The Endless Shuttle

Zongman: Endless Shuttle Chapter 1000

The Ex-Machinas and Deities in the sky, and the elf fleet below, whose situation is unclear, in such an environment, a spatial distortion occurred.

The Ex-Machinas reacted the fastest, and when they sensed the danger, they were on alert immediately, and spontaneously blocked in front of Fan Lou.

But no use.

A young man with black hair and a handsome appearance suddenly appeared from behind Fan Lou who was thinking, hugged the God of Suspicion, and lifted her up from the ink fountain.


Fan Lou was a little surprised, then realized the identity of the person who played a prank on her, and let down his vigilance again.

"Rope, I still can't understand your behavior..."

The person who came was the supreme king who currently occupied one-third of the camp in the world, and the god species served by the nightmare species, the elf species, the sea dweller species, and the orc species.

"God of Disaster" Rope.

"I'm sorry, I'm sorry. I secretly watched Fanlou's reaction for a while, but I couldn't help but play a prank."

Luo Pei smiled and weighed the fan building. Considering his height, the God of Suspicion is no different from Lori.

"I thought you were in some trouble, but it turned out to be a drama of "recognition of relatives". In such a scene, you should call me directly, aren't we allies? "

Fan Lou tried to break the hands of the black-haired young man, but those big white hands were like iron tongs, and they couldn't be separated without using the power of the gods.

The God of Suspicion gave up leaving, sighed and let Luo Pei hold her like a rag doll.

The Ex-Machina "Command" unit opened its mouth.

The Creator of "Doubt" did not express dissatisfaction with the behavior of the God of Disaster Deity, and requested the Creator to issue an action order to the Ex-Machina based on the calculation of the database. "

"Don't be so guarded, the god of disaster is my ally in the relationship between "argument" and "solution". "Fan Lou said.

"OK" is engraved into the data. "

Luo Pei looked at the black Ex-Machinas with intense interest in his eyes.

When he was conquering Yanlong before, he had a relationship with the Ex-Machinas. At that time, he even offered an olive branch to solicit, but was rejected by the Ex-Machines without hesitation.

As a result, up to now, according to the hooligan theory that "Fan Tower belongs to him, so Fan Tower's subordinates also belong to him", the Ex-Machina still fell into his hands.

——The race with the most potential in the Great War!

The black-haired young man held the sail tower and glanced at the quiet Ex-Machinas. Not surprisingly, he found a long-haired juvenile mechanical figure in a corner.

It may not have a name now, but it is well-known in the original book. It overturns the virus of Artosh, the god of war-"Ex-Machina" Hubby.


"Rope, why are you laughing?"

Fan Lou tilted his head, looking up at the chin of the black-haired young man.

Rope shook his head.

"Fanlou, let the Ex-Machines take over my orders. It's not appropriate for guests to stay in the sky like this. If you are troubled by the handling of the Ex-Machines, just leave it to me."


Fanlou nodded half-understood, and then issued the first order in thousands of years to the "General Command".

"Since you still recognize me as the Lord, you should also recognize that my allies have the same status as me."

""Confirm" God of Disaster command engraved authority. Your order has been executed. "

All Ex-Machinas have lifted their alert stances.

Luo Pei let go of the sail building, and said to the elves who were still a little confused below, the voice resounded through the world.

"Serve me, worship me, children of the forest! Today is a day worth celebrating, put away your weapons, and hold a banquet in the city! Today, my partner, "God of Suspicion" Fan Lou The created race, the Ex-Machines will officially become your reliable and reliable allies! "

There was a moment of silence, and then cheers erupted from the Grass Dome.

In general, no one likes war - especially a senseless war.

Next to him, Fan Lou, who was sitting on the ink fountain, tilted his head cutely again.

It seems... something is wrong?

Chapter 58: The God of Disaster, Pretty Lolita

The Ex-Machina has found its old owner, and Luo Pei has taken over the Ex-Machina with the help of the sail building. This is indeed something to be happy about.

This will mean that the power of the upper species that Rope can use is no longer limited to the nightmare species, and it will be a considerable enhancement to his overall camp.

Of course, this is not to say that the God of Disaster has no regard for the elves.

It's just that in comparison, the Ex-Machinas that evolve according to the opponent's strength are better both individually and as a team.

The new capital of the elves, in the spacious temple of the Fan Tower.

"Let go of me..."

"do not move."

Luo Pei grabbed the sail tower, trying to give the girl more gorgeous hair accessories.

A small crown of silver and diamonds.

Seeing that it was about to be worn on the head, Fan Lou struggled even harder, and even used space transfer to avoid the behavior of the God of Disaster.

She looked at Luo Pei warily.

"Negative! I only promised to be an ally of "arguments" and "answers" with you, but I didn't promise to marry you! Besides, you and I are both gods, and I can't understand why the "marriage" behavior of the lower species needs to happen to me and you! "Marriage" is a concept created for the purpose of procreating offspring, and the gods do not need offspring! "

Luo Pei sighed, put down the silver crown in his hand, and waved to Fanlou with a smile.

The girl of the spirit species hesitated for a moment.

The increasingly weird attitude of the black-haired young man made Fan Lou not want to get close to him, but considering that Luo Pei was an "ally", there was no need to be so repulsive, so he drove Mo Dou to fly to the black-haired young man.

And then got caught again.

Like catching chickens.

"If you are trying to enslave me by confusing the concept of "marriage", I will never agree... Woo! God of Disaster, you are so strange, I want to leave here..." Fanlou said with an awkward expression, but he didn't struggle anymore, he didn't know if he was too lazy to do useless work, or he knew he couldn't escape the harassment of God of Disaster.

"Fanlou, we are now a community of destiny, do you agree with this?"

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