the struggle.

"OK, well done."

This arrangement is perfect, and under normal circumstances, he would not be able to escape.

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