Luo Yi and Tang Yingying were even more shocked. How did he know?

Both of their abilities were new abilities that had never appeared in the anime. How could this person see that?

"Let's make a deal."

Ao Xin didn't plan to explain to them, as this would only highlight his mysteriousness and power.

"What deal?"

Luo Yi still didn't know the purpose of Ao Xin's appearance here.

Pointing to the zombies still rushing in from a distance, Ao Xin said:"Use her ability to attract the zombies, I will cripple them, and you can harvest them!"

Giving points?

This was Luo Yi's first reaction.

But he soon realized that it was wrong.

No one is a fool, and no one is willing to give something for others for no reason.

Ao Xin must have a purpose for this move!

"You haven't reached the Bronze Skin Realm yet. Every time you kill a zombie at a higher level, the points you get will be multiplied tenfold!"

"You guys can get more points by harvesting these zombies, and then we will split it 90% and 10%!"

He and Ao Chen had done this before.

But it was too time-consuming.

It affected Ao Chen's own improvement.

So he gave up after trying a few times.

Points can be earned again, but strength can only rely on oneself.

But he didn't care whether the strength of these people in front of him improved or not, and it didn't matter whether they were dead or alive.

It was just right to implement this plan.

I believe they would not refuse.

But Luo Yi actually showed an expression of some regret:"Isn't it a bit bad to give you 10%?"

Ao Xin:???

What the hell do you want!

"I'll give you nine and you one!"

Luo Yi was even more shocked.

One tenth, wouldn't his work be in vain?

Ao Xin stretched out three fingers and smiled:

"First, I can cripple those flesh corpses, including zombies, in an instant. You just need to kill them. There is no danger and you don’t have to grind slowly. Although it is only 10%, you will definitely get more than if you kill them by yourself!"

"Second, even if it is a hairy corpse, I can destroy it. A three-star hairy corpse will earn you 1,000 points. If you kill a level 3 corpse, your points will be multiplied by 1,000! That is 1 million! 10% is also 100,000! How long will it take you to get this 100,000?"

After saying these two points, Luo Yi, Tang Yingying and others' eyes lit up.

"What about the third one?"

The girl asked anxiously, wanting to know what other benefits there were.

Ao Xin was still smiling, but the words he said were frightening:

"Third, you are too weak. I can kill you in the blink of an eye!"

"So, do you have the qualifications to object?"

"Not to mention that I am willing to give you 10%, even if I don't give you 10%, what can you do?"

The words were soft, but they sounded so cold in the ears of everyone.

The veins on Luo Yi's forehead stood up, but he understood that this was reality, not a novel. If you want to gain long-term benefits in the end times, you must know the times! He held the Zhanfeng tightly with both hands, and after a long while he slowly replied:"Okay."

Behind him, everyone felt humiliated, but no one dared to mock him.

This person rushed out of the tide of corpses, and his murderous aura frightened them. How dare they joke with their own lives?

Hearing the word good, Ao Xin smiled and said,"That's right, it's a win-win situation. I'm not a black-hearted capitalist!"

"Let me clear the area first. These zombies won't contribute many points."

After saying that, he called Han Shuang and jumped towards the zombies coming from other directions.

Luo Yi and others occupied an intersection and arranged a square defensive position with various heavy metal objects.

Their own personnel stood in the center, retreated when they were tired, and took turns to kill the zombies attacking the obstacles.

Now Ao Xin only cleared the zombies on the street they came from, and the other three streets were still full of zombies.

He took off the steel whip from his back. The purpose of this time was to get points, so he planned to fight quickly.

Everyone saw a figure flash by, and countless zombies fell to the ground.

Ao Xin had a sense of observation and reaction, and deliberately avoided all the flesh corpses, but only killed the zombies.

No matter who came to kill the zombie, it would be one point, and there was no need to cripple it.

Luo Yi looked at this scene in shock. Now Ao Xin only used weapons, and the combat effectiveness he showed was completely different from before.

"Uncle Luo, why is he so powerful?"

The twin-tailed girl's beautiful eyes were full of light. For such people, peacetime is a shackle, and the end of the world is their world!

Behind him, a young man who was originally defending the main gate on the north came over breathlessly.

"Uncle Luo, he is too strong! Those zombies are like ants in his hands!"

His body is covered with yellow hair with black spots, pointed ears on his head and a short tail behind his butt. He is also a power user!

When he came to Luo Yi, he released his fruit ability.

""It's not just strong, it's simply abnormal!"

Tang Yingying complained. Under Luo Yi's organization, their life in the end times was not bad. At least, in these days, everyone got more than ten points and exchanged them for armed color training methods.

However, they fought for points between life and death, while Ao Xin directly gave the points to him!

"Not only him, but also that woman, is so strong! Uncle Luo is not as relaxed as her."

Although Han Shuang's performance is not as impressive as Ao Xin's, she is also able to roam freely in the zombie tide.

She is a zombie-level crystal person.

Converted to humans, that is the second-level iron bone realm!

It's just that as an alien species, she has maintained a human image and autonomous consciousness, and her combat power is not as strong as a normal crystal person.

But she is definitely an existence that crushes flesh corpses!

What's more, she is not afraid of the zombie virus, and does not need to defend too tightly, which is something that ordinary humans cannot compare to.

"But she doesn't feel like a human to me."

Tang Yingying sniffed the air carefully.

She was a fragrant fruit and was very sensitive to smells.

Although Han Shuang behaved the same as a human, her crystallization ability could also be considered a fruit ability.

However, the smell on her body could not deceive people.

Tang Yingying felt that the smell on Han Shuang's body was more like the product of the fusion of humans and zombies.

"If she is not human, then is she a zombie?"

The young man complained, and then he said twice:"But then again, she is really ugly! I have never seen such an ugly woman!"

Han Shuang's cheeks and eye sockets were deeply sunken, her face was pale and yellow, she looked like a sick ghost, and her lips were bloodless.

If you suddenly meet her under the moonlight at night, it will definitely scare the timid people to death!

Coupled with her blood-stained and tattered clothes, her image is not only ugly, but also very weird.

While several people were chatting, Ao Xin had killed all the zombies on the three streets, leaving only some flesh corpses.

He broke the limbs and spines of these flesh corpses and let them climb on the ground.

Han Shuang was exhausted and was resting against a telephone pole.

She looked at the zombie corpse in front of her, and her saliva flowed unconsciously. The battle consumed a lot of energy, and she was very hungry now.

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