The Endless Shuttle

Zongman: Endless Shuttle Chapter 999


Lopez's fishing behavior stopped, he ignored Freya's protest and shook, his eyes penetrated the dream, and focused on a certain place.

"Suspicion, request, exaggeration... Is this the "spiritual manifestation" of Fanlou? "

The black-haired youth murmured in a low voice, then stood up from the throne.

Following his actions, everyone present stopped discussing and turned their attention to the well-deserved master of this place, the God of Disaster.

"I'll leave for a while." Rope said, "It's good for William to pass the result of the discussion directly to the Psychic Network, and try to reach a conclusion before I come back."


Regardless of Luo Pei's selfish desires or the overall situation, Fanlou is an indispensable existence for him.

Therefore, no matter what the reason for Fanlou's "spiritual manifestation" is, it is necessary for Luo Pei to take a look. This is the most basic responsibility to his allies.


Let me explain here that the Ex-Machina has forgotten its creator, and even the five ancestors can only vaguely perceive it, and the ordinary body can only recognize it after approaching the Fan Tower, and cannot directly determine the location of the Fan Tower. Yes, it is like that.

Chapter 57 God, Machine, Heart

Spiritual skeletons were floating, and on the beautiful sky like falling snow, the girl sitting on the ink fountain stretched out her palm.

From the black mass of mechanical figures, five square mechas shrunk their bodies, floating, flying, and surrounding the God of Doubt. Among them, the "commanding" mecha gently landed on Fan Lou's hand, like Creator and created, as it was countless years ago, creations return to the hands of their masters.

"The creator of our Ex-Machines, the Lord God we should serve."

"Overall command" said.

"Your departure made the props meaningless. We have been lost for a long time, and now we have finally returned to your hands. All Ex-Machinas, waiting for your order."


Fan Lou did not answer.

Unidentified emotions are brewing in her silver-colored eyes, which makes Fanlou feel very fresh.

The God of Suspicion knew very well what this kind of emotion was called, but it was the first time he felt it personally.


It usually refers to the existence that once had an intersection, after a long time no see, the sigh of the passage of time and the change of phenomena.

Fan Lou instinctively wanted to ask herself "what is nostalgia?", but in a daze, the words of the black-haired young man lingered in her heart again, to stop her pure self-abuse.

The answer is on the surface... there's no point in digging deep...

So, let's assume that.

Because it is God, it is God. God's questions never have "answers." But "question" is "heart", which is the proof of self and existence.

"Xin, thank you for your hard work."

Fanlou tried to say the corresponding words, but the way of communication that she had never done before made her crisp tone a little hasty.

The five progenitor mechas of the Ex-Machina shone with a faint light, and they flew even faster around the sail building. The data flow in the eyes of the rest of the Ex-Machina species with robot figures is also intensely flowing, as if they are receiving the cognition of the "God of Suspicion" Fanlou from the transmission of the five ancestors.

There is nothing more gratifying than having an owner for a prop. They are created and should be used. If they are not used, they can only rust naturally in this empty world and become worthless things like clay.

" this the name you gave yourself?" Fan Lou asked.

"The "answer" was determined as the "Ex-Machina" 70,000 years ago after the unified calculation of the five ancestors, as well as the conventional identification of the Ex-Machinas by external intelligent creatures. If the Creator disagrees, he can rename us. ""Command Commander" said.

As long as it is an order, the Ex-Machinas will execute it.

Strange to say, in this world, the loyalty of the races created by the gods to the gods is basically unbelievable.

Even the "God of Nature" Kainas who doesn't care about the gods, there are many beings among the elves who respect and obey, not to mention the "God of Forging" Okan and the "God of War" Artosh. Having said that, their relationship with the Flügel and the Goblin is just like the current Ex-Machina and Sail Tower.

"You... in the process of your own evolution, you got your own name..."

Fan Lou looked at the square in his hand with some envy in his eyes.

Her creations understood the "self" before her, and had recognized names—even racial names. Just such an insignificant progress, she is much better than her who only knows "God of Suspicion".

At least Fanlou thinks so.

However, if you try to accept the understanding of the god of disaster... you will also have the name "Fanlou"...

Thinking of this, Fan Lou put on a smile, she touched the corner of her mouth and whispered.

"It's 'happy', synonymous with 'happy' and 'happy', a symbol of 'heart'..."

""Question" has been calculated, we cannot understand your words, please explain in more detail. "The Commander" couldn't understand the Creator's soliloquy.

Fan Lou didn't explain, but shook his head and said.

"The name Ex-Machina is the "answer" you got yourself, since it is the "answer", then I have no reason to change it. "

""Answer" the order of the Creator has been engraved, and the Ex-Machinas will continue to inherit the racial name of "Ex-Machinas". "


Fanlou seems to see himself from these small squares, or in the eyes of the God of Disaster.

"When you find me, what should you do next?"

""Answer" to end the standby mode and wait for the Creator's command. "Command" said without hesitation: "The props will act according to the owner's ideas, please give the order."


The girl of the spirit species wanted to say, "Report your experiences and knowledge to me, and interpret my questions."

But after being denied the identity of the "God of Suspicion" by Luo Pei, she felt that something was wrong with doing so.

During the two months of self-contemplation, which was not too long, and it was only a short period of time for the gods, Fan Lou's heart had slowly begun to get rid of the "instinct" that had been running for a long time.

"... What do you think about yourself?" She tried to ask.

"The "answer" prop doesn't need a mind of its own. "


Now the sail building is stuck.

She couldn't accept the words of "General Command", because even she herself didn't know what she wanted the Ex-Machinas to do.

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