At the crossroads, Ao Xin stayed here with Luo Yi and others for ten days.

Since he arrived here, he brought back thirteen maimed hairy corpses, and countless zombies.

Ding! Ding! Ding!

The people of Luo Yi's faction have become accustomed to the happy life of being maimed by the big guys and harvesting them.

Although the domineering growth is not fast, it is safer and has a lot of points!

Ao Xin threw a hairy corpse in front of Shi Yu. After these days of catalysis, the zombies in the distance are gradually gathering here.

Moreover, after devouring the zombie corpses they threw at the end of the street, the body is also evolving rapidly.

In the past three days, Ao Xin has no longer turned into a dragon and flew far away. From time to time, hairy corpses appear nearby.

He does not use the power of the fruit, but relies entirely on his physical body to compete with it.

Now he can rely on his physical strength to maim a hairy corpse.

His strength is not far from the third-level giant power realm.


The sound of chopping bones is particularly loud.

A voice mixed with surprise and distress came:"Boss! I have broken through to the Bronze Skin Realm!"

It was Shi Yu!

He has upgraded.

This is a good thing, but also a bad thing!

This means that Ao Xin can no longer get a thousand times the points reward through Shi Yu.

Although the strength of others has also improved, without the bonus of the devil fruit, even Qiu Shui can't swing it a few times.

It is even more impossible to behead the hairy corpse.

Looking at the four hairy corpses waiting to be beheaded on the ground, he was thinking about how to deal with it.

"Boss, should I continue to chop?"

Shi Yu scratched his head in embarrassment. As his strength improved, it became easier for him to chop the hairy corpses, but the points he got would be ten times less.

Just as Ao Xin lowered his head in deep thought, suddenly, time and space froze, and everyone was forcibly pulled into the God-given space.

"The rules for obtaining points have been adjusted. Killing zombies will earn points based on combat contributions. When zombies lose their ability to move, no more points will be earned by attacking!"

Okay, no need to think about it.

The God-given Space directly fixed the bug.

But this is not without benefits. Earning points based on combat contributions can improve the collaboration between teams.

Before, in order to get points, even if there were many people besieging, there were always people who wanted to get the last blow.

Even if the team agreed to distribute them at the end, how to distribute them? How to convince the public? Why are others willing to give you the points?

And so on, a series of distrust issues will cause many conflicts in the end of the world.

Now it is different. Points are earned based on everyone's contribution to the battle. In this way, when fighting zombies, everyone will strive to be the first and unwilling to fall behind.

However, the bugs were not fixed so quickly in the previous life. I don't know if it was because I was frantically taking advantage of the God-given Space that the adjustment was advanced. Just as he was sighing that he had lost an opportunity to take advantage of the God-given Space, the grand and majestic voice of the God-given Space rang in his ears again:

"Because you found a loophole in the God-given space and helped improve the rules of the God-given space, the God-given space will issue you a reward. Please choose one of the following three certificate rewards."


Another reward?

Ao Xin was surprised!

The rewards of the God-given space are all top-notch!

The first time he obtained the gift of domineering genius, which made his cultivation always at the forefront of everyone.

The second time he obtained the title of God-given member, which made it possible for him to make a profit from the price difference and earn a lot of points.

I wonder what the certificate is this time?

Looking up, it was indeed the same as the previous two times. Looking intently:

Certificate 1 [Business Permit]: You have obtained a license to do business in the God-given space. Your small shop will appear in the God-given store. Others can also directly materialize the items they buy from you.

Note: Every time you put the goods in the incoming goods , The God-given Space will charge a handling fee of 1% of the selling price, which will not be refunded regardless of whether the product is sold or not. If the product is taken off the shelf and then put back on the shelf, the handling fee will still be charged again.

Certificate 2 [Preaching Permission]: You have obtained a license to preach in reality, and you can pass on your proficient skills to others without requiring them to redeem the skills in the God-given Space.

Note: The skills you impart lack the initiation function of the God-given Space, so others cannot learn them immediately. They need to gradually comprehend them based on your preaching level and the apprentice's comprehension.

Certificate 3 [Storage Permission]: You have obtained permission to temporarily store items in reality in the God-given Space Each time, you can also share the storage permissions according to the volume and time of the storage item, but you need to consume double points when you store it.

Storage , it takes points!

The only thing that is gratifying is to share with others.

He can earn points through this.

The process of learning is too troublesome to be divided into: learning, understanding, and practice.

Trouble, it is better to get a lot of points through a lot of points to reward others.

"Choose one!"

No more hesitation, directly select [Business Permission]!

Check the God-given space, and sure enough, there is an extra backend page of his own.

Click in to check.

It's empty.

He still needs to fill in basic information and put goods on the shelves before he can appear in the God-given store.


Ao Xin Store? Qinglong Store? Chenlong Store?

He thought about whether to hide that he is the owner of the store?

What's the point of hiding!

He is invincible, what's there to be afraid of!

I figured it out!

Store name: Dragon King Store!

He looked at his current points, 9999999!

One point away from 10 million! At that time, he can use the privileges of God-given members to buy the two unique products at a 10% discount!

Should he redeem one first, or purchase a large amount of supplies from the God-given store to get more points?

This is a dilemma.

However, he found another uncomfortable place.

The goods in the store have no locking and hiding functions. Once they are on the shelves, everyone can buy them!

This means that he can't use the store as a storage space.

If the price is too low, it will be bought by others. If the price is too high, he will have to pay a 1% handling fee!

That would be a loss.

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