The Endless Shuttle

Zongman: Endless Shuttle Chapter 1007

"Do you think I'm a guy who kills indiscriminately?"

"Aren't you? In the records of the secret book, there are many scary rumors about you, Princess Heping..."

"It's starting to go too far, the child's father."

"...You are the one. Don't you have children yet?"

"There will be soon."

Ignoring the leisurely bickering between the two, Riku and Alec looked at each other, and there was determination in their eyes.

Then, throwing away the useless dagger, the gray-haired and blond-haired humans came out of the food storage with their hands raised.

"We were just looking for some food, no offense meant."

Riku said as calmly as possible.

"If you need this food, we will leave immediately and never return."


The black-haired young man repeated a sentence as if it was strange, then smiled and waved his hands.

"We don't need food. It's just that we haven't seen human beings for a long time, and we're just a little interested... I didn't expect it to be you, boy."

It seems that there is still a chance to live...

Having no time to pay attention to the seemingly familiar tone of the latter sentence, Riku, who was obsessed with life and death, took a deep breath, and asked for instructions with the most cautious words in his more than ten years of life.

"Dare to ask...can you tell me your identity? If this is impolite, please don't blame us, and let the humble us go..."

"Anxin, it's not some strange guy, just a boring guy passing by by chance..."

The black-haired youth said in a relaxed tone.

Chapter 62 Capture the special map of "God of Games"

It was an ambiguous answer, but Riku didn't dare to ask any more, and lowered his gaze.

Even for this smart and calm young man, what he said just now has exhausted all his courage.

In front of the superior species, human beings have no position and are as humble as a mustard. To put it in more common terms, it is three yuan for one key and three yuan for ten yuan. No matter what he says, he doesn't deserve it!

Riku's hand quietly touched the other spare dagger at his waist.

If the situation gets too bad and affects the situation in human settlements, he only wants to be able to kill himself to prevent the situation from worsening. Next to him, the blond Alec thought the same thing.

Luo Pei noticed the pitiful little actions of the teenagers, but he didn't care. Embarrassing this group of humans who were not much better than ants was an insult to his identity.

"Don't be so nervous, young man. I said that I just came up to see if I was interested, and I have no plans to do anything."

The black-haired young man smiled, stretched out his hand and snapped his fingers.

In a split second, vines grow into simple seating. A long wooden table appeared out of nowhere, covered with a crimson handmade tablecloth, filled with delicacies that Riku had never seen before, and the aroma was lingering.

Such power...

Riku's pupils shrank.

"There is a storm of spirit bones outside. Even if you want to leave, there is a high possibility that you will die on the way. How about sitting down and chatting with me?"

Although the ability to create things out of thin air is shocking, this is obviously not a reason to neglect the superior species.

Yalei glanced at Riku, but the latter seemed to be immersed in some kind of thinking, so he said cautiously.

"Thank you for your forgiveness, this is the stronghold of the elves, we..."

"You don't have to care so much, even if the elves are here, it doesn't matter."

Lope interrupted Riku and spoke for the second time.


This time, neither Riku nor Yalei dared to hesitate any longer, and sat down immediately. Today's human beings don't understand what it means to be "ignorant of flattery", but living in troubled times, young people with sharp thoughts understand the meaning of not disobeying the superior species.

——Weak humans know how to write the word dead.

For Luo Pei's level, food and drink are naturally unnecessary, but he still picked up a glass of wine and looked at the two human teenagers opposite the seat with interest.

To be precise, it was the pale-haired Riku.

This over-exaggerated human being in the original book has no other characteristics except his appearance, wit and calmness. His strength is only at the level of ordinary human beings, and his spirit is not as tough as a "hero".

But it was he who ended the war that lasted for tens of thousands of years, pushed the leak-picking king "God of Games" Tetu to the throne of the only god, and gave this world the name "Disbod".

Let the war be attributed to the greatest contributor to peace.

"You can call me Rope." The black-haired youth said.

"I understand your panic and fear in the face of me, so I don't intend to go around in circles with you. What is the current population of human tribes?"

"The two of us have wandered in the wilderness since we were young, looking for wild beasts and missing things to eat..."

Alei didn't want to implicate the gathering place's sense of crisis, so he told a lie to deal with "if he is discovered by the intellectual superior species", but Riku replied loudly before him.

"About five thousand people."


Alec looked at his companion in astonishment, wondering why the always cautious Riku would "sell out the gathering place".

Rope nodded in satisfaction.

Just relying on his creation out of thin air and his indifference to the elves can see something. This boy is indeed very smart.

"I haven't calculated the exact number, but it shouldn't exceed five thousand." Riku stared closely at Rope's blue eyes: "Food is cultivated around groundwater sources, and fur and clothing are obtained from plants in the forest. Human beings are like this. Excuse me, are you satisfied with this answer?"

People want to know, don't hide what is impossible to hide.

Rope laughed.

"That's a good answer, I've changed my opinion of you a little bit, boy..."

Riku frowned, and when he calmed down, the black-haired youth's familiar tone made him very puzzled.

He has never had the impression that he has been in contact with foreign races - the contact between human beings and foreign races is a celebration for the survival of the world.

The boy threw these questions to the back of his mind and continued to ask softly.

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