The Endless Shuttle

Zongman: Endless Shuttle Chapter 1011

If he doesn't take advantage of the time to relax, he won't be able to be free when the war evolves to the point where "Marrow Explosion" and "Forging God" Okan will also fight.

The black and gray skeletons are like a robe worn on the back of the god of disaster.

Shining eyes, handsome face, nothing can describe the artistic conception of "the gods walk on the earth" better than the current picture.

But soon, the God of Disaster slowly stopped his progress.

He stopped and looked up at the sky. Above the black cloud of the skeleton, there were subtle elf flashes blooming brilliantly.

Behind the light, there is a beautiful girl with ribs and wings.

With long spectral hair and cross-patterned pupils, the girl opened her mouth lightly and said a word.

Luo Pei judged the meaning of that sentence only by the gaze and the shape of his mouth.

--"Got you".

Afterwards, the pitch-black swaying torrent of spirits, the ultimate move of the Flügel, "Sky Strike", fell from the distant sky.


On the first elf fleet, leading the luxurious grass dome boat, the atmosphere was a little frozen.

Xin Ke Nierbalian wrapped his fingers around his long golden hair, and looked at the vampire girl tied up by William.

No, it's too early to call it girly.

With a height of 120 centimeters, crimson eyes, slender limbs that seemed to be broken when folded, and small bat wings on the back, the captured vampire can only be called a young girl at best.

But it was such a young girl who, with all the elves on alert, ignored the enemy-finding technique, sneaked into the main ship of the elves, and came to the position of the command room.

"This is the first time I've seen the talent of "Secret Illusion"... No wonder even Flügel find it difficult to deal with Vampires. With this kind of ability, your clan's abundant "killers" are really hard to guard against. "

Vampires - the race that the Creator has determined to be silent.

Cursed by the sun and light, they cannot move during the day. But in contrast, it gained the power of night correction. That is to say, at the time of the darkest night, the vampires will become stronger than usual.

But that alone is nothing.

There are many powerful races in this world, and the vampires can only be regarded as "not bad" among them.

What they let the races of the world remember, besides the "Dark Nobles", is their incomparable secret skills. The blood-sucking race will produce "Assassins" to serve other races in exchange for blood rewards, and their viciousness is so vicious that even the Flügel find it troublesome.


William folded his arms and hummed softly against the wall of the Grass Dome.

"If you want to get closer to us perfectly, you must at least learn to close your own "heart", your heart is full of flaws. "

The nightmare's displeasure made the vampire tremble, and the whole person shrank even smaller.

"I remember that when the assassination fails, the vampires will choose to commit suicide to prevent the leakage of thoughts in their brains." Xin Ke Nierbalian asked: "You didn't choose to die, you must want to live, right? Then one or five Tell me your purpose. Who hired the vampire? Where is the hirer? Can this act be a signal for you to take a stand and participate in the war?"

"Woo woo woo..."

Slowly, the vampire loli began to cry, and big tears rolled down her cheeks.

If outsiders saw this picture, they would think it was Xin Ke and William teaming up to bully the little girl.

But strictly speaking, they were all "soldiers" involved in the war, so they would naturally have no mercy in the face of the assassin, and the two of them stared at the vampire loli indifferently.

"Lily is not an "assassin", Lily is just here to scout for information..."

Xin Ke glanced at William, who nodded slightly.

The Nightmare species that manipulates the mind can easily determine whether the other party is lying or not.

Of course, William also has the ability to directly read the memories and thoughts in the vampire's brain, but considering that the vampire's "secret" protection measures may lead to irreversible self-destruction of the spell, so he did not act rashly...

"Intelligence? For whom?"

Xin Ke raised his fingers, and the elf rope on the vampire's body became tighter.

"I'm not interested in chatting with you all night. Spit it all out, or you'll be strangled alive. I'm sure that even the regenerative ability of vampires won't work."

"Also," William added. "I don't mind gouging out your eyes first."

Seemingly unable to bear the pressure of torture and fear, the vampire loli yelled.

"It's for the ethnic group! Lily has no employers! All the superiors who transmit the information are blood-sucking ethnic groups!"

Xin Ke frowned.

She thought that the goblins and giants hired vampires to investigate the truth, but it didn't seem to be the case.

"Why do the blood-sucking species want information about the elves and nightmare species? Is it possible that you, the scumbags in the dark, also want to participate in the frontal competition in the war?"

It's not that Xinke looks down on vampires, that's the truth.

The magic of vampires is all focused on the "Secret Illusion", and a little sunshine will not work, and the number of ethnic groups is not too large. Such a race can only be used as an "assassin". To say that they participated in the war openly would make people laugh out loud.

The vampire loli sniffed.

"Vampires have no intention of participating in the war. The elders have heard that the God of Disaster is willing to accept non-creation things, and intend to find out the authenticity of this matter. Lily can't enter the dream, because elves and nightmares are disasters God-sama's subordinate race, that's why Lily came here to give it a try... woo woo woo, what I said is true..."

Xin Ke turned to look at the leader of the nightmare species, and William smiled wryly.

"She is telling the truth. In front of me, the heart cannot lie."

Xin Ke didn't know what to do.

If there is an invasion of non-alliance races during the war, they should be captured and drained of their value before being executed. But this choice ceased to exist after Lily reported the term "God of Disaster".

The vampire's refuge, such a big event, the elf girl would not dare to decide on her own.

"...Master William, can you contact the God of Disaster?"

"The creator has withdrawn from the mind console, and I can't get in touch."

"Is that so..."

Xin Ke fell silent.

After thinking for a moment, the girl rubbed her eyebrows and said to William.

"Let's imprison her for the time being, and deal with the vampires according to Mr. Luo Pei's wishes when Lord Luo Pei returns... Don't let her escape."

"Understood, I will order the two nightmare guards."

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