The two walked slowly towards the"Iron Tower", the landmark building of Biancheng.

This tower is extremely strong. It not only withstood the artillery fire of the Japanese devils, but also could resist the attacks of zombies in the early days of the apocalypse.

Once the gate was closed and the inside was blocked, no zombies could break through the tower in the early stage.

The only drawback is that the space is relatively small and can accommodate a small population.

This also led to the fact that there were not many members in Xu Wenhao's forces.

Even when he became stronger and could fight most zombies, the forces under his command were limited, and only his most core members could live in the iron tower.

At this moment, there were thirteen people squatting in the iron tower.

The oldest of them was in his forties, and the youngest was only fourteen years old. There were both men and women, and they were resting in the tower

"Brother Xu, I heard that there are three people with mythical beast abilities in our Biancheng. If we can recruit them, our team will be invincible!"

"We can't just hire people casually. The most important thing is their character, not their ability!"

"They may not be willing to join our small team. In the previous city communication group, wasn't there a guy who called himself Brother Kun and claimed that he had the ancient ability of Tyrannosaurus Rex? He even clamored to rule Biancheng!"

"Rule Biancheng? He can kill all the zombies first!"

A group of people chattered. With Xu Wenhao's fruit ability, they got a lot of supplies from the nearby shopping mall, and there was no problem with their lives for the time being.

"What do you think, Xiaofei?"

Suddenly, a thirty-year-old woman looked up at the boy squatting in the corner of the tower one floor above.

The boy still had a childish look on his face. He had hardly spoken since he was pulled in by Xu Wenhao.

Some people think that he is born with a sultry personality.

Others think that the tragic death of his parents has dealt a great psychological blow to the boy.

However, what Xu Wenhao valued about him at the beginning was his character of having no fear, fighting desperately, but also being wise in the battle.

A fourteen-year-old boy, who is completely inferior to the zombies in physical strength, can still kill them by his own means.

This calmness and composure are something that most adults cannot do.

Xu Wenhao felt that this kid must be a talent, so he helped him and invited him to join his newly formed team.

"But I think we can try to communicate with those people. If we want to survive in the end times, we need to help each other."

Someone suggested

"But do you know how to contact them? Those three mythical beasts that were exposed have never spoken in our city communication group. They must look down on us."

"Our brother Xu is also a capable person, why does he look down on me?"

"You said so, Brother Xu!"

Xu Haowen, who had been sitting on the stairs, did not speak. He did not have big ambitions, but just wanted to survive in the end times.

Suddenly, his expression changed, and he made a gesture to silence everyone:"Be careful, someone is coming!"

Everyone immediately shut up and stared at the gate.

Suddenly, there was a loud bang, and the gate of the iron tower was smashed!

In the smoke and dust, a figure appeared.

"Xu Wenhao, come out and talk?"

Ao Xin and Ao Chen stood in front of the iron tower.

The gate was too low, and he didn't plan to go in.

Xu Wenhao's heart sank. They were coming for him! The other party was able to come here through countless zombies and smash the gate forcefully. His strength was no worse than his own.

Everyone in the tower looked at each other, and Xu Wenhao stood up.

"Brother Xu, the people who are here have bad intentions. I’m afraid they are those mythical beast-type users!"

"Brother Xu, don't go out yet. Since the other party knows you, they must also know that you are a person with special abilities, which means they are sure to deal with you."

However, how can they do anything about the current situation?

Xu Wenhao sighed and said,"The gate has been broken. If I don't go out, he can also rush in. By then, you will all be in danger."

"Stay in the tower, I'll go out and meet him!"

Several others also said,"Brother Xu, I'll go with you!"

"Yes! Let's go together!"

"Brother Xu, you saved me from the zombies, I owe you a life! Let's face that man together today!"

Xu Wenhao was a little moved. It is said that a friend in need is a friend indeed. Now it seems that there is no ungrateful person in the team.

He nodded. Even if these people hid in the iron tower, they were not safe.

A group of people walked out together. When they saw that there were only two people on the opposite side, they were all surprised.

"Only two?"

"Besides, there is no fruit ability?"

Ao Xin doesn't need the Qinglong ability to kill these zombies and corpses now. After killing the zombies nearby, Ao Chen also released the fruit ability and recovered his strength.

"A handsome boy and a beautiful girl, are they a couple?"

Handsome people always attract people's attention, and the tension they felt before also faded a little, thinking that it might not be as bad as they imagined.

"Excuse me, are you? Brother Kun? Or one of those fantasy beasts?"

Xu Wenhao stood in the front. He looked at the two men. Although they looked harmless, the young man gave him a faint sense of oppression.

After approaching, his heart trembled unconsciously!

This man is a master!

His eyes were focused on the steel whip on Ao Xin's shoulder, which contained the mucus left after smashing the zombie's skull.

This weapon looked heavy. Anyone who could use this weapon must be extremely powerful, and it is very likely that he is one of those fantasy beasts.

"Ao Xin."

Ao Xin was also looking at Xu Wenhao and his group.

Speaking of which, even in his memories of his previous life, Xu Wenhao's group was very unique.

They supported each other and still retained the warmth before the end of the world.

Their degree of unity was also far superior to other forces.

However, Xu Wenhao died in this way in the end.

He thought he could identify each���'s character, but how can human heart be measured?

It was nothing when he was weak, but when he became powerful, the people who joined him became more and more mixed.

And he eventually died from the betrayal of his companions.

It can be regarded as a kind of saint.

There are two kinds of saints in the end times. One is to stand on the moral high ground to accuse others and bring disaster to others.

Commonly known as the saint bitch.

There is another type of people who are kind-hearted and just try their best to help others, but they will not stand on the moral high ground to demand others to do anything.

Such people often bring disaster to themselves.

But as the leader of a force, Xu Wenhao's behavior will bring disaster to the entire force!

"I came to you this time for only one purpose."

Ao Xin glanced at the group of people behind Xu Wenhao, and finally fixed his eyes on a thin boy.

"I want to be alone."

He pointed at the boy and said,"This kid is meant to be with me!"

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