"Five hundred thousand is a bargain for you!"

Li Hui sighed, but he was secretly happy in his heart. His original bottom line was 300,000 points. It seems that Ao Xin is not always so smart!

Ao Xin was also happy.

Ancient species, generally speaking, the transaction price is between 800,000 and 3 million.

Li Long's ability is not bad, at least it is worth more than 1.5 million.

If Li Hui didn't understand, he wouldn't be able to get it at such a low price.

""I will come to trade with you within a year!"

Ao Xin promised. He didn't have so many points now. Besides, he was in Yuzhou and Li Hui was in Bingzhou. The distance was too far and it was not convenient to trade.

But he was confident that within a year, he could not only get far more than 500,000 points, but also strengthen his strength to the point that he would not feel tired even if he flew directly to Bingzhou in the form of a blue dragon!

After a deal was made, the two chatted for a while.

He learned that Li Hui was recruiting people to build a safe base on the bank of the Yellow River.

He also kindly reminded him to be careful of the monsters in the river.

""I have already encountered one."

Li Hui sighed.

The Yellow River monster is not just the black-scaled python.

That is only the most powerful one.

Other monsters have also caused great harm to people on the shore.

When Li Hui was exploring the river bank, he encountered a monster and almost lost his life.

"How did you become so strong? Do you have any experience to share with me?"

Ao Xin said with a smile:"Live towards death!"

Li Hui:...

I knew this guy was holding back his fart, he must be trying to trick me!

Living in the end times?

What a joke!

Maybe I'll have to restart!

"I won’t talk to you anymore, there are three zombies coming, I need to have some fun!"

Ao Xin said:"To kill a zombie, all you need is a hand, right?"

Li Hui didn't want to reply anymore. The three heavy iron doors he built were easily destroyed by the zombies. They turned into elements and flew over the zombies' heads, fleeing in another direction.

After Ao Xin asked about his parents and sister in the family group, he picked up the steel whip and continued to travel west.

Biancheng, the bank of the Yellow River.

Meng Kui asked a migrant worker to drive a sand-dredging boat into the place designated by Ao Xin.

Then, he asked who dared to go into the water.

Everyone looked at each other.

In previous years, many people died in the whirlpool of the Yellow River. Moreover, since there are monsters like giant pythons in the Yellow River, there may be other water monsters. Going into the water before your strength comes up?

That's simply courting death!

Meng Kui looked at Zhou Xiang, who had always been the most active, but Zhou Xiang quickly lowered his head and quietly took a step back.

The others also watched and dared not speak.

After a glance, no one was willing to recommend himself.

Just when Meng Kui was about to forcibly designate someone, Feng Kun suddenly stood up:"I'll do it! Their strength is not as good as mine, and I have a greater chance of saving my life by going into the water! Meng

Kui looked him up and down in surprise, as if he had just met him for the first time.

"The boss said there is seastone in the riverbed. Although the seastone has not been there for a long time, it can still affect the body of the ability user. After you go into the water, your strength may not be fully exerted."

"Moreover, your injury has not healed yet."

The penetrating wound on Feng Kun's shoulder caused by Ao Xin is still there.

How can such an injury be easily healed?

Feng Kun looked at the wound on his shoulder, gritted his teeth, and was about to say something when a young man standing at the end of the team took the initiative to stand up.

"Let me do it, I'm good at swimming!"

He looked so ordinary, 1.7 meters tall, slightly thin, and with an ordinary appearance. He was the type that would be invisible if thrown into a crowd.

His appearance surprised the entire migrant worker group.

Including Feng Kun, who couldn't even remember the young man's name.

"What's your name?"

Meng Kui had never thought that someone would take the initiative to undertake such a life-threatening mission, and he began to look at this young man with new eyes.

"My name is Jiang Tao.

Jiang Tao's voice was a little dull, and apart from answering questions, he didn't say a word of unnecessary nonsense.

""Jiang Tao? Isn't he a quiet person? Why is he suddenly so brave today?"

The migrant workers whispered.

"What kind of bravery is that? It's just courting death! Jumping into the Yellow River? The current is so turbulent here. Not to mention that there might be a water monster in it now, even in the past, I couldn't jump in!"

"This kid used to be very depressed. There were so many women in the villa, but he was unwilling to have sex. He didn't flatter when he should have, but now he is trying to be brave and stand out. What a fool!"


Meng Kui shouted, and the noisy discussions stopped immediately.

This was the majesty he had shown in leading the team in the past few days.

He nodded to Jiang Tao:"If you can come out alive, I will reward you with 100 points!"

Although Jiang Tao tried to look calm, anyone could see the excitement on his face.

One hundred points, this is too important for them!

When he came to the boat, he was tied with a rope and an iron chain.

They also found a set of diving equipment on the boat, and there was still one-third of oxygen in the oxygen cylinder. After Jiang Tao was dressed, he jumped from the boat into the river.

The Yellow River has too much silt and the water is turbid. It is not easy to find something here.

On the shore, the giant python whose bones were broken by Ao Xin moved from time to time. Even if it was subdued, no one dared to touch it.

Time passed by every second.

Many people thought that Jiang Tao had died in the river, but Meng Kui still stared at the river.

Finally, Jiang Tao showed his head from the river.

Before everyone could breathe a sigh of relief, they saw a huge shadow emerging from under him.

""Be careful!"

Even though these workers usually have a normal relationship with Jiang Tao, they were worried when they saw the danger approaching.

Meng Kui directly entered the human-beast mode, grabbed the rope that tied Jiang Tao and pulled him up violently.

Jiang Tao screamed and was lifted up in the air.

Just as he was lifted out of the water, a five-meter-long fish jumped out from the water and bit Jiang Tao with its bloody mouth.

""Evil beast!"

Meng Kui was furious. He pulled Jiang Tao in mid-air towards him, raised his long sword, and swung a Netherworld Slash.

The power of the Netherworld condensed into a crescent moon, splitting the big fish vertically in the middle.

The fish body, broken in two, fell into the river, dyeing the river water scarlet.

Jiang Tao landed on the boat, and then he realized that there was a big fish behind him.

He was still frightened and his legs softened, and he almost fell.

But when he saw the big fish was killed instantly by Meng Kui, he was relieved. It was a close call. He almost died in the mouth of the fish.

"Brother Meng, I found a stone that might be seastone, and I have tied it up with a rope chain.

"Good job, I will transfer points to you right away!"

When the 100 points arrived, Jiang Tao's body was shaking with excitement.

Meng Kui grabbed the chain and pulled it hard!

It didn't move....

"Feng Kun, come and help!"It was difficult to exert force on the sand mining boat, so the two of them jumped onto the shore pulling the iron chain, and both transformed into beasts, lifted the iron chain and dragged it towards the shore.

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