The Endless Shuttle

Zongman: Endless Shuttle Chapter 1042

Not sympathetic goblins, just her divine nature.

"Game" is the "happiness" attached to intellectual creatures, but death is not a "happiness" thing no matter how you think about it. Regarding the destruction of goblins that he saw with his own eyes, Tetu will sigh and accept it, but it is not completely okay.

"Stop saying such spoiling words!"

Wearing a square hat, the god of games has a sunny smile.

She put her hands together, and the power of the gods came into play. In just a moment, a chessboard shining with light blue starlight appeared in front of Luo Pei.

"Hey, let's play a game. Does Ropey have any favorite games? If not, why don't you play chess with me?"

"Playing chess..."

unfamiliar words.

Chess Luo Pei is quite familiar, but it is only "understanding", not "proficient" at all.

Since he started the trial, except for killing, playing with women, dominating power, and studying mystery, other entertainment items have been eliminated, and he has a simple and pure appearance of an upgrade maniac.

Tetu's words made him feel nostalgic for a long time.

The black-haired young man smiled and picked up a "king" chess piece.

"In terms of this kind of game, of course I can't defeat you, whose essence is "game". If Miss Tetu doesn't dislike my rough skills, then I am very happy to accompany you. "

"It's okay!" Tetu patted his chest proudly.

"The fun does not lie in the result, but in the process! Besides, I will release the water well, so as not to embarrass the God of Disaster!"

That's what he said, but Luo Pei could see the excitement of "abusing vegetables" in Tetu's eyes.


As if there was nothing he could do with his eccentric little sister, Luo Pei shook his head and waved the chess pieces.

The soldiers attacked, the king's chariot changed positions, and a unilateral massacre began like this.

"By the way, Luo Pei." Tetu asked while playing chess: "Is the "God of Suspicion" still not back? After all, we are all gods, so I am looking forward to meeting her. "


Luo Pei frowned, thinking about the chess game.

"That girl is obsessed with self-answering questions about the sands of the Ganges River. After cleaning the battlefield, I wanted to ask her to come back here to witness the separation of the various races together as a "hostess", but she refused directly. With the characteristic that the gods have no concept of time, she is estimated to stay in the city of the elves for a long time. "

"Doesn't this mean that I won't see the God of Suspicion sauce for a long time?!"

Tetu's expression collapsed, and his mouth pouted.

"People are looking forward to it..."

"……"Sauce"? "

Luo Pei paused holding the hand of the chess piece, and said helplessly.

"I'll go find her in person after a while..."

"I want to go too!"

Tetu raised his hand excitedly, and dropped a chess piece at the same time, severing Luo Pei's last breath.

"Checkmate, you lost, Rope. "

"Yes Yes Yes."

The black-haired youth threw away the chess piece in his hand.

"I can't beat you at chess. With your spirit, when I take the first move, you can see all the steps behind me, right?"

"Damn it! I didn't use that ability to cheat on Luo Pei. And it wouldn't be ugly to lose in this game, huh? There's also a kind of handsomeness that can't be saved!"

"It's all good..."

Looking at Tetu's enthusiastic arrangement of chess pieces and the joy of continuing to fight, Luo Pei suddenly asked.

"Tetu, does your spirit apply to "all games"? "

"Well, I can apply to the games created by intelligent creatures at present." Lori responded softly.

"However, "games" like killing battles where life is the stake are out of my scope. "

Some beings see "battle" as a "game".

But this is far from the essence of Tetu, it is completely irrelevant and cannot extract any power.

"That's right. If there were video games in this world, your strength would increase very quickly..."

Rope sighed.

Although he has experienced a lot in the modern world, although he will not deny the charm of traditional board games, but as the most widely spread and addictive thing in the electronic age, if video games can be carried forward in this world, then as the "God of Games" With his identity, Tetu will definitely gain power no less than that of Okan and Cainas.

Do not doubt the loyalty of those game fans.

They can even say the words "I bought it with money, do I still need to spend time playing it?" I am afraid that their enthusiasm for games has long surpassed the belief of Western medieval believers in God.

Very scary.

"Electronic games!?"

"Hey, it's too close..."

Looking at the posture of the game girl sticking to his face, Luo Pei tweeted the picture.

"It's just a casual talk. That thing is too far away from the current world. If we want to really implement it, we can't create a peaceful world without ending the "war". "


Tetu froze and didn't ask any further questions.

"War is indeed my worst enemy...the hateful God of War."

"This blame can't just be thrown at Artoxiu, all the living gods have to bear it, um, except for the newborn you."

"It's a pity, although I don't know what the "video game" that Luo Pei said is, but just hearing the name, my spirit is trembling, it must be something very interesting..."

"It's really interesting."

Luo Pei turned his head and looked at Yanan who could see the whole picture from the garden, suddenly a flash of inspiration flashed in his heart.

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