After thinking for a long time, Ao Xin finally decided to put up the shop first.

The things he sells are discounted, and he believes that he will be able to make back his investment soon and make a lot of money!

As for the things he wants to sell, he checked the equipment and potions. Combat skills cannot be sold, because once the combat skills are exchanged, they will be directly infused into the exchanger and cannot be stored.

At this stage, those who can afford a good knife are already strong, and most people still use knives and ordinary weapons.

After exchanging 9.8 million points for weapons, potions and food of various grades, he put them all up in his shop.

The price is 99% off the original price.

Without competition, even if it is a little cheaper, countless people will come to buy from him.

After doing all this, he happily checked his personal panel, which he hadn't checked for a long time:

Name: Ao Xin

Talent: Domineering Genius

Title: God-Granted Member

Certificate: Business Permit

Devil Fruit: Fish-Fish Fruit·Blue Dragon Form Realm

: Body Forging-Iron Bones

Combat Skills: Shaving, Finger Gun, Iron Block, Paper Drawing, Storm Kick, Moon Step, Life Return

Equipment: Thunder Ancestor Whip (Fake)

Points: 78724

His strength is no longer what it used to be. He can already fight against the Mao corpse with his flesh!

Even if a four-star martial corpse is in front of him, he has the ability to deal with it, right?

Exiting the God-Granted Space, he suddenly thought, I haven't heard of anyone opening a personal store in my previous life?

Since I can get this reward, then the person who made the most money by letting low-level people chop zombies in my previous life should also be able to get it. Did I choose another option?

However, this reward is useless if it is not combined with the God-Granted Member. The person who triggered this reward in the previous life is likely not to have obtained the title of God-Granted Member.

When the time and space freeze ended, he opened his eyes and found that everyone had stopped their work awkwardly.

The points rules have changed, and now they can no longer get points by killing these zombies.

Seeing that everyone was looking at him, Ao Xin said,"The points rules have changed, and this method can no longer be used. I plan to go back, and you can come with me. I am building a safe base there, and the zombies in Biancheng are weaker than those in the provincial capital, which are more suitable for you to practice."

When they go back, they can also speed up the construction of their own safe base, and he also wants to see the progress of the base construction.

And how his family is doing now.

Although he can learn about their safety through the God-given space, he can't feel at ease without seeing it with his own eyes.

"" Ao! Woo!"

As soon as he finished speaking, the first person to respond was Xiaobai, who had transformed into a white tiger.

He was not yet completely familiar with his human form.

But after following Ao Xin and the others for the past few days, he spoke much more fluently:"Master, I need you to come back."

Except for the pronunciation problem, I could roughly understand what he was saying....

After touching Xiaobai's head, he had to say that the beast was very talented in fighting. When he first met him, Xiaobai was already at the Bronze Skin Realm.

And now, he is almost at the Second Order Iron Bone Realm!

After Ao Xin asked him to exchange Life Return and Six Styles, Xiaobai quickly understood Life Return and was able to use it in just seven days.

Among the six styles, he first mastered the finger gun!

Combined with his tiger claws, it is quite powerful.

Luo Yi said,"I agree. We can't stay here all the time. The fresh water has been exhausted. Even if the boss doesn't mention it, we have to move to a place with water sources."

They were lucky. There was a large shopping mall on both sides, with a lot of drinks and mineral water.

Luo Yi relied on the tyrannical strength of the ancient species and the help of Shi Yu to lead people to occupy this place.

It was precisely because of the large amount of food and fresh water that he was able to gather so many people so quickly.

But now, the supplies have been exhausted.

Others had no objection, and then, Xiaobai and Han Shuang led the way, Luo Yi and Shi Yu were the last, and everyone walked slowly to the east.

"Xiaobai, you should also exchange for a weapon to practice, it is not good to use only claws!"

Ao Xin persuaded Xiaobai earnestly.

But the tiger was still more keen on his claws.

In fact, because of the effect of Thunderbolt Fire to ward off evil spirits, he occasionally used his fangs to bite the zombies' heads to pieces!

Big cats like to headshot their prey.

Xiaobai still likes it now.

It is precisely because of the frequent use of claws that his finger gun can improve so quickly.

But Ao Xin thinks this is not okay.

The broken weapon is not a big deal, but the serious injury to the body will have a big impact.

Xiaobai said:"There are claws on the forehead!"

Ao Xin:...

When they returned to Biancheng, a great uproar broke out in the God-given space!

Because someone finally discovered the Dragon King Shop!

"Dragon King Shop? What is this?"

A survivor who was browsing the goods suddenly saw a strange thing.

"I've never seen it before."

He clicked on it out of curiosity. The goods sold there were not strange, but the prices shocked him. Are the things in this shop cheaper than those in the God-given space?

He quickly browsed through them all. All of them were cheaper than those outside. Although the price was not much cheaper, points were very precious now, so it was good to be a little cheaper!

"Could it be fake?"

He doubted its authenticity, but when he thought of the various miraculous things in the space given by God after the end of the world, he still felt that he should believe him.

"Bought it!"

He spent 990 points to buy a sharp knife. When he exited the God-given space, the sharp knife really appeared in his hand.

"It's actually true!"

He was shocked and delighted. Originally, he only had 996 points, which was not enough to exchange for a sharp knife. He wanted to save more points, but he didn't expect to exchange for the sharp knife directly.

"This is a really good shop!"

Although many people died in the apocalypse, the base number was too large, and there were still many survivors.

He was not the only one who discovered the Dragon King Shop. Soon others also discovered it.

They went from being stunned to not believing, to trying and being surprised. Some were happy alone, thinking that this was a benefit given to them by the God-given Space, and even thought about using the Dragon King Shop to make a profit.

Some called their friends to share their joy, and soon, the Dragon King Shop was known to many people.

In the communication channel of the God-given Space, the news about the Dragon King Shop quickly became the most popular.

"���Brothers, go check it out! There is a Dragon King shop in the God-given space! The things sold there are much cheaper than those in the God-given space!"

"Wishtoday! Zundu fake? Who would still buy things in the God-given space when there is this Dragon King store?"

"If you have points, go buy it now! The number of Dragon King stores is limited, and they will be gone once they are snapped up by others!"

"Damn it, leave some for me! You guys are so quick!"

"Eh? What the hell? Nothing? Who owns this shop? Why doesn't it sell goods?"

Although Ao Xin knew that his goods would be sold easily, he didn't expect that when the Dragon King Shop was exposed, nearly 10 million goods would be sold out!

At this moment, he was still leading Luo Yi and others to slowly return to the direction of Biancheng.

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