"I plan to recruit some more people."

Ao Xin said to everyone:

"I have created a group in the God-given space. You guys can go in and help me organize it."

"Meng Kui, separate the teams that are willing to fight. Don't crowd them together. Give some to Xiao Chen, Xiao Bai, Han Shuang, Yuan Fei, Feng Kun, Luo Yi, Lin Tian and the others. You and Feng Kun will take turns to supervise the construction of the base. The eight teams will disperse to lead the people."

"Bringing back those who are willing to join us will also be considered a test for you."

After hearing this, Yuan Fei exclaimed,"Boss, I, I can't do it. I'm not as strong as Brother Meng and the others."

Among them, except Yuan Fei and Han Shuang, all others are capable people. Han Shuang, as a crystal person, has high combat power. He is the only ordinary person.

Even though he fights hard, he does not have a domineering genius, and his strength does not improve quickly.

Ao Xin asked him to lead a team directly, which put a lot of psychological pressure on him.

Ao Xin said:"You can do it. I will transfer Shi Yu to you. He is an animal-type capable person and can help you share some of the pressure."

"This, is it!"

Yuan Fei was able to make a name for himself in the end times as a non-capable person, and he was not a fussy person. Since Ao Xin trusted him, he naturally did not want to let down this trust!

After explaining, he asked these people to join the group he had created.

Except for Han Shuang.

After Han Shuang became a crystal person, he lost the qualification to enter the God-given space.

Ao Xin said to Liu Xiyao:"Please ask someone you trust to be Han Shuang's deputy and let her lead the way."

Liu Xiyao immediately replied:"Okay, the best performing person in my team right now is Bai Sisi, I will ask her to assist Sister Han Shuang"

"Yeah." Ao Xin still had some impression of this girl named Bai Sisi. She was promoted by Liu Xiyao as his deputy. When Liu Xiyao reported to Ao Xin, it was she who led the team.

There was a fierceness in this girl's eyes. She was someone who could accomplish great things.

She said to Han Shuang again:"Whoever dares to laugh at you, just kill them! No need to ask the reason, just kill them until they are scared! I'm behind you, just go for it!"

""Okay." Han Shuang agreed softly, feeling warm in her heart.

Even if her identity as a crystal person was not exposed, this ugly face alone would cause countless people to ridicule and sneer.

In her previous life, she was unwilling to kill humans, and she would endure it as long as others did not want to kill her.

But in this life, with Ao Xin backing her up, she no longer has to endure such humiliation!

Ao Chen was pleasantly surprised and said,"Can I lead a team too?"

Before, Ao Xin was worried that leading people would affect her progress in cultivation. Although Duobao Rat is also an animal type, it does not have much bonus to physical fitness. Only the speed is worthy of praise.

Based on the previous Ao Chen, she was worried that leading people would drag down her sister.

But now it is different. Ao Chen's strength has also improved a bit, and leading people can also increase her management experience.

After all, he cannot manage the establishment of a power alone, and he must use trustworthy people.

What is more trustworthy than parents and family?

He also thought about getting his parents involved.

But since the old couple started practicing, they seemed to have become much younger. Just looking at the scene he saw when he came back to eat yesterday, it seemed as if the old couple had returned to their honeymoon period....

They kill zombies together, as if they are just in a world of two....

Well, it was a good thing that his parents had a good relationship, so he didn't mention it any more.

It happened that when his father was tired of fighting, he would ask his mother to use the power of the Seam-Seam Fruit to bring back a few zombies to the central hospital for research.

They had been fighting near the central hospital recently.

I don't know what my father can study from the zombies.

""Hold on, I miss you."

When everyone else entered the group chat arranged by Ao Xin, Xiao Bai suddenly spoke, blinking his big eyes at him. He was not quite sure what he was going to do.

"Uh, I forgot about Xiaobai."

Ao Xin slapped his forehead and said to Meng Kui,"You should also arrange a capable assistant for Xiaobai. His intelligence has just been awakened for a short time and he still doesn't understand many things."

Meng Kui said,"Yes, there is a guy named Jiang Tao who has performed well. I was planning to promote him. Now let him be Xiaobai's assistant!"

Ao Xin instructed Xiaobai,"Follow the guy named Jiang Tao, do what he says, and learn more about how to be a good person. I'm not leaving. If I leave, I will take you with me."

Xiao Bai agreed.

After arranging these people, Ao Xin went to the bank of the Yellow River to find Xu Wenhao and asked him to use his ability to build an iron fence. The gap in the fence was very small, but it was very thick, large, and heavy.

However, this weight was nothing to Ao Xin.

He put the iron fence into the Yellow River and made a simple fish pond.

Then, he reached into the river and felt it.

Now that it has been more than a month since the end of the world, the content of seastone factors in the river has increased a little.

He could clearly feel the resistance of that force to himself, which made his body a little weak.

Fortunately, the concentration of seastone factors in the river is not high now. He feels about 30% weaker, which is acceptable.

However, this is also because he has integrated the invisible black blood factor, and his physique is strong, and his resistance to seawater has also increased slightly.

He transformed into a blue dragon and jumped into the river.

Although he can't swim very well, the dragon is a water god. If it weren't for the restraint of the seastone factor on the ability user, he could swim freely in the sea!

The blue dragon went into the river, and he wanted to find those big fish that had mutated.

Just like the black-scaled python.

Although these water monsters are not as big as the big Pythons are vicious, but they are also a mutated species. If they enter the sea, they will have a chance to evolve into sea kings. They are the most suitable petri dishes for cultivating crystal beasts!

The Yellow River is turbid and clogged with silt, but his eyesight has also improved with his strength, and he can barely see the scene in the river.

There are fish in the river, but these fish are not big, and they are not the water monsters he is looking for.

Fish are very strange creatures. I don’t know if it’s because of the seastone factor, there are almost no infected fish. Most of them either adapt to the virus and become stronger to become water monsters, or become crystal beasts.

Or , they seem to have another evolutionary route, that is to become sea kings!

But if they are fed zombie meat directly, it will be different, they will still turn into corpses.

Qinglong wandered in the river, looking for water monsters that could be used as crystal beast culture dishes.

A three-meter-long big fish jumped into his eyes, and he shook his head. The strength of this fish was too weak, and the probability of becoming a crystal beast was not high.

Continuing to move forward, he encountered another mutated giant carp from the Yellow River.

This fish is at least ten meters long, and its whole body is shining with a lustrous white light.

That is its scales reflecting light!

Ao Xinlong's eyes lit up:"This is a crystal beast!"

The dragon claws stretched out, pierced the hard crystallized scales on the big fish, and pierced into the body of the big fish. No matter how it struggled, it could not break free.

"The first one!"

On the seafloor, another giant eel about 20 meters long passed by. When it saw the blue dragon over 100 meters long above its head, it quickly sank down.

"This one seems to be worth cultivating!"

Ao Xin hurriedly caught up.

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