After parting with Li Hui, Ao Xin and his partner continued to drive eastward.

There are indeed many benefits to forming an alliance with Li Hui.

In the future, his power will be very large. At that time, he will be able to use the privileges of the God-given membership to trade with Li Hui's forces to earn points.

After driving east for three days, Ao Xin did not find any other devil fruits, so he decided to return.

This time he has been away from home for seventeen days, and the world has completely fallen into the end of the world.

Water and electricity are cut off everywhere, traffic is paralyzed, and everything that human civilization depends on has been destroyed.

The suppression of the military of various countries has instead catalyzed the evolution of zombies. The bald eagle and the northern bear Ken on the other side of the ocean even used nuclear weapons to try to eliminate a wave of zombies.

As a result, it directly catalyzed the three-star zombies that are stronger than zombies-hairy corpses!

Today, those places have become ghost areas, without a single living being, and are the paradise of zombies.

The collapse of the satellite system also made navigation invalid, but Ao Xin still relied on his experience in the previous life to control the direction and distance and returned to the direction of home.

On the way, Ao Chen suddenly shouted,"Brother! There are treasures! There are treasures! I sense the treasure again!"

Ao Xin immediately followed her instructions and drove to the place where the treasure appeared.

This is the junction of urban and rural areas, and there are relatively few zombies.

On the way, he experimented with his ideas, but the results were not good.

Ao Chen's level was too low. Although he was a fantasy beast, he had no strength bonus. Even if he removed the zombie's limbs, it would take Ao Chen a long time to behead a flesh corpse.

But the speed of obtaining points was still greatly improved.

He knew that in a short time, the points rules of the God-given space would change.

At that time, it would no longer be necessary to kill zombies to obtain points, but to divide them equally according to the damage caused to zombies!

There are not many opportunities to get wool like this.

In his previous life, he had been struggling at the bottom of the apocalypse and had never enjoyed this opportunity to get wool.

In this life, although Ao Chen can get wool, there are also advantages and disadvantages.

The disadvantage is that Ao Chen has fewer opportunities to fight, and his strength will increase slowly.

You know, the practice of domineering is all about body forging and fighting.

In the apocalypse, if you take one step slower, you will take all the steps slower. Those strong men are fighting all the time, so they can always keep their strength in the leading position.

The car drove to a farmhouse near an orchard.

I guess the business here was pretty good before the apocalypse.

But now, many fruit trees have been trampled by zombies.

The two got out of the car and were about to walk into the orchard when they saw a man walking out of the orchard with a hatchet tied to a stick.

This was a middle-aged man who looked to be in his thirties. Because of years of planting trees and cooking in a farmhouse, his face was a bit vicissitudes.

However, when Ao Xin saw him, his expression changed.

It was him!

""Who are you!" the man shouted in a rough voice, raising his homemade weapon and pointing it at Ao Xin and the other man.


Ao Chen was about to explain to him when he saw Ao Xin swung the steel whip in his hand and smashed the man's head!


Ao Chen was a little confused. Although his brother had become cold-blooded and cruel, he had never killed someone without asking why.

"This is one of my enemies in my previous life."

Ao Xin explained lightly, and then he heard a sharp shout behind him:"Dayong! Ahhh! I'm going to kill you!"

Turning around, he saw a middle-aged woman rushing towards him like crazy with a kitchen knife.

Hearing the woman screaming, two old men came out of the house.

They looked very strong, one holding a hoe and the other holding a shovel. After seeing the body of the man lying on the ground, they felt like a bolt from the blue.


The old man trembled. Seeing the blood on Ao Xin's whip, he didn't know what happened.

""Brother?" Ao Chen felt guilty and didn't know what to do.

But Ao Xin had already taken action. Ten seconds later, three more corpses appeared on the ground.

He still didn't stop, kicked open the door and walked into the house. In the house, a little boy of three or four years old was looking at him with horror.

Ao Chen chased him from behind. He just heard his brother say that he had an enemy in his previous life, and saw him kill all of them.

However, no matter what kind of enemy it was, a three or four-year-old child could not threaten him.

Looking back at Ao Chen, Ao Xin put down the steel whip in his hand,"Give me your knife."

Ao Chen took the knife and asked nervously,"Are you going to kill this child too?"

Ao Xin smiled and said,"Give him a chance!"

As he said that, he exchanged for a piece of water meat and put the meat and the knife in front of the boy:

"Choose one, if you choose the right one, I won't kill you."

The boy's trembling eyes scanned the knife and the meat, and finally focused on Ao Xin's face, as if he wanted to remember the appearance of the man in front of him.


The steel whip hit the ground heavily, and Ao Xin's eyes were full of murderous intent.

The boy was scared to death, and hurriedly grabbed the piece of meat, and looked at Ao Xin with pleading eyes.

Ao Chen said:"Brother, he chose meat, do you still want to kill him?"

Ao Xin said coldly:"I killed his whole family, but he chose meat instead of knife. Such a deep city, this boy must not be kept!"

After that, in the boy's terrified eyes, he raised the steel whip and smashed the boy's head!

Ao Chen:!!!

She was a little confused,"What if he chooses the knife?"

Ao Xin said:"Choosing a knife means he holds a grudge and wants to kill me. Of course, the person who wants to kill me must die!"

Ao Chen:???

"What if he chooses both?"

Ao Xin:"He is so greedy. When he grows up, I am afraid that killing me alone will not be enough. He will kill our whole family. Then he must be eliminated!"

Ao Chen was shocked:"What if he chooses nothing?"

Ao Xin walked towards other rooms and answered:"If he dares not to give me face now, he will kill me in the future. Then he must not be allowed to stay!"

Ao Chen:...

He stroked his forehead with one hand and said,"So you must kill him, right? Then why are you doing so many fancy things?"

"What is your grudge against this family? Why do you have to kill them?"

Ao Xin searched every corner of the house, including all the cabinets, under the bed, etc.

"" What are you looking for? The devil fruit is not here."

Ao Xin continued to rummage through the boxes and cabinets, and his voice came from the falling things:"See if there are any fish that have slipped through the net!"

Ao Chen was puzzled:"There can't be someone hiding in the dressing box! You even want to rummage through the plastic bag?"

Ao Xin argued:"Who knows if anyone has eaten some strange devil fruit, such as becoming smaller, or turning into a plastic bag or something."

After searching carefully and making sure that there was nothing, he took Ao Chen away. Before leaving, he sprinkled all the oil and other flammable materials in the house on the ground, exhaled a breath of hot air, and set the house on fire.

Looking at the fire with satisfaction, he said to Ao Chen:

"Go find a devil fruit, the fire will soon burn the orchard."

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