The women saw a strange man coming in, and there was no reaction on their faces.

It was nothing more than one more person using their bodies. They had already gotten used to this kind of life these days.

Besides, although Meng Kui was not very handsome, he had a tough face, a good figure, and was much cleaner than these migrant workers.

Going to bed with him was much better than serving those migrant workers!

"Brother Meng, if you are not satisfied, there are other villas. In this community, each villa has several such women! They are all yours!"

"Besides, the women in the villa at the back are the most beautiful. You should go and have a look!"

Zhou Xiang rubbed his hands and introduced them to Meng Kui.

In the past, Feng Kun would enjoy these women first, and Feng Kun would lock the most beautiful ones in his house and not allow others to touch them.

Now, Feng Kun could only sulk behind them, but he didn't even dare to show a dissatisfied expression.

"No need."

Meng Kui stopped Zhou Xiang from introducing them.

He no longer cared about these women.

""Um, Brother Meng, what kind of women does our boss like? Should we send a few to him?"

Zhou Xiang was still thinking of using these people as gifts for Ao Xin, but Meng Kui frowned:

"Put away your thoughts, the boss doesn't like these women!"

These people are like candlelight compared to the bright moon in front of Liu Xiyao!

Moreover, they have been toyed with for a long time, and Liu Xiyao is still a virgin. Ao Xin didn't even touch Liu Xiyao, so how could he like these broken flowers?

Zhou Xiang was glared at and didn't dare to speak.

"Okay, I have a general understanding. You guys continue as usual. I will come to you again after I report to the boss."

He also added Feng Kun, Zhou Xiang and others as friends in the God-given Space, so that he could contact them at any time. After resting for a while in the villa, he left again after his strength recovered.

The boss said that the first thing in the end of the world is one's own strength.

In the north of the city, Ao Xin and Ao Chen were hunting zombies in the north of the city.

These monsters that are extremely terrifying in the eyes of others are nothing more than points in their eyes.


Ao Chen cut off the head of a zombie with her long knife. She is now more and more proficient in beheading.

After Ao Xin killed a large group of zombies, she left a flesh corpse for Ao Chen to practice.

The flesh corpse is equivalent to a human bronze-skinned strongman, but Ao Chen has the speed bonus of the multi-treasure rat and can barely deal with it.

Ao Xin gave some tips from time to time. One sentence.

This kind of extreme battle can best stimulate human potential and is also the fastest way to improve strength.

Half an hour later, Ao Chen finally beheaded the corpse.

Although her body was extremely tired, her heart was overjoyed. This was her first time to fight a higher level and win!

After clearing the zombies on the street, the two sat in a coffee shop to rest.

In the God-given space, Ao Xin looked at his points. Now he has twelve thousand!

He wants to exchange for some combat skills.

The most suitable one now is the Navy Six Styles, and each one only requires one thousand points, and the Six Styles only cost six thousand points.

But he did not choose the Six Styles directly, but chose [Life Return]!

This ability is not unique to the Navy, many pirates also have it.

It can directly obtain nutrients from the food eaten and use it to Restore strength, and even recover from injuries.

Brook can even recover from bone injuries by absorbing calcium from milk!

Although it is not explained in the animation, Ao Xin knows that this is a use of life return!

With life return, his endurance will be greatly improved.

But the points required for life return are also more, a full ten thousand!

Without hesitation, redeem the practice method of [Life Return] directly!

Like the three-color domineering, even if he has learned life return in his previous life, he still needs to redeem it again. This is actually a practice license. The practice method of life return instantly entered his mind, and he did not need to read it carefully.

With the experience of his previous life, as long as he gets the permission to practice, he will be able to practice it quickly.

There are still two thousand points left, and he is again Choose [Shave] and [Moon Step] from the six styles!

Shaving is a high-speed movement method, while Moon Step can walk in the air.

Although his Azure Dragon can fly, he needs to transform into a beast or a human-beast form to use Flame Cloud to lift his body.

It's a bit troublesome.

Not as simple and effective as Moon Step.

After the points were used up, he found a message from Meng Kui to him in the communication channel.

Clicking on it, he saw that Meng Kui had already conquered Feng Kun's forces, and briefly reported the intelligence of Feng Kun's forces, asking him what to do next.

He didn't know much about Feng Kun's detailed intelligence, and he only knew a general idea in his previous life.

But judging from Meng Kui's report, these people's professional abilities are not bad. I remember that in my previous life, after Feng Kun surrendered to the big boss in Shendu, he was specifically responsible for building a safe base.

Said to Meng Kui:

"These people belong to you, and you lead them!"

Feng Kun and others are not worthy of entering his core layer, so it is just right to hand them over to Meng Kui.

In addition, he thought of the women imprisoned by Feng Kun and others mentioned by Meng Kui.

These women cannot be imprisoned all the time, otherwise their bodies will get worse and worse, and it will be difficult for them to withstand the increasingly concentrated zombie virus in the air in the future.

When the time comes, it will cause a lot of trouble.

However, although they are imprisoned by Feng Kun and others, they can also become a force for themselves.

After thinking about it, he sent a message to Meng Kui:

"I will let Liu Xiyao lead these women, she will come to you later."

He sent a message to Liu Xiyao, asking her to receive and integrate the imprisoned women. At the same time, he transferred all the remaining 358 points after exchanging his combat skills to Liu Xiyao as her"start-up capital" to gather those women.

Liu Xiyao did not reply immediately, probably because she was in the battle.

After Ao Chen recovered his breath, he led Ao Chen to continue to move towards the north of the city.

The target was Xu Wenhao's forces in the north of the city.

He was also a devil fruit user.

However, Ao Xin's target was not Xu Wenhao, but one of Xu Wenhao's subordinates.

He was a taciturn boy who was only about fourteen when the end of the world began. He is about 15 years old.

This person looks ordinary, but who knows that he will become the second in command of the big man in the capital of the gods in the future?

He dares to fight and fights hard. His madness in battle is frightening. People who know him call him by a nickname in Water Margin:

Desperate Saburo!

Without the ability of devil fruit, he has become the top strong man in the end times by relying on physical skills!

In the end times, those who dare to fight are all strong!

Even Yang Shaofei and Zhang Heng, who have become the leaders of a small force in Biancheng at this moment, seem to be eclipsed in front of this young man.

In addition to this, the most important point is that this young man once helped him briefly.

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