After listening to Han Shuang's self-narration, Ao Xin couldn't help but sigh.

Sure enough, the most terrifying thing in the end times is the human heart. After Han Shuang became a different species crystal man, he also wanted to die, but in the end he still wanted to live.

"Do you know my brother? How is she now?"

After a brief exchange with Ao Xin, Han Shuang realized that Ao Xin did not want to kill her, and gradually let down her guard.

This was the first time she saw a living person after she killed those men.

Not only was he extremely powerful, but he also did not seem to discriminate against her.

This made her rely on Ao Xin a little more in her heart, and she couldn't help but think of what Ao Xin had said about her brother before.

Perhaps, she could learn about her family from him.

"They are all dead."

Ao Xin replied.

He naturally didn't know Han Lei and their family.

These were what Han Shuang said in her previous life.

After hiding in the basement for a while, she went to look for her family, but found nothing.

Later, she accidentally found a surveillance video from a nearby store, and saw in the video that the whole family was infected by zombies at the beginning of the doomsday.

""Is he dead?"

Han Shuang murmured, his heart aching, tears streaming down his sunken eyes.

As expected, in the end times, death is the norm.

He slept on the sofa all night, and when he woke up the next day, he saw Han Shuang holding a zombie's thigh and gnawing on it.

It was the zombie he killed yesterday.

"Good morning."

He turned his neck a few times. It was very uncomfortable to sleep on the sofa, and his neck was a little stiff.

Han Shuang saw that he was awake, and quickly turned her back. Although she could only feed on zombies, she didn't want to be seen in her ugly state when eating zombies.

Ao Xin smiled, exchanged a large piece of sea king barbecue from the God-given space, swallowed it into his stomach, and poured the mineral water found in the basement last night into his mouth.

Then he used the Life Return to digest all the energy in the meat. After the meal, Han Shuang tore a piece of tablecloth to wipe her mouth, and Ao Xin also felt full of strength.

Picking up the steel whip, he walked out the door:"Let's go!"

Han Shuang followed closely behind them. As soon as they opened the door, a large group of zombies rushed towards them.

Ao Xin put the steel whip on his back and used the finger gun and the Lanjiao that could not launch a slashing attack to fight the enemy.

Han Shuang hesitated for a moment, and crystals also emerged on his body surface, and fought with the group of zombies.

The evolution of crystal people is the same as that of zombies, that is, to devour other zombies and promote the strengthening of crystals in their bodies through zombie viruses.

Even if they still retain the appearance of humans, the genes in their bodies are already another species.

From the moment they become crystal people, they can no longer use the God-given space.

For humans, zombies or crystal people are all monsters. They are all monsters that can be killed!

Crystals grew on Han Shuang's fist, and she punched a flesh corpse.

The powerful force pushed the flesh corpse back several steps, but it immediately rushed up with a roar.


Her back was scratched by a zombie, blood marks appeared, and the zombie disease The poison also entered her body.

But she would not be infected, her eyes flashed red, she smashed a zombie's head with one punch, and grabbed one of its arms and started to bite it.

The bloodstains on her back slowly healed, and another zombie pounced on her from the side.

She raised her arm, and crystals appeared on her arm. The crystals were hard and blocked the zombies' attacks.

Throwing away the incomplete arm that had been gnawed in her hand, her fists covered with crystals again, and pounced on the zombies around her.

But she was just an ordinary bar waitress after all, and had never received combat training. Even if she became a crystal man, her physique was only stronger, but her fighting skills were extremely crude.

Relying on brute force, indestructible crystals, and the crystal physique that would not be infected even if bitten.

She was so strong among the zombies.

The two walked westward while fighting. When they were tired, they found a building to hide and rest. After resting, they continued to go out to fight.

"Your fighting skills are too shallow."

On the way, Ao Xin dealt with the endless stream of zombies while giving Han Shuang instructions.

""I'm sorry, I don't know how to fight."

Han Shuang felt ashamed. Seeing Ao Xin's fighting style that was like art, her own movements were as ugly as shitting.

But the crystals in the brain of the crystal people had a strong learning ability like a computer. While dealing with the zombies around her, she learned fighting skills from Ao Xin's movements.

Moreover, the learning results were very significant.

After clearing out another group of zombies, Ao Xin exchanged several bottles of the cheapest liquor from the God-given space to wash his body.

"Do you need it?"

He asked Han Shuang as he poured the liquor over his head.

"Ah? Me?"

Han Shuang looked down at her blood-stained, stinking body, then glanced at Ao Xin's strong and powerful muscles, and immediately lowered her head in inferiority.

"Here you go!"

Ao Xin already understood that even though she had to survive by eating zombie flesh, she was still a woman after all.

Which woman doesn't like to be clean?

She also exchanged a few bottles of strong liquor for her, and the girl poured it over her head.

Although it was impossible to wash it completely, the dirt would be less, the smell would be lighter, and it would be more comfortable.

""Thank you."

She said very little. Basically, as long as Ao Xin didn't speak, she would remain silent.

After washing, the clothes were soaked with alcohol.

But there was nothing to do. Fortunately, under the scorching sun, the alcohol would evaporate quickly and the clothes would be dried soon.

"Hmm? Why are there so few zombies on this street?"

After entering a street, there were zombies in groups of three or two, which was unusual.

This place used to be a busy city, and it should be a place where zombies gather, so why are there so few?

Easily killing a zombie that approached, the two strode forward.

But the further they went, the more zombies there were.

"Is someone attracting zombies?"

While he was killing zombies crazily, he saw a huge iron fence in front of him.

The fence was very thick, and there were many other huge obstacles behind it, which even a flesh corpse could hardly destroy.

On the top of the fence was a high platform, where a girl was sitting, making faces at the zombies in front of her from time to time.

Below, behind the obstacle, there was a large group of people holding spears exchanged from the God-given space, poking through the gaps in the obstacle and slowly killing the zombies.

In the middle of the intersection was a A big man wearing gray-green scale armor, with long cheeks and a thick tail behind his butt.

He wielded a serrated long sword in his hand.

This sword was exactly the same as the one of the evil dragon!

Ao Xin remembered that this was a good and sharp sword-level weapon, called [Zhanfeng], and the price was 10,000 points!

Besides himself, is there anyone else who can get 10,000 points?

This person must not be an unknown person!

Zhanfeng is heavy and sharp. Every time it is chopped down, it can easily kill a zombie. Even if it is a flesh corpse, it is just a matter of slashing a few more times.

This person's strength is also very strong!

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