The two of them stuffed the half-body of Mao's corpse back under the collapsed medicine cabinet and carefully returned to the building.

The next day, at the crossroads.

Shi Yu transferred the points he earned from killing Mao's corpse yesterday to Ao Xin. Qiu

Shui was bought directly by Luo Yi, with Ao Xin's promise of a 5% discount. He spent 95,000 points and Ao Xin received 995,000 points.

""Why don't you run away after getting a million points?"

Ao Xin asked him curiously. Not many normal people can afford such a large amount of wealth.

Shi Yu said seriously:"My father said that when people live in the world, they should put trust and loyalty first!"

Ao Xin did not comment on his words. In the end times, such words are just for fun.

He was not afraid that Shi Yu would run away if he let him chop corpses outside alone.

With Shi Yu's strength that is not even at the Bronze Skin Realm, where can he escape to?

"You continue to chop these zombies."

On the ground, the zombies and hairy corpses strung together by chains were still wriggling and struggling.

But even their bones were broken, and they could hardly move with muscle strength alone.

Shi Yu replied respectfully:"Yes!"

Looking around, there were already zombies wandering at the end of the street.

They were gnawing on the corpses of other zombies on the ground.

But a night of attraction was still not enough.

Tang Yingying released a scent to attract the flesh corpses, but there were only forty-two flesh corpses.

These flesh corpses rushed over quickly, and were crippled by Ao Xin in an instant.

Thrown in front of the defensive position at the intersection, let the people inside come out and behead them.

While everyone was busy, Han Shuang quietly walked into the pharmacy last night.

When she saw that the pharmacy seemed to have been moved after she left, she frowned, moved the collapsed medicine cabinet, and when she saw that half of the hairy corpse was still there, she didn't think much about it, holding the hairy corpse's body. and started to eat it.

Not far away, Luo Yi and Tang Yingying had been paying attention to Han Shuang. When they saw her walk into the drugstore, they all showed horror on their faces.

The two looked at each other, as if they wanted to ask whether to tell Ao Xin.

But Luo Yi shook his head gently, and they could only suppress their doubts.

Not long after, Han Shuang walked out of the drugstore.

There was still a trace of blood at the corner of her mouth.

Seeing this scene, Luo Yi and Tang Yingying were more certain that she was indeed eating the hairy corpse!

When Han Shuang returned, although she did not approach them, they all quietly took a step back, fearing that Han Shuang would suddenly mutate and hurt people!

Leaving these people to chop the meat corpse, he grabbed Tang Yingying again and flew into the sky


The acrophobic girl, who was not prepared at all, screamed again.

This time, he went further away.

His dragon eyes stared at the bottom, but he didn't see any trace of the hairy corpse.

Zombies were no longer useful to him except for exchanging points. To improve his strength, he needed monsters at the level of hairy corpses.

This time, he flew for ten kilometers before he saw a familiar red hair.

However, there were no tall buildings here, which was not suitable for Tang Yingying to hide.

After thinking about it, he came to the nearest tall building and put Tang Yingying down.

At the same time, he entered the God-given space and transferred 100,000 points to Meng Kui, asking him to exchange for the"Seastone Processing Method".

It's a pity that the God-given space cannot transfer items.

Otherwise, he could save 20,000 points by exchanging the processing method himself and giving it to Meng Kui!

But there is no time now. Going back would be a waste.

After putting Tang Yingying down, he said, he would lead the hairy corpse over here, and after that, you use your ability to lead more zombies to me.

He wanted to get more while the God-given space has not changed the points rules yet.

It would be best if he could get 110 million to exchange for the invisible black blood factor and the magic potion.

He turned into a dragon again and came to the place where he saw the hairy corpse before. He fell down in human form, took off the steel whip behind him and smashed it hard.


The hairy corpse was angry, and he went to the high-rise building where Tang Yingying was while beating him.

The hairy corpse was attracted by his rich blood and chased after him. Not only the hairy corpse, but also other zombies around were attracted. He used the six styles alternately, with the armed color covering his body and the observation color always aware of the abnormalities around him.

He tried his best to deal with this group of zombies

"Not enough! Not enough! The pressure is not enough!"

Heroic power is not only the pressure of physical strength, but also the exploration of potential in the crisis of life and death!

Otherwise, with the effort Shi Yu put in to chop off the head of the hairy corpse, his strength should have improved.

But his tyranny did not grow too much, and he still could not reach the bronze skin level.

This is the reason.

Therefore, although it is also physical strength, fighting can improve strength far more than labor and exercise.

""Why hasn't Tang Yingying lured the zombies yet?"

Ao Xin muttered. Did she fall asleep?

In fact, what he didn't know was that Tang Yingying was afraid of heights and had been staying in the middle of the roof. She didn't dare to go to the edge to look down, so she didn't know when he would arrive.

He shouted,"Tang Yingying! It's time to lure the monsters!" The roar like a dragon's roar went straight into the sky, waking up the girl who was afraid of heights on the roof:"Ah! Got it!"

She tried to shout, but her voice was still limited.

Using the power of the Fragrant Fruit, the invisible fragrance drifted around.

A large number of zombies were attracted from a distance, and Ao Xin was in high spirits, but he became more and more courageous as he fought!

The power of various moves has also become stronger.

Until his body gradually stagnated due to the ominous erosion, he opened the human-beast form again and used the powerful blood to disperse the ominous breath in his body.

Three hours later, the hairy corpse had its limbs and spine broken and fell under him.

There were still a large number of zombie corpses, flesh corpses, and the crippled bodies of zombies around.

After exchanging a bottle of strong liquor and washing his body, he exchanged a large piece of sea king barbecue, used the life return, and turned it into physical energy.

After eating, he exchanged an iron chain as usual, pierced the scapula of the zombies and the hairy corpses, and took them to the roof.

Tang Yingying on the roof was watching videos in the God-given space. Feeling someone coming up, she hurriedly exited the God-given space. When she saw the string of zombies and hairy corpses again, she was no longer surprised.

"Boss, I just saw a video. A new zombie has appeared. It is stronger than the hairy zombie! Seven people with special abilities joined forces to encircle and suppress it. As a result, three died, two were seriously injured, and only two escaped with minor injuries."

As she said this, she also shared the video link with Ao Xin.

The person who filmed this battle was far away, which made the picture a little blurry.

But he could still see the appearance of the so-called"new type of zombie" mentioned by Tang Yingying.

In addition to the red hair, this zombie also had a large number of exoskeletons growing on its body. It can not only be used as bone armor to protect the body, but also extend to become a bone knife for attack.

Moreover, although this zombie still looks like it has no intelligence, its fighting movements are becoming more and more proficient.

It seems that in addition to the instincts of killing and infection, it has another fighting instinct!

That is a natural killer, a natural warrior!

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