The Endless Shuttle

Zongman: Endless Shuttle Chapter 1012

The vampire loli went back and forth a lot between Xin Ke and William, and then smiled.

"Doesn't Lily need to be killed? Then Lily apologizes for entering your fleet without permission..."

"no need to say sorry."

Xin Ke said coldly.

"You are only alive temporarily."

When the god of disaster returns, if he is dissatisfied with or has no interest in vampires, then not only this young vampire girl, but also the entire vampire race will be included in the hostile side of the "God of Disaster Camp".

Everything is still unknown.

Chapter 65: The Insurmountable Gap Between the Strong and the Weak

The "Sky Strike" split the earth, and the spirit skeletons all over the ground were blown back to the sky, setting off a larger-scale blizzard.

The pitch-black swaying torrent weakened, and the unscathed appearance of the black-haired youth emerged from it.

Looking at the killing angel slowly descending from the sky, Luo Pei looked indifferent.

He doesn't even pay attention to the "Ultimate Strike" of the Flügel's rampage and self-destruction, let alone the "Sky Strike", he doesn't even bother to hide.

"I have been looking for you for a long time..."

The Flügel girl stood still opposite the God of Disaster, put her hands on her chest, smiled, and said in a soft and lyrical tone.

"On this point alone, you and Master Artosh are really similar, both of you are the type who don't like to go out very much. Are all the gods like this? Remember that "God of Blacksmithing" Okan was forced by you last time Come out, and stay in the "God Stove" all the's too hot there..."


Lopez read out the name of the Flügel.

Jibril folded her wings and saluted gracefully.

"Yes. It's an honor that you can remember my name, Lord God of Disaster."

"Why did you appear in front of me at this time and this place?"

Luo Pei patted the corpse on the shoulder of his jacket, and asked plainly.

"Artoxiu's declaration of war? The hunting of the Flügel against me? Want to reproduce the glory that penetrated the spirit of the gods? Boring, I thought that even if the Flügel were madly dominated, they would have basic form judgments. I was dragged into it last time." Isn’t the dream experience enough?”


Jibril stuck out her tongue cutely.

"It turns out that Senior Azrael and the others have been taught a lesson by the God of Disaster. No wonder...have you forgotten? I was pinned down by you and couldn't move. I couldn't experience the fear of being dragged into a dream. .”

The pale orange skirt fluttered, the girl lightly moved her lotus steps, the huge elf power separated from the snowstorm, and came to the black-haired youth step by step.

Luo Pei raised his eyebrows, and for a moment he was a little confused about what kind of medicine was sold in Jibril's gourd.

Jibril's height is about 1.65 meters, which belongs to the petite type. The girl looked up at the God of Disaster who was more than a head taller than her, and there was inexplicable emotion in the bright cross-patterned pupils.

There was no other Flügel troops in the perception, and there was no sign of Artosh, the god species. Jibril ran to him in all likelihood.

Curiosity... really daring...

Rope sighed.

Being scrutinized by a beautiful girl is not an unacceptable thing in itself, but if the gloomy and violent environment around is included, it will be a bit of a disappointment.

After a while, the black-haired young man shook his head and turned around seeing that Jibril hadn't made any other movements.

"Go back to Avant Heim. Even weapons can only show their value if they are alive. No matter what thoughts you have about me in your heart, it is very important to clarify your position, otherwise your life will be wasted in vain."

"Oh? Wait, wait, Lord God of Disaster!"

Jibril finally returned to her senses. Seeing that the God of Disaster ignored her and walked away, she was a little anxious, but she didn't dare to grab the clothes of the God of Disaster, so she could only follow closely behind Luo Pei.

Luo Pei glanced at Jibril who was crazily acting cute beside her.

Regardless of the killing and frenzied personalities of the Flügel, each individual has a cute personality that is completely in line with a girl.

It's also thanks to Artoxiu, the cold and macho strong man who fought in the world and the battlefield, that he can create such a group of daughters. Is it possible that every macho has an unknown girl's heart?

Rope felt as if he knew some great truth.

"If you have anything to say, just say it directly. If you think about "challenging the gods to improve yourself", go back, I don't have the time to play with you. "The black-haired youth said.

"You have seen the effects of the previous "Death Strike" and the "Sky Strike" just now, even if you come up with any powerful moves, it will not help. There is a dimensional gap between us. And my mood now is different from the last time I met you, you will really die if you make too much unreasonable trouble. "

Play house with an angel? what is that? Is it fun to have a girl with animal ears?

Luo Pei doesn't want to do anything now, he just wants to hold the beast ear girls and play with their ears and tails.

After careful calculation, it is unforgivable that among the girls he has slept with, there is no beast-eared girl after such a long time, which is against his hedonistic concept.

Luo Pei was looking forward to the Witch Royal Ring and the Beastman Empire, and secretly felt that it was the right decision to let Fanlou accept the Beastman Empire.

It is a good thing to pass boredom and bring fun.

Especially for gods whose lifespan has no end.


Jibril choked, but couldn't find a point to refute.

She is the Flügel, the strongest killing weapon, yes, but the one who said this is the Deity, who creates weapons and stands at the top of the world.

The girl patted her cheeks, took a deep breath, and opened her hands to block the God of Disaster.

"Master God of Disaster."

Jibril's expression was more serious than ever.

"At this moment, I'm not here to challenge life and death. The gap is clear enough last time. Maybe you and I will become enemies at some point in the future, but now, Jibril has a question. I beg you to answer me. It’s like giving alms to weak creatures, the God of Disaster should not stick to such trivial matters as grievances and positions?”

"I don't care..."

Rope tilted his head.

"But why do you ask me questions? Is there any need for me to answer your questions? If it's about the gods, wouldn't it be better to ask your creator, Artoxiu?"

"No, it is precisely because I am Artosh-sama that I cannot answer this question!"

Jibril said firmly.

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