"Four-star zombies have appeared so soon?"

Ao Xin was surprised. This progress was twice as fast as in his previous life!

Was it because of the butterfly effect caused by his rebirth?

He didn't know.

But he felt more urgent.

He was only at the second-level Iron Bone Realm at present. Even with the

Azure Dragon Fruit, he was no match for the four-star zombies. The four-star zombies had a layer of bone armor formed on the surface of their bodies by the virus in their bodies.

They were called bone zombies or martial zombies!

Those seven people with abilities, who were not even at the Iron Bone Realm, dared to challenge the martial zombies?

They were lucky not to be completely wiped out!

Looking at the location where the video was posted, it was indeed America on the other side of the ocean.

America used nuclear weapons to first catalyze the four-star zombies, which was the same as in the previous life.

However, it was not only America that used nuclear weapons.

The northern power neighboring China also used nuclear weapons to bomb zombies!

Their zombies evolved very quickly.

Of course, the most terrifying ones were not America and the northern power.

It was Ah San to the west of China.

Their nuclear arsenal exploded....

All the nuclear eggs were set on fire.

The city where they stored the nuclear eggs was blown to ash!

Moreover, the radiation spread to half of India. The zombies there are the most evolved in the world!

Of course, this is a later story. The core city of India is now in ruins. Although the zombie virus is evolving rapidly, the zombies are also blown to pieces. The zombies from the periphery need to enter to receive the upgrade package.

Because India is adjacent to China, China has also been hit hard by the zombies from India.

"Boss, can you beat this kind of zombie?"

Tang Yingying asked.

Ao Xin shook his head:"With my current strength, it is hard to beat this kind of zombie.""

"Even you can't beat them?"

Tang Yingying was shocked. She couldn't directly feel the horror of the martial corpse from the video.

But Ao Xin was already the most powerful human in her knowledge. If even he couldn't do anything, how would they deal with it if martial corpses appeared in Yuzhou?

Ao Xin said:"Don't think too much. The truth is to work hard to improve yourself."

"You can't just use it to release the power of the fruit, your own strength is also important"

"Oh." Tang Yingying said, and suddenly thought of Han Shuang's strangeness. After struggling for a moment, she couldn't help but ask:

"Boss, the woman you brought is a little bit strange, have you noticed it?"

Ao Xin was surprised:"You found it?"

He did not intend to hide Han Shuang's identity as a crystal man.

As people's exploration of the end of the world increases, they will gradually learn about the crystal man.

At that time, Han Shuang's identity will naturally be exposed.

He did not intend to let Han Shuang live in hiding.

In this life, his principle is to suppress everything with absolute strength!

"Boss, do you know?" This time it was Tang Yingying's turn to be surprised.

She thought Ao Xin didn't know that Han Shuang ate zombie meat!

So she talked about what she saw and heard last night:"Boss, she ate the body of Mao Zombie, is she still a human?"

Ao Xin said bluntly:"No!"

Ao Xin told Tang Yingying about the knowledge of crystal people and told her about the awakening crystal.

"Oh my god, there is such a monster!"

The girl exclaimed that it was eye-opening:"In other words, the crystallization of the brain of this crystal beast or crystal man can promote the growth and awakening of the ability of the ability user?"

Isn't this a shortcut to becoming stronger?

She suddenly thought:"In this case, other ability users will find ways to kill Han Shuang."

Ao Xin's answer was brief and powerful:"Whoever dares to touch my people will die!"

Oh! What the hell!

Tang Yingying's face suddenly blushed:"Well, boss, am I yours now?"

"Of course!" Ao Xin said with a smile:"As long as they surrender to me, they are all mine!"

"So, if someone bullies me, you will help me, right?"

Tang Yingying blinked her cute big eyes and asked expectantly.

"Of course! Who bullied you?" Ao Xin felt that there must be something wrong when Tang Yingying asked this!

Sure enough, Tang Yingying's eyes lit up and she said hatefully:"It's a friend of mine!"

"We fled together, but after I found a devil fruit, she stabbed me in the back!"

Tang Yingying slowly recounted her past experience.

In short, she was stabbed in the back by her former good friend and was almost killed. After returning, she was the first to complain and ruin her reputation.

Finally, she and several men captured her and raped her....

"If Uncle Luo and Brother Shitou hadn't saved me, I would be dead now!"

She said gritting her teeth,"Before the end of the world, she was my best friend! Why did she do this to me?"

She didn't understand. She had clearly vowed to be the best in the world, but why did she end up like this for a little benefit? If she wanted it, she might not refuse to give it to her if she was told!

Why did she want to kill herself?

It was a pity that after she dodged her killer, she actually forgave her when she cried bitterly!

Tang Yingying hated that woman so much whenever she thought of her

"What's her name?"

Ao Xin was not interested in Tang Yingying's story, but now Tang Yingying was his subordinate, and if he met her, it would not be a bad idea to avenge her.

"Su Rou!"

After Tang Yingying said this name, Ao Xin's expression suddenly changed: even his voice became a little louder:"Say it again, what's your name?"

Tang Yingying, who was immersed in anger, was frightened by his momentum and hurriedly repeated:

"Su Rou! Boss, do you know her? If she is your good friend, I don't need to take revenge!"

The girl who was gritting her teeth just now suddenly wanted to survive.

But Ao Xin's eyes revealed a murderous intent that she had never seen before.

That was a murderous intent that Ao Xin had never revealed even when fighting zombies.

"What does she look like?"Ao Xin took a deep breath to suppress his emotions.

Tang Yingying quickly reached into her pocket and took out a torn photo:"This, this is her!"

It can be seen that they were indeed the best in the world. Otherwise, in the information age, who would carry someone else's physical photo with them?

Ao Xin was happy. The girl in the photo was full of youthful breath. She smiled brightly and wore a beautiful dress. This smile was quite charming.

This face gradually merged with the memory of the previous life.

"Why not?"

He laughed:"Su Rou, it's great to see you again!"

He said it was great, but Tang Yingying always felt that he was going to skin Su Rou alive:"Big, big brother, do you have a grudge?"

Ao Xin did not answer:"Do you know where she is?"

Tang Yingying quickly replied:"I know! She is in the north of the provincial capital. I heard that she found a big brother named Zhao Changkong, who is also a capable person!"

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