In the orchard, there is a kiwi fruit tree full of densely packed fruits.

Among these fruits, there is one that looks particularly special.

Its color is a deep green, with black fuzz and curly lines on the surface.

It is the devil fruit!

This fruit is hidden very carefully, among many fruits. If Ao Chen could not directly lock its location, it would not be easy to find it even if he knew there was a devil fruit in the orchard.

This fruit may be the one that the man ate in the previous life.

That fruit is really powerful!

After giving the fruit to Ao Chen, Ao Chen put it into his treasure space, and the two returned to the car and rushed towards Biancheng.

On the way, Ao Xin just told about his past life cause and effect with this family.

"That man was once a member of my team. I also helped his family, but they later betrayed me and joined a stronger person."

"There is nothing wrong with this. In troubled times, changing sides is commonplace. Follow whoever is stronger. This is the most basic principle."

"Of course, when I met him, he no longer lived here, but led his wife and children into the city. I never heard him talk about his parents, maybe they died on the road."

"Later, he led his men to attack my base, causing us to suffer heavy losses. We could no longer hold on, so he led his men to join another strong man. One day, a fight broke out between us."

"That organization was wiped out, and I killed him and his wife. Someone who had been following me advised me to let his child go, and I finally agreed!"

"But I didn't expect that just because I let that brat go, he would come looking for revenge on me later, and I narrowly escaped death several times!"

"Finally, thanks to the conspiracy of a pair of bastards, I was killed by that little beast!"

"When will the cycle of revenge end? When one party dies, the grievance will naturally end!"

Ao Xin stepped on the accelerator fiercely:"There is still a pair of dogs and bitches, don't let me find them! Otherwise, I will kill their whole family!"

Ao Chen finally understood what happened to his brother in his previous life, and also knew why he searched through boxes and cabinets and set fire to the house.

"Brother, in this life, we have so many devil fruits, we won't be bullied anymore."

Ao Chen comforted her brother softly. She couldn't imagine how difficult it was for her brother in the previous life to live in the apocalypse without the ability of prophecy and devil fruit.

Five days later, they returned to Biancheng.

At this time, high-level zombies appeared in major provincial capitals due to the suppression of the army, but small wireless cities like Biancheng turned out to be a blessing in disguise, with only one-star corpses at most.

When I got back to the door of my house, there was still half a tank of gas left in the car. It would be inconvenient to go out later.

"Huh? Meng Kui did a good job!"

At the door of the house, a lot of fences and barbed wire were installed downstairs to surround the entrance of the building. Ordinary zombies could not enter, and it was also difficult for flesh corpses to come in.

Of course, if there were zombies, they could easily destroy these obstacles.

Fortunately, there are no high-level zombies in Biancheng.

In the middle of the obstacles, there are several layers of thick iron doors. I don’t know where Meng Kui got these things.

But when he saw a large truck next to him, he knew that this should also be found by Meng Kui.

He didn’t have the key, so the obstacles in front of his house naturally couldn’t be easily destroyed. He said to Ao Chen:"Come, I’ll carry you!"

He turned into a green dragon and carried Ao Chen directly to his bedroom window.

He opened the window and went in.

As soon as he entered the house, he heard someone talking in the living room.

It was his father and Meng Kui.

The two opened the door and walked out,"Dad! Mom! We are back!"

The sudden appearance of the two startled the people in the room.

When they saw that it was the two of them, they breathed a sigh of relief.

"How did you get out of the bedroom?"

Ao Xin smiled and said,"I saw that the entrance to our corridor was blocked by obstacles. It would be a pity if it was destroyed. It would just turn into a green dragon and fly up."

I haven't seen my family for several days. Seeing them now, I feel very close and relieved.

My family is still safe.

My father was bandaging Meng Kui's wound at this time. Ao Xin was shocked. If you are injured in the end times, it is very likely that you are injured by zombies, and you will turn into a zombie!

"What happened to Meng Kui?"

He was ready to kill Meng Kui. Once he turned into a corpse, it would be no joke!

His father Ao Kang immediately understood his concerns and waved his hand at him.

"In order to help your mother fend off the zombies, Meng Kui was bitten on the shoulder, but I have used the power of the surgery fruit to take out the piece of flesh, so it won’t be infected."

Ao Kang stood between Ao Xin and Meng Kui. He was very moved by the scene of Meng Kui risking his life to help Zhang Hong resist the zombies. He even felt that he was a godson.

Ao Xin was still a little worried. The zombie virus was extremely virulent. Once infected, the corpse would mutate very quickly. Would it be okay to just take out a piece of flesh?

But Meng Kui did help his family a lot, and he couldn't be too ruthless. He decided to wait and see for a while.

Meng Kui said,"Don't worry, boss. I live downstairs. Even if I get infected, I won't implicate you!"


Ao Xin didn't know about this yet. Zhang

Hong explained,"After the Chen family died, Meng Kui went to get some building materials to block our building, and then he took the initiative to move to the first floor, saying that he could help us find and resist zombies as soon as possible, so he has been living in the original Zhao family on the first floor these days."

Ao Kang said,"I have studied the zombie virus, it will turn the blood black, when Meng Kui was bitten before, I used the power of the surgery fruit to cut off the bitten part of him, that place just started to turn black, other places are fine, it should not have had time to spread."

Ao Xin kept a close eye on Meng Kui's body to prevent him from suddenly turning into a zombie and hurting people.

Seeing that Ao Xin was worried, Meng Kui took the initiative to go downstairs, and Ao Xin followed him down:

"Your arm is injured now, and your fighting ability is reduced. If zombies come, it will be difficult for you to resist. I am here to keep you safe."

"Of course, if you turn into a corpse, I will kill you without hesitation!"

Ao Xin said bluntly, this is not the time to be euphemistic.

Meng Kui smiled bitterly to show his understanding:"I understand, boss."

The two came to the room on the first floor. Meng Kui sat on the sofa to rest. The atmosphere was a little awkward.

Ao Xin entered the God-given space and exchanged for a piece of Luffy's favorite big cock. This thing not only has a good effect of restoring physical strength, but also can heal external injuries.

The price of one piece is as much as one hundred points!

It is a luxury that people in this period cannot afford.

"Eat this, it can help you heal the wound on your arm quickly."

He handed the big cock to Meng Kui. Although this thing could not resist the zombie virus, it was effective in healing wounds.

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