On the high platform, the girl who made faces at the zombies was startled when she saw Ao Xin and the other two people mixed in with the zombies and rushed towards them. It was really too easy for them to kill the zombies.

She quickly shouted to the big man with the sawtooth knife below:"Uncle Luo! Two people are coming here with the zombie tide!"

The big man holding the sawtooth knife and concentrating on fighting was obviously stunned.

What do you mean by coming here with the zombie tide?

Although the zombies and hairy corpses were led to the farther streets by Yingying, there were only zombies and flesh corpses here.

But even he, an ancient species ability user, did not dare to mix in such a zombie tide!

Before the girl explained, he saw the movement of the zombie tide.

The group of zombies attracted by Yingying suddenly became chaotic.

They stopped rushing towards them and stopped.

It seemed that something among them was killing the zombies crazily.


A flesh corpse was kicked into the air and landed directly in front of the stunned big man.

Looking at the deep footprints on the corpse's chest, he was horrified.

The kick of the unknown existence actually broke the zombie's sternum!

Even the spine was twisted by the huge force!

What kind of strength does it take to achieve this?

With a serious look, he shouted:"Everyone be careful, a strong man is coming!"

He didn't know whether this strong man was a human or not, and even if he was, what kind of attitude he had towards them.

Soon, a young man with a handsome face and bulging muscles walked out of the zombie tide.

He seemed to have a weapon like an iron rod on his back, but he didn't use it. Instead, he killed these zombies with his bare hands.

His ten fingers were like ten spears. The zombies' defense was as weak as toilet paper in front of him!

It broke with one poke!

There was also a thin woman next to the young man.

It should be a woman.

The big man was not sure.

But judging from the bulge on the person's chest, it was most likely a woman.

The woman's arms and fists were wrapped with unknown crystals.

The crystals sparkled in the sun, but their hardness was extremely amazing.

The skulls of ordinary zombies were instantly shattered by her fists.

The sharp claws and teeth of the zombies biting her body were also blocked by the crystals.

"Is it a devil fruit ability? Shining fruit?"The only thing he could think of was Diamond Joz's Shining Fruit.

No one knew about the existence of Crystal Man yet, and Han Shuang's crystal was regarded as a fruit ability by him.

"Are they really human? Especially that young man, who killed countless zombies with pure physical skills!"

Suddenly, he remembered a video he had seen not long ago.

"That Qinglong boss? Rumor has it that he is coming to the provincial capital. Judging from the previous video, if he keeps heading west, he may indeed reach here!"

"There are those hairy corpses that Yingying led over there. Did he kill them too?"

On the high platform, the girl was also stunned. She had always thought that Uncle Luo was the strongest person she had ever seen. Unexpectedly, what she saw and heard today shocked her.

Ao Xin had already seen the group of people hiding in the huge obstacle, but he did not stop killing.

Together with Han Shuang, they slaughtered all the zombies that were led over here.

Slowly walking to the big man, he had already seen that this big man was their leader.

"Let me introduce myself, Ao Xin!"

Ao Xin shook his arms to get rid of some of the blood on his body, and stretched out his bloody hand. The big man hesitated for a moment, but still stretched out his claws covered with gray-green scales to shake hands with him.

Having witnessed Ao Xin's combat power with his own eyes, he did not dare to release the fruit ability, for fear that this man would suddenly attack.

Seeing his caution, Ao Xin smiled, just shook his hand lightly and pulled away.

He recognized this image.

This person's name is Luo Yi, and his fruit is the Fish-Fish Fruit·Ancient Species·Pig Crocodile Form!

In terms of strength, he is also a fierce general among the various forces in the end times.

But let He is famous not for himself, but for a girl under his command.

Tang Yingying.

She is the girl who stood on the high platform and made faces at the zombies.

Because of this girl, Luo Yi's power developed very quickly, and he even fought against the strong man in Shendu.

Of course, he was defeated in the end and was taken under his command.

But when his power was taken under that person's command, Tang Yingying's status was higher than his!

Because Tang Yingying can attract zombies!

Her fruit is the superhuman-type Xiangxiang Fruit!

The Xiangxiang Fruit is also an ability that has never appeared in the anime.

But To release various scents.

In fact, it is called scent, but in fact it is various smells.

For example, the soul-stirring scent that makes people fall asleep.

The acacia scent that arouses others' lust, etc.

She can even emit a scent that attracts zombies, which is why these zombies have been attracted here.

Not only that, she has conducted in-depth exploration of the scent that attracts zombies. She can release scents that attract zombies of all levels.

For example, the scent that only attracts hairy corpses.

The hairy corpse was originally nearby, but she was forcibly led away.

Zombies are not something Luo Yi can easily fight for the time being, and they were also led away by her.

She can also emit the smell of zombies, making the zombies think that she is also a zombie, so that she will not be attacked when she walks among the zombies.

There are only zombies and flesh corpses left here, and there are multiple obstacles brought by Luo Yi. They gathered a large number of people, hiding behind to hunt zombies to get points.

And distribute the points to Luo Yi uniformly.

So Luo Yi can exchange for a good knife-level weapon.

It can be said that Tang Yingying's ability is at the strategic level in the end times!

As for making faces, that's just her boredom....

When Ao Xin saw Tang Yingying on the podium, he immediately recognized this famous girl and had some other ideas.

"Luo Yi!"

Luo Yi also introduced himself:"Are you the user of the Azure Dragon Fruit ability as rumored on the Internet?"

Ao Xin nodded:"Yes."


After getting his personal admission, Luo Yi was still amazed.

It turned out that not only was his fruit powerful, but he himself was also ridiculously strong!

This forced him to be more cautious.

If such a strong man had bad intentions towards them, how should they deal with it?

Thoughts flowed in his mind, and he turned over many ideas. In the end, he found in despair that there was no way!

He could only pray for the character of this strong man.

Tang Yingying on the high platform also jumped down and stood behind Luo Yi on guard, while also looking at the legendary strong man in front of him.

He looked about the same age as himself, why could he be so strong?

"Tang Yingying, the user of the Fragrance Fruit?"

Ao Xin looked at the girl, who had a pair of ponytails, fair skin, and clean clothes, which was extremely rare in the apocalypse.

""How do you know?"

Tang Yingying asked with a pair of big eyes blinking.

Ao Xin smiled and said,"Not only do I know you, I also know that Luo Yi is the ancient species of the Fish-Fish Fruit, the Pig Crocodile Form!"

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