The Endless Shuttle

Zongman: Endless Shuttle Chapter 1015

"Troublesome? Hmph."

Luo Pei snorted contemptuously, then turned and walked forward.

"Then it's because of your face."

"You are here again..."

Jibril thought that Luo Pei was teasing her, because in her impression, how could the gods born from the essence be moved by a false appearance.

But the truth is, Rope is telling the truth.

From the beginning to now, he has not concealed his essence of being a face control and character control - look at the girls he has dated and been close to, which one is an unknown person?

"You can think that the journey with me is the price, take your wings and go back to Avant Heim."

The reverse storm disappeared, and Jibril watched quietly as the back of the black-haired youth was covered by the blizzard of spiritual bones.

This is the only spirit species she has had two close communication and deep cognition besides Artoxiu.

Slightly... A bit broke Jibril's inherent impression.

To be disrespectful, Jibril thinks that Rope is more interesting than the "boring daddy" Artosh on the throne.

"What will it be like next time we meet..."

Spreading her wings, surrounded by the power of the elves, Jibril returned to Avant Heim with full satisfaction.

Chapter 67: Praise of the Witch with White Silk Beast Ears

cloudy day.

It seems that every day in this world is like this.

The subtle sunlight sprinkled from the thick clouds, coating the green jungle with a layer of brilliant gold. The soft wind blows the leaves and makes a rustling sound, as if you have escaped from the shadow of war and come to a paradise.

Luo Pei sat on the corridor in the backyard of the shrine, leaning against the log pillars in a daze.

A few days after coming to the so-called "Beastman Empire", the God of Disaster found that the picture seemed a little different from what he had imagined.

He knew that the life of the orcs was not satisfactory, but Luo Pei did not expect that even with the help of elves and nightmares, the orcs still did not get rid of the level of "primitive tribes". improved, other progress was very slow.

For example, culture, class, and the daily friction of different types of beastmen...

He wanted to see the Paradise wholeheartedly, but what Luo Pei faced was the daily life of the orc tribe in Warcraft, which was quite disappointing.

Of course, there are still beast-eared girls, but in this difficult environment, most beastman women are a little yellow and thin, which does not conform to Luo Pei's tricky aesthetics. After all, before there was no help from the Nightmare and Elves, the tribal women's food rations should of course be distributed to the Beastman men so that they would have the strength to hunt.

The farming techniques of the orcs are extremely poor, and it may have been even more difficult than the humans in terms of food in the past.

"Master Luo Pei, I made you laugh."

A gust of fragrant wind hit, and two soft fox tails lay beside Luo Pei.

Yu Wuhuan's reddish cheeks were full of charm. After arranging her slightly messy clothes, she carefully knelt down beside the God of Disaster and served him.

"With the help of the nightmare and elf masters, the orcs still look like this... Did Huan embarrass you and Mr. Fanlou?"

Luo Pei smiled, and hugged the fox-eared lady who had already tasted it with ease.

"I'm not the kind of god who asks his servants not to sleep if he doesn't sleep. There is a gap between races and races. You can make the scattered orcs agree with the "rules" you made in a short time. ", already very remarkable. "

"...This is also because of your name and the deterrence of force."

Yu Wuhuan smiled wryly.

"Under the high pressure of pure violence, they can't and dare not resist, that's why my governance is so easy... There are even some stubborn old antiques who scold me behind my back for selling the orcs as slaves in exchange for a ruling position."

"Wouldn't it be good to kill those guys?"

"I'm very sorry, Mr. Luo Pei." Yu Wuhuan twisted his fingers and said, "If possible, I really don't want to kill any orcs with my own hands..."

Yu Wuhuan had seen too many deaths of fellow tribe members before.

Starved to death, poisoned by spirit skeletons, slaughtered by other superior species during hunting, cannibalism for survival resources...

This fox-eared lady who worked as a "witch" at a young age has seen too many deaths of beastmen, so after obtaining asylum and the gift of the God of Disaster, she sincerely hopes that the beastmen will no longer die for the above reasons.

"Then, you can only have a headache on your own." Luo Pei looked at the sky: "I will be responsible for the supplies, and you can ask for the technology from the Fan Tower, but it is not easy for the nightmares and elves to intervene in the internal affairs of your race. ...during the war, they didn't have time to deal with such trivial matters."

"This is Huan's own responsibility, how dare you bother the great you and the adults of the various clans."

"Remember to do a good job in evacuation during the war. Although I said hello to Fanlou to take care of you, but that loli is currently obsessed with using new thinking to deduce the answer, and maybe something goes wrong."


Yu Wuhuan raised her head, looked at the handsome profile of the black-haired young man, and felt a slight sweetness in her heart.

Such a gentle spirit, such an intoxicating landscape.

It is natural for the fox-eared lady who has no experience in love and is occupied with racial internal affairs and governance to be unable to resist.

Although the identities of the two are very different, Yuhuan still quietly watched Luo Pei with the gaze of her spouse—even if she didn't even dare to say it.

Tail wagging, Yu Wuhuan asked in a flattering tone.

"Master Luo Pei, Huan has selected a few girls who are pretty good-looking, if you are willing..."

"No, next time."

Luo Pei took the juice next to him and took a sip.

"It's been several days since the first fleet went out, but the whole world is calm. The giants and goblins plus Orkan are probably doing some tricks. It's not good to continue wandering and playing. I have to add to "War" Once it's on fire, they won't be shrinking gophers anymore. "


Yu Wuhuan nodded half-understood.

Whatever Rope said was a very distant existence from her.

"Is there anything I can do for you?"

"No...well, wait."

Luo Pei opened his palm, and the power of the gods blurred the boundary between illusion and reality.

Slowly, a white and red, orthodox priestess costume with extremely fine workmanship appeared in his palm, along with a pair of white ceramic-like stockings.

——Baisi Beast Ear Girl Double Critical Strike!

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