The river water was churning, and Qinglong came and went freely in it. When he stood up from the river, there was a huge water monster stuck on each of the twenty claws on his limbs. He jumped out of the river, stepped on the flame cloud and went into the air, and threw all the water monsters into the cages prepared on the side.

The cages have been separated to prevent them from attacking each other.

Twenty water monsters, there must be a few crystal beasts!

He returned to the land and grabbed a few zombie corpses killed by Meng Kui and others in the distance, forcibly pried open the mouths of the water monsters, and threw them into their throats.

In order to prevent them from spitting them out, it also pressed hard into its throat with its claws to make sure they swallowed it.

After swallowing it, he went to grab zombie corpses again to feed the water monsters, and repeated this many times until he could clearly see that the water monster's belly was swollen, and then he stopped. He turned into a human form again and returned to the shore, clapped his hands and laughed,"You guys are really proud of me for feeding them personally."

"I hope there will be more crystal beasts!"

He turned back to look at the black-scaled python trapped in the stone cage in the sea tower, opened the cage and���, touched its body, and the bones grew back.

He took the steel whip from behind and broke it again.

"Okay, how cute it is when it's soft and fluffy!"

He fed the python another zombie meal, then closed the cage and walked away.

In the cage, the black-scaled python stared at him with a pair of scarlet eyes. After its scales were completely crystallized, its skeleton was also gradually turning into crystals.

Back at the river bank, he stared at the pool, where the water monsters were churning violently.

After a big fish churned for a few minutes, its scales suddenly began to fall off, its eyes bulged, and sharper teeth grew in its mouth.

This is a zombie!

Zombie fish, not a good thing!

He stepped on the air, used the moon step to come to the sky above the pool, reached out and fished it out, pointed the gun to smash the big fish's head, and fed it to the black-scaled python.

"The first one failed."

He muttered.

Soon, another big fish turned into a zombie and bit the cage madly to escape. He pulled it out again and killed it and fed it to the python.

"Another one failed."

Alas, after all, they are not overlord-level monsters like the Black Scale Python that can dominate the entire river. The probability of these monsters becoming crystal beasts is not high.


He suddenly saw the scales of a big fish glittering. Although it had not yet crystallized, it was already a sign of this.

This meant that the brain of this big fish had been covered by brain crystals and had become a crystal beast!


Overjoyed, he just stared at the changes of the big fish.

In the end, only five of the twenty big fish turned into crystal beasts.

The others all became zombie fish.

After clearing out the zombie fish, he turned into a green dragon and dived into the river again to continue the second capture.

This was repeated many times. When Ao Chen, Meng Kui and others returned from various places with people who were willing to join them in the evening, the fifty cages were finally filled with crystal beasts.

He didn't know how many times he caught fifty crystal beasts before he filled them up.

From the experience of the previous life, many years after the end of the world, China had the most powerful humans, and Asan had the most powerful zombies.

Even those zombies with spiritual intelligence occupied the territory of Asan and established a zombie kingdom.

The places with the most crystal beasts are in Africa and South America. The only places in China suitable for cultivating crystal beasts are rivers and seashores. The monsters in the sea are more numerous than those in the jungle.

It is more dangerous, plus the danger level of the sea itself, so in the early stage of cultivating crystal beasts, it is better to rely on water monsters in the river.

Therefore, many strong people have set their sights on humans. Since crystal beasts are not easy to cultivate, they will make crystal people!

They imprisoned their compatriots and forced them to eat zombie meat. When the corpses turned into zombies, they were killed for points, and the corpses were fed to others.

Those who become crystal people after enduring the zombie virus are cultivated for a period of time and then killed to take the brain crystals.

In the end times, the lower limit of morality is unimaginable.

Fifty water monsters are still not enough as culture dishes.

But today has been a busy day. Tomorrow, he will build a row of water cages on the bank of the Yellow River to raise crystal beasts.

Ao Chen and other eight teams have brought back almost all the survivors in Biancheng.

As long as you are not stupid, you know that joining Ao Xin at this moment is the safest choice.

Unless someone can awaken a system...

"Brother, I brought the people back!"

Ao Chen shouted excitedly:"I'll go register them!"

She tried her best to act like a big sister, took the people to register their information, and gave them instructions.

""Boss Ao, you will be our boss from now on!"

Yang Shaofei's expression was a little complicated, but he still led his men to kneel down and pledge allegiance. The one who came to pick him up was Xiaobai.

On the way, when he saw Xiaobai fighting with the zombies, he was shocked beyond words.

Moreover, this strong man maintained his human-beast form throughout the whole process, and his true appearance had never been seen.

He tried to talk to him, but this strong man was extremely cold and ignored him completely.

Even such a cold strong man was willing to be Ao Xin's subordinate, what dignity could he still insist on?

But what he didn't expect was that after seeing Ao Xin, this cold strong man turned into a big white tiger with a roar, and pounced on Ao Xin:

"Raise the silver! The printing is done!"

Xiao Bai rubbed Ao Xin's trouser legs, showing a very intimate

"Is this still the aloof and powerful man?"

Yang Shaofei felt as if there were a hundred thousand horses galloping in his heart!

Oh my god! This is too much of a spoiled child!

""Ao, Boss Ao, who is this?"

He tried to talk to Ao Xin. He still didn't know what kind of personality this expert who was widely circulated in the God-given network had.

"Xiaobai, this is his true form, a Bengal white tiger."

Ao Xin was also looking at Yang Shaofei. This person has some talent. If he is trained, he can also be used.

"Xiao, uh, no, Bai, Bai Ge!"

When he saw Xiaobai's murderous eyes, he immediately changed his words.

His impression of Ao Xin was still in the video and the pressure Feng Kun brought to him.

But after coming here, he realized how insignificant he was.

Here, there are at least ten people who can defeat him!

It's ridiculous that he was sitting in a well and looking at the sky before, and he still had the ambition to compete for the overlord of Biancheng.

Now, just follow Ao Xin!

In the future, he will also be a senior executive in this big force!

Each of these eight people has a different style of leading the team, and the mental outlook of the people they bring back is also different.

For example, the people brought back by Han Shuang all showed fear on their faces.

Because a blind guy mocked Han Shuang as an ugly monster, his neck was twisted alive.

From then on, all the people in this team were silent all the way, and they did whatever Han Shuang said.

Even if Han Shuang asked them to eat shit, this group of people would probably eat it without hesitation.

When they came to the bank of the Yellow River, they all prayed that they would never be allowed to follow this killing god again.

It would also be great if they could follow the beautiful girl who registered everyone.

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