The black muzzle of the gun made his scalp numb. He thought that with his cultivation in the Copper Skin Realm and the defense of the Pig Crocodile Fruit, he should be able to withstand the bullets.

But there was no way for the people behind him.

What should I do?

He looked at Ao Xin for help:"Boss, they have guns."

The situation was beyond his expectations. All of these bastards actually carried guns?

Not only flintlock rifles, but also hot weapons in reality. I don't know where these people got them from.

Ao Xin looked up and saw the muzzle of the gun.

Buying a gun is indeed a good method in the early stage.

However, using a gun will not be able to exercise domineering through close combat, which is extremely unfavorable for the improvement of strength.

In addition, guns are not cheap. If you want to get points by guns first, and then use the points to exchange for better weapons and combat skills before fighting, you may lag behind the times.

Physical training needs to be gradual. Now Xiaobai, Luo Yi and Shi Yu have all reached the Copper Skin Realm.

Eighty percent of the team have awakened domineering, and the improvement of strength is on the right track.

Those who use guns may have awakened domineering!

But now, with the weak armed colors of his men, they can't resist the bullets at all. It seems that I have to take action.

"Whether you want our protection or just want to pass through, you have to pay 100 points!"

The bald man said loudly:"However, if you are willing to kneel down and kowtow to us three times and call us dad, I can take you in! Hahaha!"

"That pretty girl, isn't it better for you to come and accompany me than to follow those losers?"

Pointing at Tang Yingying, this girl is much prettier than the women in his base. Now, he can't wait to change his taste.

After eating too much home-cooked food, it's time to try a big meal!

The man in a suit beside him nodded lightly, indicating that he agreed with the bald man's words.

Ao Xin got off Xiaobai and instantly turned into a green dragon and soared into the sky. His body was a little longer than before.

The moment he turned into a dragon, the bald man and the man in a suit were both shocked. The green dragon appeared. Isn't this the Green Dragon boss in Biancheng that was rumored on the Internet?

It's over, this time they kicked the iron plate!

The bald man and the man in a suit were about to beg for mercy when they saw a thunderbolt falling from the sky!

The green dragon spit out three roaring thunders in succession, and the dense thunder directly covered this shelter.

The thunder rumbled continuously, and the lightning illuminated the whiteness in front of the eyes.

When the vision returned to normal, The moment the thunder stopped, Ao Xin had transformed back into a human form and returned to Xiaobai's back.

However, the obstacles in front of him had been knocked down, and there was no trace of life in them.

The entire Dongsheng base was flattened in an instant!

Brother Dong and Brother Sheng were capable people, but they were electrocuted into charcoal before they could even show their fruit abilities.

The strength of these two people was only copper skin. Although his thunder did not seem to be very powerful when fighting against the hairy corpse, it was because the hairy corpse had too strong defense.

How could these little Karami have the qualifications to resist?

His hard fight was only against high-level zombies. Among humans, no one could match him!

It was normal for him to flatten an initial safe base in an instant.

He clapped his hands and said to the shocked crowd:"Keep going, the road is open."

Everyone's awe of him increased again, and they silently followed Xiaobai and walked towards Biancheng.

As he walked, he said:

"Shocked by the gun?"

"Don't be superstitious about guns. If you have a lot of points, you can get a gun for self-defense, but when fighting zombies, don't rely on it. Domineering is the foundation!"

Are guns useful?

Of course they are, such as wrapping bullets with domineering.

However, with the shallow domineering of this group of people, they can't even cover their own bodies, let alone wrap bullets.

Of course, now that the rules for obtaining points have changed, even if they want to use guns to kill zombies, it is impossible.

Along the way, the Dongsheng base is just a trivial episode.

He did not take this group of people to his home, but went directly to the bank of the Yellow River, where Meng Kui and others built a base.

On the bank of the Yellow River, this group of migrant workers were working in full swing, but Meng Kui was not there.

The leader was Feng Kun.

Ao Xin was not surprised by this.

Meng Kui had already told him that he divided this group of migrant workers into two waves.

Those who were willing to fight were divided into one team, and those who were unwilling to fight stayed here to build the base and get points by labor.

Meng Kui and Feng Kun took turns supervising their construction


Feng Kun saw Ao Xin coming with a large group of people, and hurried forward to greet him.

Ao Xin nodded and went forward to check their construction situation.

The black-scaled python received special care from Meng Kui under his special instructions.

After Meng Kui learned the seastone processing method, he immediately gathered people to build a cage mixed with seastone to trap the black-scaled python.

Every day, the zombie meat killed was fed into his mouth, and the python growled frequently, but it was helpless.

However, after eating zombie meat and becoming a crystal beast, he no longer resisted zombie meat, but was very dissatisfied with being imprisoned.

Ao Xin stepped forward and patted the python's head. His scales had been completely crystallized. At first glance, he was quite beautiful and majestic.

The bones in his body were broken inch by inch by Ao Xin. After crystallization, the bones were wrapped in crystals and repaired.

Meng After Meng Kui learned about it, he smashed the bones again.

However, it was not as easy for him to smash as it was for Ao Xin.

Next to the python's cage was the foundation built by the migrant workers. Although they were afraid of fighting, after they had the domineering practice method, strong physical labor could also slowly improve their physical fitness.

Therefore, the efficiency of its construction was not low.

After Meng Kui learned that Ao Xin had returned, he hurriedly led the combat team back from outside.

At the same time, the women's team of the villa led by Liu Xiyao and her own family also returned.

The mental outlook of these women led by Liu Xiyao was completely different from before. They were all full of energy and strong in physique.

There were originally thirty-one of them, and in just one month, twelve of them died in battle.

But in return, they had a stronger will and a strong fighting power.

The five women left in the villa are all dead.



They saluted Ao Xin respectfully, and seeing the large group of people following behind Ao Xin, they knew that it must be the new force that the boss had conquered.

The 19 women led by Liu Xiyao also saw Ao Xin himself for the first time.

Is this the boss's master? He is even more handsome than in the video!

The thought flashed through their minds, but under Liu Xiyao's training, they stood straight and motionless.

Speaking of which, the women's team trained by Liu Xiyao has a higher degree of obedience and organization than those migrant workers' combat teams led by Meng Kui.

I don't know what kind of devil training Liu Xiyao gave them.

After introducing the two sides to each other, he said to Luo Yi:

"I will also classify your people. Those who don't want to fight can join the construction team. As long as they work, they will get points. Those who are willing to fight will no longer have the advantage of killing zombies by obstacles. What awaits you will be a more dangerous battle!"

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