I didn't expect to find out about Su Rou so soon.

Ao Xin was furious. He had been deceived by her in his previous life. He thought it would take some time to get news about her, but it turned out that she was Tang Yingying's former friend!

"She cheated you, how do you still know her information?"

Ao Xin was curious. Logically, after Tang Yingying and Su Rou broke up, the two sides should have cut off contact with each other. Su Rou herself was not a big shot. Why did Tang Yingying know her whereabouts so clearly?

Tang Yingying said:"I still have her good friend. After she hooked up with a big shot, she often came to taunt me, and said that her big shot would definitely kill Uncle Luo, and then find dozens of men to rape me!"

The girl's silver teeth creaked. It was obvious that she had always been the victim, so why did she have such a big grudge against him?

Tsk tsk!

Ao Xin sneered. She was really as vicious as ever.

He understood Su Rou's mentality. Since she had offended him, she would fight to the death.

In this way, he understood why Su Rou, who had obviously hooked up with a big shot in her previous life, would meet him.

��Changkong is a person with special abilities in the northern part of Yuzhou Province, and he has great ambitions.

However, he was defeated by the one in Shendu, and his entire power was also swallowed up.

Then, he expanded eastward and met Luo Yi and others.

The result is obvious, Luo Yi was defeated.

Luo Yi and others were incorporated, Tang Yingying was reused because of her special abilities, and Su Rou was afraid of being retaliated and ran away.

That's why she looked so pitiful when he met her later.

He guessed that it should be like this.

As for how Su Rou harmed him, as you all thought, this old-fashioned plot will not be used to increase the word count.

North of the city?

Ao Xin looked to the north. Since he had learned about his enemy, he didn't want to wait any longer.

Long Hua grabbed Tang Yingying and the string of zombies on the ground, flew back to the intersection where Luo Yi and others were, and threw the zombies and the string of hairy corpses down.

Another large cloud of dust rose, and Shi Yu, who was chopping the head of the hairy corpse, showed a look of pain and happiness on his face.

Throwing Tang Yingying off his claws, he rushed up into the sky and headed straight towards the north of the city.

"Huh? Why are you running so fast, Boss?"

Shi Yu just looked up and saw Ao Xin leaving again, and this time he didn't even bring Tang Yingying with him. Where was he going?

"Yingying, what's going on, boss?"

Luo Yi thought Tang Yingying must know something, so he came to ask

"Huh?"Tang Yingying was still in a daze from falling from a high altitude. It took her a long time to react after hearing Luo Yi's question:

"Oh, it seems that the boss went to find Zhao Changkong"

"Zhao Changkong? Isn't he in the north of the city? What does the boss want him for?"

Luo Yi was puzzled, but he immediately thought:"Do you want to subdue Zhao Changkong's forces?"

Since Ao Xin subdued him, it would be reasonable to subdue the other gathered people.

He believed that a strong man like Ao Xin must dominate one side.

"I told the boss about Su Rou, and then the boss seemed very angry. He threw me here and ran away without saying anything. I thought, maybe Su Rou had offended him?"

Tang Yingying sorted out the information in her mind, but still found it incredible.

Su Rou used to be her best friend. At that time, the two of them talked about almost everything. She had never heard that she knew this boss?

Moreover, looking at Ao Xin's appearance, he was at least the kind of person who killed his father and took his wife away.

What did Su Rou do to him?

She couldn't figure it out no matter how hard she tried.

Luo Yi looked at Shi Yu's tired appearance, thought about it, and said to the others:"Come out, I'll give each of you a sharp knife! Come and chop these zombies that were crippled by the boss!"

Shi Yu's energy was almost all tied up by the hairy corpses. Before he even chopped off the head of the hairy corpse yesterday, Ao Xin got another one.

It was unknown how long it would take for him to finish chopping.

Therefore, he asked others to come and help.

Although their strength was not high, they were all people who had exchanged for the domineering practice method, and their physical strength was much stronger than before the end of the world.

In addition, with weapons of the sharp knife level, although they still couldn't cut the zombies, a team of two people using a knife to saw and grind on the zombies' necks could also play a role.

In the sky, Ao Xin stepped on the flame cloud and flew rapidly.

In the center of the city, he fell from the sky and stood on a tall building to rest.

Below, it was extremely chaotic, and the degree of chaos was completely different from other places.

Because, it was not many people who caused the chaos.

It was countless animals!

Looking ahead, there was an extremely spacious gate with the words"Provincial Capital Zoo" written on it!

The zombie virus does not only infect humans.

However, the most common animals in the city are cats and dogs.

Especially in a small city like Biancheng, there are almost no fierce dogs. Those pet cats and dogs, even if they are Infected zombies are the zombies with the lowest combat effectiveness, and they are the easiest to gain points.

Moreover, because of their small size, many cats and dogs have their heads eaten by zombies, and they have lost the possibility of becoming zombies.

They can only become petri dishes for zombie viruses, and other zombies will eat them and evolve.

But it's different here.

These animals in the zoo are far more dangerous than cats and dogs!

After being infected, they will become more powerful zombies!

Of course, the most terrifying thing is not that they are infected, but that these large animals drink the blood of zombies, or eat zombie meat when they are hungry and become crystal beasts.

With virus resistance They not only devour the flesh and blood of zombies, but also crave the flesh and blood of living beings. They are more dangerous than zombies!


He jumped down from a tall building, and a finger gun pierced through the head of a zombie. He smashed its head with a punch. He kicked sideways, and there was a click, and the sound of crystals breaking came. Ao Xin reached out and grabbed the wolf's head. His ten fingers were like hooks, piercing into its head.

He took out a crystal stained with brain matter and threw its body away.


Another kick, kicking away a zebra that had evolved into a flesh corpse. This kick landed on its sternum, breaking its sternum directly.

"The probability of becoming a crystal beast is still too low."

Ao Xin walked leisurely among the zombies, killing for an hour, and only had three more awakening crystals in his hand.

They were all one-star crystals.

"Is that guy no longer here?"

He was searching while fighting. When he fell from here, in addition to collecting a few awakening crystals, the most important purpose was to find that person.

Perhaps, he should not be called a human.

Because, his true form is a Bengal white tiger!

But he ate a devil fruit in the end of the world and possessed a powerful fighting power.

Moreover, after being subdued by the one in the capital of God, he also became the number one warrior in his power!

Devil fruits, of course, are not only edible by humans, and even the God-given space is not only possessed by humans.

However, most creatures have no intelligence and cannot operate. Even if they kill zombies and get points, they don't know how to exchange the items.

However, if there is a devil fruit, it will be different.

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