The Endless Shuttle

Zongman: Endless Shuttle Chapter 1008

"...If it is allowed, can you tell me what your plan is when you know this useless information? Human beings have no other use for an existence like you except as food?"

"Insects, you are wrong, you are not even qualified to be food."

This time it wasn't Luo Pei who spoke, but the red-haired girl who didn't sit down and stood aside.

Riku just met her eyes for a moment, then quickly lowered his head, gasping for breath.

Compared to the mystery of the black-haired youth, the pupils of the red-haired girl seemed to have a burning sun buried in them, almost destroying Riku's soul.

"Your Majesty." Luo Pei raised his hand and said softly, "Let me play here, just wait, maybe I can give you a gift later."


Of course, Cthugya doesn't care about what it is, and how can the Old One care so much about things inside the world and demigods, all she cares about is Rope's attitude.

The girl narrowed her eyes and raised the corners of her mouth upwards.

"Little Luo Pei means that you want to offer a "tribute" to me? "

"I didn't say that." Luo Pei denied with a smile.

"It's just a little feedback for your favor, just to express my heart."

Offering tribute to a god means that he acknowledges that the believer who is that god will become a very close relationship to his current situation.

And even if it's in name and form, Cthugya will definitely make a big fuss.

There is already a dark beauty, Nyogda, and Luo Pei does not plan to increase the number of gods in his "named believers" for the time being.

"...boring." Cthugya pouted.

"Then I'll look forward to the first gift that little Luo Pei gave me."

After saying that, the girl left the seat, walked to the depths of the elf fortress, and kicked the wooden barrel that Riku and the others brought out to store the "filthy blood".

These evil gods...

For this behavior, Luo Pei could only put on a subtle smile.

Turning their heads, the two humans were terrified by Cthugha's sudden attack, their arms were still shaking, but even so, the gray-haired boy still kept his eyes fixed and forced himself to face Rope.

"Answer your question, boy. You don't have to worry about being eaten as food, and you don't have to worry about what I will do to you."

Rope said.

"I can sit here just because I am "interested" in you, and then extended to "pass the time", your concerns are ridiculous to me. "

How can ants understand the thinking of gods?

Their panic-stricken thinking can only make people laugh.

Luo Pei was able to allow them to sit down. Apart from being in a good mood, in the final analysis, he just happened to meet Riku and wanted to take away the inactivated essence of the "God of Games" Tetu who was entangled with him. Humans turned into cultists of Cthugha, and gave it to the Bomber as a gift.

For the rest, there is nothing left.

After all, after a few worlds, he was already tired of seeing human beings.

"Is that so..." Riku lowered his head.

No humiliation, no reconciliation. This is human beings, puny human beings.


Luo Pei tapped the armrest with his right hand.

Originally, he had a good chat with Riku about the human beings who have no creator in this world, but Cthugha's interruption made Rope feel a little bit less interested.

He said it directly.

"Well, you guys are not in the mood to have a pleasant conversation with me. Riku... I'll just call you that, I'm going to take something from you, and I don't like being a robber, you Is there anything you want?"

In the face of humble existence, Luo Pei doesn't like being a robber, it will make him feel like he is being belittled, and he will lose his identity very much.

The black-haired youth's pupils shone with a faint light, and the power of the essence was activated, looking at the undetectable and extremely weak light of the essence curled up in the depths of Riku's soul.

In that light, there is a beautiful person curled up.

Wearing a big checkered hat, closed eyes, delicate cheeks with heart pattern, pink jacket, blue shorts.

The weakest god species, "God of Games" Tetu.

Also in the original book, at the end of the Great War, the Deity species ascended to the throne of "The Only God".


Someone actually told me not to sissy Tetu, just accept it... You guys are too evil, you can't afford it, you can't afford it. (clasping fists)

Chapter 63 People are no longer people, and the flames will leave ashes after burning

The "God of Games" special picture is really beautiful.

This kind of beauty does not refer to being as delicate and quiet as the Fan Tower. Even if the spirit is sleeping peacefully, Luo Pei can feel the vitality and cheerfulness emanating from Tetu, just like a sunflower about to bloom. Same.

Without waiting for Riku's answer, the black-haired youth acted directly.

Water ripples appeared in the space around his seat, and seven or eight dark blue tentacles protruded from it, stabbing into Riku's abdomen with lightning speed.



The pale-haired boy's face was distorted because of the pain.

But his right hand firmly pressed his companion, preventing him from standing up from his seat.

Because once Yalei showed a hostile posture with the upper species, not only the two of them, but also the humans in the gathering place basically had no way to survive.

"I'm fine..." Liku smiled weakly, looking at the tentacles on his abdomen: "Alei, take a closer look...there is no blood...that lord just took some things, he didn't say he wanted to kill me ..."

The dark blue tentacles seemed to pass through a door made of light, and did not hurt Riku's body at all.

Originally, the essence of the "God of Games" Teto did not exist in Riku's body.


Yalei gritted his teeth unwillingly, and finally his rationality overcame his impulse, and he sat on the chair obediently with his face turned.

It didn't take long, when Riku was about to lose his hold, the dark blue tentacles retracted.

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