Luo Yi led the group to a building on the north side of the street.

At this time, Ao Xin finally understood how they were able to hold together under the gaze of the zombies.

The key was still Tang Yingying. Tang Yingying released the same smell as the zombies, covering the building.

In this way, the popularity in the building could be concealed.

But this kind of concealment was not as convenient as Tang Yingying used on herself.

On the one hand, this would increase Tang Yingying's physical consumption. On the other hand, once a zombie wandered into the room, it would be able to feel the human breath when it got close.

However, as long as the door was locked tightly, the zombies would not usually break the door violently if the popularity was not exposed.

Of course, Tang Yingying could sleep well today.

Because the zombies nearby were killed by Ao Xin, she did not need to release her ability to conceal the popularity.

He exchanged a piece of sea king barbecue from the God-given space, ate it in big mouthfuls, and used Life Return to absorb all its energy.

Then he lay on a bed and went to sleep.

Outside the house, the sound of dongdongdong sounded steadily.

That was Shi Yu who was still trying to chop off the head of the hairy corpse.

Everyone fell asleep with the sound of"dong dong dong".

When the moon was high in the sky and the temperature was a little cooler, Shi Yu sat on the ground panting.

In front of him was a hairy corpse with its limbs removed.

The head of the hairy corpse rolled down beside him with its eyes wide open.

"Huh~~Finally cut it off!"

Putting Qiu Shui back into the scabbard, he only felt his arms ache and his muscles tremble.

However, when he saw his one million points in the God-given space, all the pain and fatigue seemed to disappear in an instant!

"One million points! One million! This is the price of a supreme sword!"

"If I run away now, these one million points will be mine!"

"And this big knife, I can take it with me!"

Such greedy thoughts arose in his mind. It

's only been more than a month in the apocalypse, and the points are one million. Even the powerful Azure Dragon ability user Ao Xin doesn't have so many!

All kinds of combat skills and potions can be purchased.

Ordinary bloodline factors are only one million points.

Although there is a side effect of losing emotions, but, are emotions useful in the apocalypse?

His heart was hot and he licked his lips unconsciously.

But what he didn't see was that in the shadows not far away, a petite figure was quietly looking at him.

The figure's clothes were torn and stained with blood, and his face was hidden in the darkness and could not be seen clearly.

On the roof, behind an open window, a pair of eyes were quietly staring at this place.

Shi Yu leaned on Qiu Shui, staring blankly at the body of Mao Shi.

But soon, he shuddered and slapped himself hard.

The crisp sound echoed in the night, and Shi Yu secretly cursed himself:

"What the hell is wrong with me?"

"Uncle Luo is so good to me that he even gave me the Devil Fruit!"

"And Yingying, if I escape, Uncle Luo and Yingying will be killed by the Qinglong boss!"

Thinking of Tang Yingying, he sighed again:"Hey, it seems that Yingying is interested in the boss, I don't seem to have any hope."

Sitting on the ground, thinking of Tang Yingying's pretty face, he was stunned for a long time.

"But the boss doesn't seem to be interested in Yingying? I am not without hope!"

Suddenly he felt that life was full of motivation again, and he got up and returned to the high-rise building where everyone was resting.

After he walked into the building, the petite figure just appeared from the darkness.

It was Han Shuang!

She went out so late to find food.

It was embarrassing to eat zombies in front of everyone during the day. Ao Xin asked her to watch these people, and she couldn't run far, so she could only come out at this time.

Seeing the body of Mao Zhai on the ground, she swallowed her saliva and looked around. There was no one!

Then she grabbed the body of Mao Zhai and ran quickly to a pharmacy next door.

After seeing Shi Yu return to the high-rise building, the pair of eyes on the roof was about to go to bed, and suddenly saw a figure jumping in front of Mao Zhai, his eyes suddenly widened

"is her?"

"What is she doing with the corpse in the middle of the night?"

Unfortunately, the door of the pharmacy blocked his view, so he couldn't see what Han Shuang was doing with the corpse.

In the pharmacy, Han Shuang peeled off the red hair of the corpse, and her teeth crystallized, and she bit it.

Blood flowed down the corners of her mouth. After becoming a crystal person, the smelly zombie meat tasted so delicious to her.

It was more delicious than the best meal she had eaten when she was a human!


The bones of the corpse were hard, and she couldn't bite them, but those brittle bones were very delicious when she bit them!

Soon, half of the corpse was gone. She ate the hairy corpse, burped comfortably, and hid the remaining half of the hairy corpse under the collapsed medicine cabinet in the pharmacy.

This will be saved for tomorrow's breakfast.

After wiping the blood from the corner of her mouth on her body, she quietly returned to the high-rise building where everyone lived and slept in a room arranged by Luo Yi for her.

Just after she fell asleep, another figure quietly went downstairs and came to the pharmacy.

However, he didn't see anything. He carefully searched in the pharmacy, and when he opened a collapsed medicine cabinet, he immediately gasped!

"What the hell is going on here?"

Half of Mao's body had been eaten, and the remaining half was still oozing blood.

"Eat, eat?"

His hands were shaking, thinking of what Tang Yingying said during the day,"Uncle Luo, I don't think she is human!"

Under the dim moonlight, a resolute face was reflected, it was Luo Yi!

Behind him, there was a sudden strange noise, and he turned around in surprise.

A pair of big dark eyes were staring at him and the half-hairy corpse next to him! He almost cried out, and only after seeing the figure clearly did he breathe a sigh of relief:"Yingying, why are you out in the middle of the night instead of sleeping?"

The person who came was Tang Yingying, she was full of���He looked at the half-dead body of Mao in horror:

"Luo, Uncle Luo, was it eaten by that woman?"

She was caught by Ao Xin's claws and flew in the sky during the day. She woke up suddenly in the middle of the night when she dreamed of falling from a high altitude. She opened the window to get some fresh air, but happened to see someone running into the pharmacy with the body of Mao Shi.

Out of curiosity, she secretly followed him out. When Han Shuang returned, she hid in the shadows and realized it was Han Shuang.

After confirming that Han Shuang had returned upstairs, she was about to enter the pharmacy, but she saw Luo Yi coming down from upstairs and going straight into the pharmacy.

She followed him.

"It's her."

Luo Yi felt dizzy. Why would a person eat zombies?

Even if he didn't feel disgusted, wasn't he afraid of being infected by the zombie virus?

"Uncle Luo, I'm afraid she's really not human."

Tang Yingying recalled Han Shuang's sickly face and her gloomy temperament.

When she got closer, she could smell a breath that was 50% similar to that of a zombie.

This is not what a human should have!

"She is neither a human nor a zombie, so what is she?"

"Does the boss know that she is not human?"

The two stared at each other with indescribable shock in their expressions!

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