The Endless Shuttle

Zongman: Endless Shuttle Chapter 1032

Seen from a distance, the wild power is like a plague, spreading towards the blue ocean, dyeing it gray and black.

That was the result of the spirit skeletons flowing into the ocean after the death of a large number of elves.

After this blow, Okan's spiritual power was completely emptied.

But the basic perception of the gods, the God of Forging still has it.

—No smell of Rope.


Okane breathed a sigh of relief.

"Terrible guy, it's great to be able to solve it simply... If it drags on, there will be ten deaths. I have to go and see how the battle of the little devils is going, and quickly resolve this war..."

Then restore the appearance of the earth.

If this situation is left alone, it will cause a lot of trouble for it to "reshape the world".

The fiery giant shifted his gaze to the other half of the Second Continent, and even retracted the hammer of the artifact.

It is this moment of relaxation.

The maddening pain spread from Okan's chest to every corner of his body.


"There is no need for "ecstasy", and similarly, there is no need for too deep "despair"..."

Unbelievable, like a hallucinatory scene.

The dark blue demon god appeared from the dream, and the power of divine art exploded in Orkan's marrow.

Luo Pei's half-human face was extremely plain.

"Understanding your own weakness, you must be fully prepared for death. It is not an accident that I was not injured, and your death is not an accident. This is something that has been decided long ago, Okan."

"The God of Disaster!!!"

"Divinity. Great pollution. And then——"Sigh of the Living." "

Like the sharp sword, the torrent of elves rising from the earth is opposite.

Beyond the distant atmosphere, a pale white light that was not inferior to its power flashed past.

Perhaps this alone is the only elegy and condolence left at the last moment of life for the god species who have survived for tens of thousands of years and possessed the essence of "forging".


It's a new month, ask for a monthly pass, everyone!

Chapter 78 Desperate Moment

More than half of the Second Continent collapsed under the "Sanction of the Earth".

But that was centered on the area where the "God of Forging" was located. Apart from a few nightmare squads and a dozen goblin mechanical battleships on the front line, it didn't have much impact.

Under the wind pressure, Ronnie Delaunay jumped on the top of the battleship.

The elf-driven ability of the God's Domain Spiritual Clothing allowed him to obtain power that the goblins could not have originally.

But this power is a "foreign object" after all, something with "use restrictions".

If you can't think about how to solve the situation in front of you before this - defeat a nightmare leader. Then Ronnie Delaunay will end up miserable.

Damn, I'm so worried about the Grand Master!

Ronnie Delaunay glanced behind him, the direction in which the beam of light connects the sky and the earth.

"Do you have time to look around now? Silver Weasel!"

Mikolash's excited and manic voice came.

Swinging the giant sword, Ronnie Drauunil had a head-to-head confrontation with the saw knife, and stopped at the top of a frigate.

"Big boss!"

The goblin who poked his head out called out nervously, and he also held a spiritual weapon in his hand.

"Don't come here!" Ronnie Delaunayer scolded: "Concentrate on manipulating the battleship! Goblins are not a race that fights head-on, just leave it to me here!"

That being said...

Ronnie Delaunay's right arm holding the sword trembled involuntarily.

As he said, goblins are not the type to fight head-on. Although their strength is not small, they are not the slightest bit worse than the dependents created by the God of Disaster, the Children of Nightmare.

Fortunately, there is a "mind annihilation device", otherwise the battle would be over from the beginning.

"I'm weird."

Mikolash, who was wearing a hunter trench coat, spoke.

He carried the saw knife and looked at Ronnie Delaunay with great interest.

"For a mere goblin, even with the weapon in your hand and the help of shielding the power of the mind, it is incredible that you can fight me to this extent. Can you tell me why?"

"Don't underestimate people, Nightmare, I'm also the leader of Goblins after all, so it's only natural that I can do this."


Mikolash uttered a word softly, and the pupils of Ronnie Drauunil instantly shrank into needlepoints.

"I don't know what's going on with the body, at least your limbs are no longer pure flesh and blood. Imitate the power of the Ex-Machina and use the "body modification technology" with similar characteristics, right? Heh, for a race like yours, there is no other way to fight me head-on. "

"... so what?"

Ronnie Delaunay calmed down, and placed the spiritual outfit in front of him.

"It doesn't matter how your body is. As long as our fleet reaches your main formation, the strength of an individual will become insignificant."

"I am standing here just for the "Marrow Explosion". "

As soon as Mikolash's words fell, Ronnie Drauunil slashed behind him.

The spiritual giant sword and the meat saw collided again.

The dream and the non-attributed power annihilated each other, and nothing happened.

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