The Endless Shuttle

Zongman: Endless Shuttle Chapter 1014

"So, is 'growth' certain? "


"That is to say, no matter how long it takes, one day I will grow up to be equal to Lord Artoxiu, and then fulfill my own value and defeat Lord Artosh?!"


"But, you said..."

"Listen to me."

Rope interrupted Jibril.

"I don't deny "growth", but Miss Jibril also needs to recognize a word - "limit". Yes, "growth" is unlimited, but individuals are not. Every individual in the world has a limit, and this limit limits the way they continue to grow, so individuals think that they have reached the top of what they can. "

Jibril frowned, she felt that there was something wrong with what Rope said.

"No matter how fast a camel beast runs, it is impossible to fly. No matter how hard you try, you will never be able to reach Artosh's position. Not to mention that Artosh is also growing. Flügel has natural shackles and limits. In addition, Jibril, you Do you know how to break the shackles of camel beasts that cannot fly?"

"That...drinking the Fairy Emerald Spring to gain the ability to use elves, and then engrave the "flying" spell on your body? "

Distraught by the "impossible", Jibril answered weakly.

"Easier than that."

Luo Pei smiled happily, somewhat gloomy.

"As long as you don't become a camel beast."

He pointed to his temple.

"A long, long time ago, about 1,500 years ago, a certain being that I love and admire said, "Human beings have limits, so I am no longer a human being." Since the identity of a camel beast cannot make it fly, it would be better not to be a camel beast, but to become another species that can fly. "

The attitude of the villain Dio Brando in "Jojo's Bizarre Adventure" is the source of Rope's high acceptance of his own heterogeneity.

Non-humans can achieve their own wishes, so why stick to human identity?

"Although I don't know what the "human being" you are talking about is..." Jibril sighed: "Excuse me for my ignorance, but I have never heard of the ability to spontaneously change one's race. Even the blood-sucking species that are closest to the concept you mentioned, they can't turn the blood-sucking object into a real blood-sucking species. "

"You don't know, so it doesn't exist?" Rope smiled and said, "Don't underestimate this "universe", Ms. Jibril of the Flügel. "


Jibril was speechless.

Due to their long lifespan, even in a great war, the Flügel's knowledge reserves are terrifying, but they never dared to say such presumptuous and ignorant words as "I don't know, so it doesn't exist".

The unknown world is terrifying.

"You affirmed "growth", but also denied the possibility of the "Flügel" defeating Artosh-sama. Lord God of Disaster, do you want to say that if I want to fulfill my own value, I have to give up my identity as a Flügel? "

"How can you give up your identity as a Flügel? You think too highly of yourself, Miss Jibril."

Rope shook his head and said.

"Listen, I'm not giving you advice on how to beat Artosh, that's my job. I'm just answering your question about the difference between the strong and the weak, nothing else other. "

"...You firmly believe that you can defeat the strongest and invincible God of War? Without a trace of doubt?"

"Of course, it's impossible for me to stop in front of a mere Artoxiu. No matter how sooner or later it happens, he will only become my nourishment. This is not a nonsense that I don't know the strength of the enemy and us, but a necessity after being very clear."


After saying this, Jibril understood why Artosh had expectations for Rope instead of her.

Even though Jibril knows that Artosh's purpose of creating her is to let her defeat the strongest self, but as the created God of War feather, no matter how Jibril hypnotizes herself, she will be overwhelmed by Artosh's power, Fear, all race powerhouses in the world, including other gods, are like this.

But the God of Disaster is different.

From the very beginning, from the bottom of his heart, the black-haired young man in front of him did not regard the God of War as "the strongest", but just an obstacle to overcome.

His sight was attracted by the scenery behind Arte's cultivation.

"On the necessary possibility for the weak to challenge the strong..."

"You don't need to explain." Jibril said with respect in her tone, "I already have my own answer to this question."

"Really? Well, that's fine, save me and continue organizing the language."

After walking a few more steps, Luo Pei found that Jibril did not continue to follow.

"Are you leaving?"


Jibril nodded, and then said suddenly.

"Oh! As your "predetermined enemy", even if you don't seem to want my life, you have to leave something as a price for this interview, right? I understand what you mean! "

understand what?

Luo Pei raised his head to say hello.

Then Jibril began to twitch, her wings fluttering.

"Oh... Considering your admiration for my appearance, will you let me offer my first experience and perform reproductive behavior? Maybe I will become pregnant and give birth to a child containing the soul fragments of the gods... What will Mr. Artoxiu do? What about me as his daughter? A traitor who secretly infiltrated the enemy's general? Senior Azrael will go crazy? Hehe, it's so interesting."


Although I read it in the original book, Jibril's thinking jump still made Luo Pei's head full of black lines.


Jibril's expression became serious.

She put her hands on her wings.

"As for the price of this interview, let me tear off my own wings and offer it with both hands. For the Flügel, wings are the most precious thing, and they will be considered as a reward for your generous answer."

Jibril was serious, Rope could feel it.

"...You are not only cruel to other existences, but also cruel to yourself."

"Oh, I can pay the price of a pair of wings, and leave your hands alive. After all, I earned it."

Jibril looked up at the starry sky.

"To be honest, I was ready to die before I came before you. Why didn't you choose to kill me? As a member of the Flügel, if you start a war with Lord Artoxi in the future, I will definitely To be your thorny enemy."

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