Upon hearing this, Luo Yi went to ask his men for their opinions, while Meng Kui and Liu Xiyao registered them.

"Brother! You are finally back!"

Ao Xin, who was checking the foundation and construction plan, suddenly heard his sister's voice. The little girl called out from a distance.

With her were her sister and the young man she had met in the provincial capital before.

"Dad, Mom, Xiaochen!"

Ao Xin greeted them with a smile. In the end times, there is nothing more joyful than seeing your family members safe and sound.

"Brother, I have reached the Bronze Skin Realm!"

Ao Chen showed off his strength as soon as they met:"After you left, I worked really hard!"

""Well, my Xiaochen is the best!"

Ao Xin was pleased with her sister's growth. After not seeing her for a few days, she looked thinner, but her physique was stronger and her spirit was more resolute.

Her parents didn't say much. Seeing Ao Xin return safely was enough.

Ao Kang had also reached the Bronze Skin Realm, and although his mother Zhang Hong had not yet reached it, she had also awakened her domineering spirit and had a certain ability to protect herself.

""Wow, what a big tiger! Brother, where did you get that big tiger? It's so beautiful!"

After showing off and getting compliments, Ao Chen finally noticed Xiao Bai following behind Ao Xin.

Relying on her current bronze skin realm cultivation and the courage cultivated by many days of fighting, she reached out to touch Xiao Bai's head.

Xiao Bai took a step back, and a low growl came out of his throat, warning Ao Chen not to get close.

"Hey, little kitty, let your sister pet you!"

Ao Chen didn't care at all and hugged Xiaobai's big head.

Xiaobai was very unhappy. Ao Chen felt his emotions and exuded a hint of domineering color,"This is my sister, you two should get along well in the future."

Xiaobai then let down his guard and whimpered,"Yes, raise the silver"


Ao Chen, who was petting a cat, was surprised:"You can talk?"

Xiaobai nodded, and in her shocked eyes, he suddenly turned into a human form.

Ao Chen:???

I touched the man's head for a long time?

Although he is handsome, this is too embarrassing!

He grabbed Ao Xin's sleeve:"Brother, why didn't you tell me he was a human!"

""Uh, it's not silver!"

Xiaobai proudly announced that he was not a human:"Uh, it's a big brain axe!"

Ao Xin:...

Well, the pronunciation hasn't been corrected yet!

"Xiaobai is a Bengal white tiger. He ate the human-human fruit to become like this. From now on, he is also one of us."

Xiaobai also nodded:"That's right!"

Then, with a roar, he turned back into a mighty orc form and showed Ao Chen his well-developed biceps....

""Hey," Ao Chen whispered,"Can you change back to your original form?"

"I can't jerk off like this."

Xiao Bai:!!!

Well, he has dignity!

He flatly rejected this rude request. Only the master can touch his head, no one else can! Not even the master's sister!

This is the bottom line for a beast!

"elder brother~~"

Seeing Xiaobai refused, Ao Chen had to act coquettishly to Ao Xin:"I want to pet the cat. You promised me before that you would let me pet the cat so that Xiaobai can change back!"

There was no choice, Ao Xin had to look at Xiaobai apologetically:"How about you let her pet it?"

Xiaobai's tiger head shook like a rattle, and every hair on his body was filled with resistance.

""Good boy~"

The gentle smile was mixed with a domineering look. Xiaobai groaned a little in grievance and bent down to turn back into a white tiger.

""Yeah! Let's pet the cat! Haha, here comes my little kitty!"

Ao Chen excitedly pounced on Xiao Bai and touched him all over, ignoring Xiao Bai's hopeless look.

Tang Yingying, who was standing by, saw Ao Chen petting the cat happily and wanted to get closer out of envy, but before she got close, Xiao Bai gave her a warning look.

She looked at Ao Xin for help, but Ao Xin didn't mean to help her.

She stood behind him sighing with envy and jealousy.

I wish I had a brother like this.

""Boss Ao!"

Seeing that Ao Xin finally had time to look at him, Yuan Fei hurriedly saluted Ao Xin. There were several scars on his face, not from the zombies, but from bumping into obstacles when he was avoiding the zombies.

In his hand, he still held the steel pipe, which was stained with blood.

Next to him was a young man who had come all the way from the provincial capital.

If I remember correctly, his name seemed to be Lin Tian.

""Boss, I walked here from the provincial capital. Can I join you?"

Lin Tian was even more excited when he saw Ao Xin again.

Since the first time he met Ao Xin, he often saw Ao Xin fighting in the videos of the God-given space.

Killing zombies in seconds and fighting against hairy zombies with bare hands, such an invincible style made his blood boil, and he was more determined to join Ao Xin.

"Boss, I also have a devil fruit, which is definitely not a burden!"

He hurriedly showed his value to get Ao Xin's recognition.

Did he really get the devil fruit?

As expected, if not, it would be difficult for him to cross this distance.


While speaking, Lin Tian showed his fruit ability.

A white-haired dog stood in front of everyone, but his body was huge, comparable to a white elephant.

"Boss! This is my fruit ability!"

The white elephant-like dog shrank and turned into a human-beast form, looking somewhat similar to Yamato:

"I am the Dog-Dog Fruit·Mythical Beast Species·Howling Sky Dog Form!"

Another Mythical Beast Species?

Ao Xin looked around. Was this the home of the Mythical Beast Species?

Although there were far more devil fruits in the apocalypse than in the comics, the Mythical Beast Species were not that common.

Moreover, in his previous life, he did not remember any Mythical Beast Species users in the form of Howling Sky Dog in Yuzhou. What about Lin Tian?

While he was thinking, Lin Tian continued to describe his abilities:

"In addition to the unique physical bonus of the animal system, Xiaotian Dog's sensory ability and endurance are particularly outstanding."

"Among the five senses, I am most sensitive to smell. As long as I smell it, I can track it even if it is tens of thousands of meters away!"

These are the characteristics unique to canines. Although Xiaotian Dog is more powerful, it is not surprising.

"Roaring Sky Dog has another special ability, which is hunting!"

"I can cast a hunting mark on the enemy, and no matter where the enemy escapes, I can sense his location!"

"Attacking the Hunting Mark can cause extra damage. When the person with the Hunting Mark dies, the Hunting Mark will return to the body and heal my injuries. However, there can only be one Hunting Mark at a time."

Ao Xin listened to his story patiently. In addition to the physical enhancement, the more acute perception, and the Hunting Mark is a special effect attached to the fruit.

It is equivalent to the youth version of the Target Fruit plus the youth version of the Sparrow Bee, which is quite powerful.

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