The Endless Shuttle

Zongman: Endless Shuttle Chapter 1031


The earth collapsed, and smoke and dust rose everywhere.

Relying on the superior quality of the gods, Orkan pressed the hammer firmly against the steel wall, conveying the power of "forging" the essence, and carried out the double cycle of "destruction and repair".

On the other side of the wall, Luo Pei pierced his right arm deeply into the steel, with an expression of indifference.

It's not a friendly fight, how could it be possible to stop and wait for the enemy to rest in a killing battle like Okan joked.

"It doesn't seem to work..." Okan said regretfully.

But it was just a joke, it knew very well that the God of Disaster had murderous intentions towards him.

"The sigh of the living". "

Zero distance.

In other words, only a dozen meters away, the black-haired youth used the violent manifestation of his "disaster" essence.

The pale phantom light swayed, turning the misfortune of the world, the curse and resentment of the "disaster" of the intelligent creatures into pure destructive power.

By the time Orkan saw the walls crack and the light seep out, it was too late.

The God of Forging held the hammer in front of him, briefly creating more than a hundred layers of elf defenses, but it was completely wiped out after the "Sigh of the Living" exploded.

The continent is shaking.

Seen from a high altitude, the vast battlefield where the two gods fought seemed to be split by a pale light knife, and the whole place was in a mess.

"Are you really at this level?"

Luo Pei withdrew his hand and said lightly.

"Okan, if you're not serious, you're going to die right away."

"Ha ha……"

After the light dissipated, it was a giant who was injured and shed bright blood.

The hammer supports itself from falling, and an arm evaporates out of thin air, while brass gears and parts are rapidly forming an "arm" to replace work.

"Even if you say that... this old man is already doing his best... it's really scary, god of disaster. Is Artosh better than you like this? Maybe he underestimated him before..."

"Because I haven't fought yet, I can't answer this question for you. But, you don't have time to worry about those boring things, do you?"


There is no need to feel it anymore.

Okan trembled and looked behind him. The palm of the God of Disaster was pressing on the back of its heart, exuding an ominous sense of distortion.

——The divine power of "Chaos" residing in the soul of the demigod.

"Chaos. Great pollution."

The surface of the giant was blackened, and the terrifying divine arts experienced by the death dragon in the previous world erupted on Orkan.

But immediately Luo Pei noticed something was wrong.

There is no sense of "hit".

Orkan in front of him turned into a mechanical giant made of gears before being swallowed by the darkness. Those parts collapsed and scattered, and Tiokan, the "clone" of the God of Forging, blocked the terrifying attack.

"Don't underestimate me, God of Disaster..."

The real Orkan crawled out from another mound of dirt, with flames burning in his comet-like pupils.

"This old man wants to recast the gods of this world! From the age of long wars to the present, if it can be solved so easily, he will return to the Elven Corridor long ago!"

Like feeling damaged by Rope's sarcasm.

Okan also has its pride.

"You talk a lot of nonsense."

"This is the old man's kingdom! The forged sanctuary! God of Disaster, you have stepped into the old man's territory!"

Okan slammed down the hammer in his hand.

The surrounding completely mechanized land seemed to have received some kind of message, humming and rioting, rising up into sharp towers with strange shapes.

"The death of giants will not be wasted! The lives of those giants who died under your cruelty will lock your soul, become a sharp sword that cuts off your soul, and eliminate the possibility of your soul being activated forever!"

The mechanical spires adjusted their positions, surrounding the black-haired youth like stars surrounding the moon.

The last hammer sounded.

"Sanctions of the Earth"! "

It was an elegy after the death of the giants.

Coupled with the surging power of the "God of Forging" Orkan's "God Stove", precise and ingenious guidance and restraint, even if it forms an armed force that is extremely terrifying, it will not lose to multiple "Marrow Explosions".

Orkan is a kind of god who uses "foreign objects".

This is the power of "outside things".

Different from Luo Pei who was "space-locked", Okan who was a little further away left that area before the torrent erupted, and stood in the sky watching the brilliant beam of light that continued to expand and collapsed to the sky.

Half of the Second Continent is collapsing.

The sky was violently torn out by the elves, and the beam of light was like a long sword stuck upside down on the ground, piercing through the void space of the universe.

It would be even safer if the little ghosts' "Marrow Explosion" were used together here...

Okan thought nervously.

But it also knew that Ronnie's judgment was correct. According to common sense, the probability of the God of Disaster appearing on the front line is definitely countless times higher than the current situation.

The battle between the gods was just an accident.

"However, even if this is the case, such an exaggerated concentrated attack is unlikely to survive..."

Okan wanted to leave this method of sacrificing the giants to Artosh.

But in order to survive from the radical and cruel god of disaster, it had to be taken out in advance.

The fiery giant avoided being accidentally injured by its own attack, and raised the distance, and was about to leave the planet's protected atmosphere.

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