After a busy day in the river, another fifty water baskets were filled with water monsters that turned into crystal beasts.

Ao Xin clapped his hands in satisfaction on the river bank and fed the python a zombie.

When the team that went out to fight the zombies returned with the second group of people who were willing to join him, Yuan Fei grabbed Shi Yu and came to him.

"Hmm? What happened?"

Yuan Fei couldn't beat Shi Yu, it was just that Shi Yu didn't resist.

What did Shi Yu do to make Yuan Fei so angry? Ao Xin was a little confused.

"Boss! He,"

Yuan Fei was about to tell the story, but suddenly stopped and glared at Shi Yu fiercely:"You tell it yourself!"

Shi Yu didn't dare to look up at Ao Xin, and stammered:"Boss, I, I hid something"

"What's the matter?"

Ao Xin couldn't figure out what he could have hidden from him that would make Yuan Fei so concerned and angry.

"What happened to Brother Shitou?"

Tang Yingying, who was assigned to Ao Chen's team, saw what happened here and ran over in a hurry.

Seeing Tang Yingying, Shi Yu took a deep breath and said with a stiff face:

"I, I got the God-given space reward after I killed the tenth zombie, which is when the points-earning rules changed. I have been hiding it from you."


Ao Xin understood, he had received it three times.

Shi Yuyue killed ten hairy zombies at level three!

It doesn't seem strange to trigger the reward.

"What reward?"

Shi Yu said:"You can choose one of three bloodline rewards."

It was still one of three. Ao Xin was used to this setting.


He suddenly thought of a strong man in his previous life who was rumored to have the ghost bloodline of Teacher Kai.

However, no one knew how he got it, and there was no redemption option in the God-given space.

Now it seems that it should be a God-given reward triggered by completing certain achievements.

"What bloodline?"

Hiding one's trump card is something everyone does, so he was not surprised.

Although Shi Yu and Luo Yi and others were loyal, he did not expect much loyalty from them.

"Giant blood, ghost blood, and Lunaria blood."

Shi Yu said as he took off his shirt. Behind him was a pair of small black wings that looked like they were newborns and had not grown yet.

As he moved his mind, a ball of blazing flames appeared behind him.

"I chose the bloodline of the Lunaria clan!"

Shi Yu lowered his head, not daring to look at Ao Xin's eyes.

Hiding such an important thing meant that he had his own calculations in mind, and in fact he did have his own little calculations.

Could Ao Xin tolerate such a thing?

He didn't know

"Brother Shitou! This is a good thing, why are you hiding it? Wouldn't it be better to tell the boss earlier?"

Tang Yingying's voice made him look up cautiously, and seeing Tang Yingying's nervous expression, he smiled bitterly. Tang

Yingying also understood what Shi Yu's concealment meant, and quickly defended him:

"Boss, Brother Shitou didn't mean to hide it. He, he..."

After a long time of talking to him, the girl was sweating profusely, but she couldn't think of any suitable excuse.

Ao Xin suddenly came forward and put his hand on Shi Yu's head. Shi Yu's heart skipped a beat and his legs were shaking.

Tang Yingying and Luo Yi were even more shocked and said quickly:

"Boss! Brother Shitou was confused for a moment, he will definitely make amends!"

"Boss! It was Xiao Shitou's fault for hiding this from you. This kid is stupid! He didn't mean it!"

Luo Yi and Shi Yu got along well. Worried that Ao Xin would kill Shi Yu directly, he knelt down in front of Ao Xin and buried his head very low:

"Boss! I, Luo Yi, am willing to use my life to guarantee this! If Xiao Shitou is unfaithful to you, I am willing to die to atone for my sin!"

"Boss! Me, me, me, me too, Brother Shitou didn't mean it! I'm willing to vouch for Brother Shitou too!"

Tang Yingying also knelt down, anxious in her heart. She looked at Ao Chen with pleading eyes. With her cute appearance, cheerful personality, and special abilities, she was assigned to Ao Chen's team and soon became close to Ao Chen.

At this moment, they didn't know what Ao Xin was thinking, so they could only ask for help from Ao Chen, the only one who could persuade Ao Xin.

But Ao Chen ignored her eyes, she believed in all the judgments made by her brother!

Just when everyone was nervous, Ao Xin reached out and just touched the flame behind Shi Yu.

The temperature was okay.

But in front of him, that's it!

The Azure Dragon physique, the strength of the giant force realm, and the invisible black blood factor increased his defense to an exaggerated level.

This little flame is nothing.

He felt sorry in his heart. If he had known this earlier, he should have let Ao Chen kill the hairy corpse!

This is the bloodline of the Lunalia tribe!

As long as the flame is not turned off, the invincible defense can make his sister's survivability reach a higher level.

Even if it is turned off, with the extreme speed plus the speed of the Duobao Rat, almost no one can catch up with Ao Chen.

What a pity....

However, Ao Chen's attack power is not good. Although she is a fantasy beast, she is not as strong as a lynx. If she is asked to chop the hairy corpse, she may not be able to lift it even if she is given a big knife.

He took his hand away from Shi Yu's head and said lightly:"Two people have guaranteed you with their lives. If you have any other intentions, you should know the consequences."

Shi Yu's pants were soaked with cold sweat. He hurriedly said:"I can get my reward because of the boss, and I dare not betray him!"


Ao Xin said to Luo Yi and Tang Yingying:"Get up"

"You should have seen the Dragon King Shop in the God-given Space these days, and many people should have guessed that the shop was opened by me."

Everyone heard this and looked as if it was just what they expected, not surprised at all.

"The Dragon King Shop is selling at a 99% discount, but as my subordinates, I will give you all a 95% discount, which is my employee benefit."

After he said this, he left without saying anything more.

After he left, the people on the quiet bank of the Yellow River dared to discuss quietly.

"I knew that the Dragon King Shop must be opened by the boss! 95% off, it turned out to be the right decision to join Boss Ao!"

"Only a fool would run away with such good benefits! And Boss Ao doesn't only recruit the strong. Weaklings like us can also earn points by working for Boss Ao. In the end times, where else can we get such good things?"

"That's right!"

Suddenly, someone pointed at Shi Yu viciously and said,"Hey! Don't be ungrateful, kid. If you dare to betray Boss Ao, the girl you like, we will kill her with our immortal swords, and then with our swords again!"


Shi Yu was furious. He could not tolerate anyone insulting Tang Yingying.

""Brother Shitou, forget it."

Tang Yingying quickly pulled him back. Ao Xin had just left, and if he hurt someone here, it would be unacceptable.

""Say less."

A middle-aged man with untidy beard pulled the young man who said the harsh words away.

Although Shi Yu dared not even fart in front of Ao Xin, he was a person with special abilities after all, and a person with special abilities who had obtained powerful blood.

As long as he did not betray, he would definitely be a senior official under Ao Xin in the future.

At that time, he could be assigned a mission to die, or find an excuse to kill him quietly, and the boss would not know at all.

Even if he was known, what would happen?

At most, he would be criticized a few times.

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