Seastone is extremely hard, how can it be broken by human power at this moment?

But seastone evolved from ordinary rocks in the riverbed.

Although seastone is hard, rocks are not particularly hard.

Under the joint efforts of the leopard and the Tyrannosaurus Rex, the connection between the seastone and the ordinary rock was broken, and a large piece of seastone was pulled ashore by them. The black stone reflected light, as beautiful as obsidian.

It has a very high density and is also very heavy.

After pulling this large piece of seastone ashore, Meng Kui and Feng Kun were both panting.

"The next question is how to split and use it."

Processing seastone is a sophisticated technology, and it is also listed for sale in the God-given space.

《Seastone Processing Method: Price: 100,000 points!

Meng Kui naturally didn't have that many points, so he could only ask Ao Xin for help.

At this moment, Ao Xin was fighting zombies on the road. It was not until the evening when he entered a bar to rest that he saw Meng Kui's message.

"Don't worry about the points. Go and get all the building materials from the entire Biancheng, as well as the equipment from the water plant. Anything that can be used should be brought here."

"The concentration of zombie viruses in the river is about the same as in the air, so there is no need to worry too much. However, there is too much silt in the Yellow River, so the water source needs to be purified."

"In addition, the river is mixed with seastone factors. If we drink it directly, it is no different from poison for us who have special abilities."

"Remember to distill first, as distillation can remove the seastone factor in the water."

Ao Xin told everyone around him these words. The family's fresh water reserves were running out.

When Meng Kui and his team's construction on the Yellow River takes shape, they will move their families there.

These"common sense" in the previous life are also experiences summed up by countless blood and tears.

After exiting the God-given space, he looked around in the bar.

All the drinks on the counter had been taken away or smashed.

The broken tables and chairs and bloodstains indicated that a very tragic battle had broken out here.

The smoky bar was where zombies were prone to break out.

He groped in the dark. Without lights, he could only rely on his ability to perceive sight and hear.

The strengthening of his body also enhanced his vision a lot. When his eyes finally adapted to the darkness, he could also roughly see the outline of the objects in front of him.

"Hmm? There is a basement, why is it locked from the inside?"

He touched a door lock and twisted it off with a little force. What came into view was a staircase leading down.

Holding a steel whip in one hand, he slowly walked down the stairs.

Suddenly! He sensed movement underground in his vision, and the steel whip instantly smashed down.


A scream sounded, and a flame spurted out of his mouth, slightly illuminating the dark underground space.

In the corner in front of him, a disheveled girl was squatting. Looking down at the ground, a young man had his head smashed by a whip.

The two men were thin and it was unknown how long they had been in the basement.

They had been in the dark for so long that they could barely see the darkness.

Seeing the man being hit to death by Ao Xin, the girl kept shrinking back in fear, but there was a wall behind her, where could she escape to?

"Don't kill me, don't kill me!"

Ao Xin frowned at her, his cheeks sunken and skinny, which were the manifestations of long-term hunger.

A wisp of flame spurted out of his mouth again. It must be said that in terms of lighting, Qinglong is not as good as the Flame-Flame Fruit.

The corner of his eye swept across the ground.

There were some corpses on the ground, and there were some bite marks on the corpses.



Ao Xin's face changed drastically, and he raised the steel whip to block in front of him.


A loud noise echoed in the basement.

He turned around hurriedly, and the terrified girl curled up on the ground was gone.

The observation color sensed the movement beside him, but the attacker was very fast, and the space was small, so he had nowhere to hide for a while.

""Paper Painting!"

His waist was unreasonably bent inward, dodging the fist with a sharp sound of wind.

At the same time, a fist wrapped in Armament Haki blasted out, knocking a figure back.

The steel whip fell with the momentum, and a crisp shattering sound was heard, and the figure in front of him disappeared again.

The darkness was not friendly to him. He could only fight completely with his Observation Haki. If it weren't for the passive force dissipation of Paper Painting, he would have been hit several times at this moment!

Of course, with his current strength, even if he was hit by that thing, he would not be hurt too badly.

The enemy is in the dark and I am in the light. He stood quietly in the basement, using his Observation Haki with all his strength.

If he activated the Dragon Transformation, he could of course end the battle quickly, but there was no need. It happened to be Take this opportunity to practice your observation Haki.

Suddenly, his left leg kicked out to the side and back, but he was still a step too slow. His left leg missed and he immediately punched to the other side.

The move was so fast that even the thing couldn't react.

With a muffled groan, something hit the wall that he hit.

Dust and wall paint fell from the wall, and when he chased after it, the thing had disappeared.


The figure moved at high speed, and a whip was pulled out, and another crisp cracking sound was heard.

Reaching out and grabbing in the air, he vaguely saw a transparent chip in the darkness.

Did this thing appear so early?

Ao Xin's ears suddenly moved, and his left arm grabbed to the side with lightning speed.

""I got you!"

Another small flame spurted out. In the light of the flame, in his hand was the skinny girl who had just curled up in the corner.

But her appearance at this moment was very different from before.

On her cheeks and arms, there were pieces of transparent crystals.

She was strangled by Ao Xin and lifted off the ground. At this moment, she was holding Ao Xin's hands with both hands, trying to pry open the pair of big hands like iron pliers.

But the big hands did not move at all.

"Tsk tsk! A gentle and pretty girl like you, can actually eat zombie meat?"

With his past life experience, Ao Xin was very familiar with the girl's state.

This is a crystal person!

Eating zombie meat without being infected, the brain crystallizes, and the brain crystals are treasures called awakening crystals by the ability users.

And their bodies will gradually crystallize, these crystals have strong defenses and can also bring them powerful strength.

"Let me go! Let me go!"

The crystals on the girl's face fell off, and she returned to her original harmless appearance.

"Oh? Or a different kind of crystal person?"

The crystal person's body mutates, and the crystal in the brain devours the original brain, and it will become another creature completely.

But there is also a kind of crystal person that will mutate.

The crystal in its brain merges with the brain, and the personality of the original owner is not completely erased.

Their bodies also retain the appearance of humans, but they can crystallize autonomously to attack or defend.

The most important thing is that as long as this kind of different crystal person does not reveal the crystal, it is no different from an ordinary human!

Hiding among humans, it will not be detected.

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