The Endless Shuttle

Zongman: Endless Shuttle Chapter 1030

"This is the second time I've met you. Your rumors keep coming to me from the mouths of those little devils. You are more like a "God of War" than Artoxiu, and you keep provoking battles among the gods. , Ambitious, I have never seen such a radical species of gods. "

And so it is.

Take a look at what the gods who participated in the war before were doing.

The strongest god of war, Arto Xiu, who was supposed to urge the war, was moldy in the temple all day long. The owner of the forest, the embodiment of nature, Kainas intends to be in harmony with nature, and he will casually mention the fight for world hegemony, and he can do whatever he likes. The God of Blacksmithing has always been blacksmithing in his hometown, never leaving the God Stove.

All the disputes were caused by their subordinate races, and the gods themselves showed no signs of being overly concerned.

But when the God of Disaster came out, everything was different.

It was like a bloodthirsty lion. It first killed Kainas, the god of nature, and then wiped out the phantasy "devil king" with "creation authority", and then quickly aimed its spearhead at Okan.

All this happened within a hundred years!

What a frightening number this is. A lifespan with no gods at the end is like a short moment. But it was at this moment that the God of Disaster completed the frenzied slaughter and brought many powerful races in the world under his command.

The most radical god species, Rope deserves it!

"Now you see, Orkan."

Luo Pei's appearance gradually changed.

Thirty meters high, the dark blue terrifying appearance of the demon god completely appeared in the world.

"I will use my own way to win—isn't the meaning of the God of Disaster just to bring disaster to the world?"

The bloody smell in the second half of the sentence is so strong that it makes people vomit.

The cruelty to trample on the bones of all non-surrenders silenced Orkan.

After a long time, he said.

"Perhaps a god like you shouldn't appear..."

Okan's whole body shone with the majesty of the essence.

The effect of mechanization is like a plague spreading around. Without Okan himself doing it, all kinds of exquisite and complex spiritual equipment of God's Domain, driven by elves, appear beside the God of Forging.

"My little ghosts kept persuading me to stay in the furnace of the gods. They came to help me win. I know they are doing it for my own good. I am an old bastard and I know it well. It is unlikely that the frontal battle will be yours. opponent……"

Okan raised his head, his pupils were like a burning comet.

"But after all, the winning rate is not zero. The hammer can forge hard minerals, and it can also crush the ambitions of some guys! Not to mention the god of disaster, you have insulted my dignity!"

"I'm looking forward to how you will regain your dignity."

The faceless demon god let out a laughing sound.

The surrounding air was squeezed and disappeared by the invisible pressure, and the magma cooled and no longer spit out bubbles.

The frozen atmosphere is suffocating.

This will be the first time in tens of thousands of years that the "God of Blacksmithing" Okan will personally attack!

The opponent is the embodiment of the concept of "terror" itself - the god species that devours the gods!

After the fall of Cainas, the battle of the gods is about to break out again!

Chapter 77 Sanctions from the Earth, the Ending Cannot Be Changed

When the humble realize their own insignificance and the magnificence of nature, starting from sticks and stones, "tools" are born in the world.

Stone tools, bronze tools, iron tools...

Digging the land by hand will hurt, so there is a hoe. If you can't catch fish in the water, you will be hungry, so you have weaving and netting. Beasts can threaten life, and there are weapons to protect themselves in the first place.

No matter which world's intelligent creatures are born without great power, they will choose to make up for the shortcomings of their own race from the "outside".

Constantly, continuously, from the beginning to the end of history, the inferior creatures are forever repeating the process of making inventions.

Until the long time that makes people desperate, stand shoulder to shoulder with God.

This is the advancement of technology, and this is the brilliance of "forging".

Okan's personal strength is very weak, not because of contempt, but because it is really weak.

In its essence, only "flame" can bring the rage that the Deity species should have. Other methods may not even be as good as a phantasy species, standing at the bottom of the Deity species.

They are not as strong as giants, their skin is not as tough as dragon spirits, and the destructive power released by elves can only rival those of Flügel.

But Okan, as the main god of "forging" and the father of all machines, also has its unique features just like those intellectual races who choose to supplement from the outside.

Beating with a hammer, the essence of "forging" endows any simple, even ordinary soil material with spirituality, and turns it into an exquisite and complex machine.

The machine became Orkan's weapon and armor again, just like its goblins, relying on its only advantage to fight and occupy a place in the whole world.

The rough elf cannons were fired neatly, densely packed into thousands.

Burning the air, penetrating the clouds, and being intercepted by the space occlusion of the dark blue demon god, Okan just stood on the spot and repeated the movement of swinging the hammer, and exaggerated weapons were continuously produced around him.

The fiery bearded giant looked tired.

It is not an easy task to continuously create spiritual outfits that "make the god of disaster feel troublesome"...

"Annoying flies."

Luo Pei temporarily lifted his demonization, and danced in the sky with a more sensitive humanoid posture.

Dodging the attack of light, a long spear etched with strange patterns flew in the distance, leaving no room for breathing.

- Boom!

Just like a martial god with extraordinary martial arts skills, the moment Luo Pei came into contact with the spear, Luo Pei stretched out his right hand to catch the steel spear that did not match his body shape. Kan's spear was thrown back.

Maybe now he is getting farther and farther on the road of Faye, but Luo Pei, the martial arts skill, has not been left behind.

There was a sound that pierced the atmosphere.

The terrifying power of the God of Disaster accelerated the spear to several times the speed of sound, and it was in front of Okan in a blink of an eye, blocked by the rising double steel barrier.

The storm blew the broken hair of the black-haired youth, his blue eyes looked down at the flame giant on the ground.

"Hoo hoo..."

Black smoke spewed from Okan's mouth.

"Can you... give me a little rest?"

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