Ao Xin stayed in Meng Kui's room for half a day, confirming that his body would not turn into a corpse, and then took him back upstairs.

"Boss, I won't go. I can rest downstairs."

Ao Xin said:"You have done a good job. You deserve a reward!"

Hearing the word"reward", Meng Kui's eyes were hot. What did the boss do for so long? Didn't he go to find a devil fruit?

Could he get a devil fruit himself?

It seems that the hard work of these days has not been in vain!

Following Ao Xin upstairs, Ao Chen had changed his clothes and washed his body with clean water.

"Xiaochen, take out the devil fruit, let's identify which one is more suitable."

After getting Ao Xin's consent, Ao Chen immediately took out the devil fruit excitedly.

In addition to the thunder fruit, there are four in total!

One in the provincial capital factory, one in the mountains and forests, one given by Li Hui, and the last one in the orchard.

"Xiao Xin, the identification fee is one thousand, and four fruits are four thousand, which is too expensive."

Zhang Hong felt that it was unnecessary to spend money to identify the fruit. Who wouldn't eat this thing?

These days, the old couple have gradually become familiar with the life in the end times, and have a deep understanding of the devil fruit, domineering and other systems.

With the points given by Ao Xin in advance, their physical fitness is now very good!

Although they have not reached the level of awakening domineering, their mental outlook is younger.

Ao Xin didn't think it was expensive:"We have Xiao Chen, there must be more than so many devil fruits, of course we have to eat the best! Identification is still necessary!"

After examining the four devil fruits one by one, he was surprised to find that these fruits were actually quite good!

By good, I mean that none of them were of the ordinary animal type!

One of them was of the superhuman type, and three were of the animal type.

They were:

Superhuman type·Seam-Seam Fruit!

Animal type·Bull-Bull Fruit·Phantom Beast Species·Hyper-Heroic Form!

Animal type·Bird-Bird Fruit·Phantom Beast Species·Pleiades Form!

Animal type·Bull-Bull Fruit·Ancient Species·Elasmotic Rhinoceros Form!

There were actually two Phantom Beast Species!

Ao Xin was very suspicious that Duobao Rat had a hidden attribute of extra luck!

The other animal type was also of the ancient type. , the Plasmodiolus is an ancient giant rhino with super thick fur and a huge sharp horn!

It can be imagined that the Plasmodiolus form will provide huge strength and defense for the eater!

The fierce beast is a legendary beast, which is shaped like a cow, has four horns and long hair. It is said that it was born in the netherworld and loves to eat people. It is extremely vicious!

As for the Pleiades, it is simply a god!

The Pleiades star official in the twenty-eight constellations is also absolutely extraordinary!

The family was also very surprised when they learned of this result.

They thought that it would be good to have a devil fruit, who knew that they could get such a good fruit!

"Mom, you pick first. Except for the ancient animal type, the other three are all good."

"The superhuman Seam-Seam Fruit can sew everything together. Although it is not very lethal, its ability to trap enemies is invincible. If it is well developed, it will surely not be weaker than the String-String Fruit."

"Of course, I hope you choose these two fantasy beast seeds. After all, in the end times, the body is the foundation, and the fruit is just the icing on the cake."

Zhang Hong did not refuse this time.

She now understands that in the end times, only by becoming stronger can she be the greatest help to her son. Saving is useless.

"I'll choose the Seam-Seam Fruit."

Zhang Hong picked up the Seam-Seam Fruit and said,"I've read a lot of introductions to devil fruits these days, and this fruit has pretty good abilities too."

"It just so happens that your mom is a clothes maker and she also likes this ability. Your dad is also thinking of catching a zombie to study. With this fruit, the zombie can be completely trapped, which is also a great help."

"I'll leave the mythical beast species to you young people."

As she said that, she ate the superhuman-type seam fruit.

Having seen how Ao Chen and Ao Kang ate the fruit, she knew that the fruit was unpalatable, but she didn't expect it to be so unpalatable!

But thinking that this was brought back by her son and daughter with great difficulty, she had to swallow it with gritted teeth.

After the fruit entered her stomach, she soon felt something and went to the drawer to get a steel needle. A thin thread immediately appeared in the eye of the needle.

The thread looked very short, but she knew that the length of the thread depended on her physical strength!

As long as her physical strength was not exhausted, the thread would be infinitely long.

She stabbed the needle into the table, and there was no resistance at all, and it pierced in easily.

Then, the needle penetrated... She passed the table, squatted on the ground, and stabbed the ground with a needle, which pierced easily again.

The table and the ground were sewn together. No matter what Ao Xin did to the table, he could not separate it from the ground.

The toughness of this silk thread is beyond imagination!

However, when Ao Xin transformed into a human-beast form, he was still able to forcibly break the thread.

However, before the thread broke, the table was broken first.

Not bad, as long as mom can practice her speed, she can sew the zombies to the ground and then chop them slowly.

Or as she said, for dad to do research.

In this way, both parents have become capable people, and their combat effectiveness has greatly increased.

He then looked at Liu Xiyao and Meng Kui.

"Please choose between these two fruits."

"You have done very well these days, and this is the reward you deserve."

Liu Xiyao has been taking care of her mother closely, protecting her in front of her during the battle, and massaging her shoulders and legs after the battle.

When the father and son of the Chen family suddenly attacked that day, she was still on guard and killed them both.

Although she said it was easy in the communication group of the God-given Space, Ao Xin later learned that she was also injured when killing the two men.

This is not easy for a woman. As for

Meng Kui, it goes without saying.

In order to protect his mother, he was bitten by a zombie. If it weren't for his father's ability of the surgery fruit, he would have been infected by now.

Although I know that they must have a purpose in doing this to get a reward.

But this is normal.

He is not a charming person whose domineering aura can subdue all directions and make people bow down. strength.

Rewarding for good work and punishing for bad work is the long-term solution.

One's bottom line is that one cannot betray.

The two were pleasantly surprised. They did not expect to get such a big reward so soon. It seems that their choice was not wrong!

First, they were safely taken out of the zombie group and lived in a home with plenty of food and fresh water. They were also given many points to buy a series of supplies such as domineering practice methods, knives, food, etc.

This allowed their strength to advance by leaps and bounds in the end times.

Otherwise, they would most likely have died on the highway now.

Even if they were not dead, they would just be hiding somewhere and struggling to death. How could they have the good life they have now?

The two looked at each other. The two fantasy beast species were a billion times more reward than what they paid!

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