But Lin Tian saw this scene.

He stroked his chin and thought for a moment, then followed the two men to their residence.

"" Hello."

He suddenly spoke, and the two turned around in surprise:"Brother Tian?"

Lin Tian is younger than them, but they know that fists are the biggest in the end times, and it will never be wrong to call someone stronger than themselves brother.

Lin Tian came in front of An Qingnian:"What's your name?"

The young man pointed at himself:"Me?"

Lin Tian nodded.

He said:"My name is Gu Chengfeng, Brother Tian, just call me Xiaofeng!"

He looks older than Lin Tian, but his shamelessness makes the middle-aged man ashamed.


Lin Tian didn't care about this:"Want to join my team?"

Gu Chengfeng was overjoyed when he heard this:"Can I?"

Lin Tian said:"Of course, but my training is also very strict. If you can't bear it, I will kick you out to work on the construction site"

"No problem, Brother Tian!"

Gu Chengfeng immediately said:"It is my honor to be able to follow Brother Tian!"

"Lin Tian said:"Tomorrow I will ask the boss to transfer you to my team."

Then he turned and left.

"Xiao Gu, you are rich now."

The middle-aged man looked at Gu Chengfeng with some envy. Was he favored by a powerful person just because of one sentence?

Gu Chengfeng was excited and thought to himself,"The bet is successful!"

After Ao Xin returned home, he and Liu Xiyao packed up and moved to the family upstairs.

Otherwise, it would be embarrassing if his parents heard him when he was happy.

""Woo, raise the silver but not the wine!"

Xiaobai cried and hugged his legs, his big eyes full of reluctance.

Ao Chen rode directly on Xiaobai's back, rubbed his ears and said,"I want to move too!"

The old couple Ao Kang didn't say anything about their brother and sister moving away.

Anyway, this building is empty, they can live anywhere.

Not to mention this building, even the building next door is empty.

But for Ao Chen, a sixteen-year-old girl, moving upstairs is a free experience away from her parents' life.

Ao Xin let her do it.

Only Xiaobai was very dissatisfied with this arrangement.

Unfortunately, the protest was ineffective.

Two hours later, Ao Xin, who entered the sage moment, entered the God-given space to restock his shop.

At this time, he saw a message.

The message came from Li Hui

"Brother Ao, you opened this Dragon King Store, right?"

Ao Xin replied,"Yes."

Perhaps because it was already night, Li Hui was free, and just as he finished replying, the other party immediately replied:

"Fuck, fuck! I knew it! As soon as I saw the name, I knew it was opened by you, a pervert!"

"How did you manage to open a shop in the God-given space? And why were you able to sell goods at a 99% discount? Can you teach me?"

Li Hui asked several questions in a row, and shamelessly asked for the method of opening a shop.

"You want to die!"

Even if Ao Xin wanted to teach, he couldn't. He didn't know whether the same type of title and certificate rewards would appear again.

Even if they did, how to trigger it.

This answer was not unexpected. Li Hui didn't expect to get this method from Ao Xin.

Even if this method could be copied, Ao Xin would definitely monopolize it to make huge profits.

"Well, since you can sell goods at a 99% discount, it means you can get the goods in the God-given space at a lower price. How about giving me an 80% discount?"

Ao Xin complained:"Go to sleep, dreams can have anything."

"Li Hui still didn't give up:"81% off is fine!"

"88% off?"

"10% off?"

"95% off? Damn, you won't even give me this face!"

Ao Xin was too lazy to pay attention to this guy.

Do I know you well? Or do you have the face fruit?

Moreover, Ao Xin did not have the authority to give discounts to anyone.

Even for his subordinates, he exchanged them with points in advance and handed them over to a special person for safekeeping, and then those people took the points to register and exchange them there.

Although it was a bit troublesome, these people were willing to do it in order to save even one point.

After a long time, Li Hui finally gave up when he saw that he could not get any wool from Ao Xin.

"Comparing yourself to others will only make you feel nauseous. I'm still struggling for a few points, but you've already become rich and powerful. It seems that you also exchanged for the invisible black blood factor."

"Since you have a shop like this, the magic potion should be yours too. I originally thought that you could only exchange one at most, and I would have a chance to get the other one. Now it seems that I will not get either of them."

"If I had known I would sell this devil fruit at a higher price, you rich bastard!"

"You are not short of points, so when will you come to trade with me?"

Li Hui sent a lot of messages in one breath. After reading them, Ao Xin replied,"No hurry, I will come to you after I finish my family affairs."

"By the way, do you have any news about powerful devil fruits?"

A strong man like Li Hui has great luck, and he may get other powerful devil fruits. He can't use them himself, so he can either reward his subordinates or sell them.

He asked with the mentality of giving it a try.

Li Hui said:

"No more. It’s already a great achievement for me to find three fruits by myself. Where can I get more?"

"But I do have some news, it depends on whether you dare to do it."

Li Hui's words aroused Ao Xin's interest.

Dare or not?

Is there anything that he dare not do?

"Tell me about it."

Li Hui laughed and said,"Hey, well, intelligence is also a kind of value. It's not too much to charge you one million points."

Ao Xin sneered,"Are you crazy about points? I don't believe that you are the only one who knows this news. If you don't tell me, I will directly put up a reward and ask others!"

Hearing what Ao Xin said, Li Hui immediately became anxious:

"Okay, okay, I say! One hundred thousand points should be enough, right? You have to pay something for the bounty, right? It’s better to give it to me than to others!"

Ao Xin said:"You can say it if you want."

As he said, he entered the God-given network and began to look for information about the devil fruit.

He didn't believe that this was Li Hui's exclusive secret.

As the most important part of the first God-given, the news of the devil fruit is also the most concerned by everyone.

His search also found a large number of people with abilities that were exposed.

In addition to him and Li Hui, the most famous one is the female anchor in the Magic City whose online name was Yuzu before the end of the world.

Her real name is An Nan, and she is an animal-type·Flower-Flower Fruit·Phantom Beast·Flower Fairy Form.

But her current situation is not good.

Although the fruit ability is strong, she does not pay attention to her own strength, and her progress in domineering practice is very slow.

Now, another strong man in the Magic City has found her and wants to practice dual cultivation with her.

She is unwilling, but she can't beat him, and now she is running away in a panic.

Ao Xin has an impression of that strong man, named Wu Shuang.

In his previous life, he was one of the strong men in China second only to the Desert Emperor Li Hui.

An Nan was eventually caught by him and became one of his women.

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