The Endless Shuttle

Zongman: Endless Shuttle Chapter 1043

That's right, there are other ways to let Tetu improve his strength!

There is a ready-made Yanan template, copy an exactly the same city, and then imitate the space of the main god, let other races enter the dreamland "happy" play, give a small reward for each boss or difficulty cleared, delete real death and pain, shape Virtual sense, isn't this a perfect "real game"?

For example, the difficult BOSS "Eternal Queen of the Forest", the final BOSS three "Nightmare Lords", the hidden BOSS "Apostle of Oneiroi", the hidden BOSS "God of Calamity, Fear and Dream" and so on...

Lopez was amused by his own thoughts, shaking his shoulders and laughing under his breath.

"What's wrong, Rope."

"It's nothing, I thought of a very interesting idea..."

The black-haired young man lightly moved the "king" chess piece.

"Next time I go to Fanlou, I'll give you a gift by the way."

"Can't you reveal the contents of the gift now?"

"No. After all, Fanlou has to help with this matter. If she is unwilling, the project will be too much for me..."

"Cut, stingy! You won't be able to please girls like this?"

Tetu said pointedly.

Rope smiled, but didn't answer.

The leisurely "afternoon" came to an end soon.

Accompanied by the creaking sound of the huge bronze door being pushed open, and the little vampire loli sticking out its head, Luo Pei knew that it was time to do something that he had deliberately not mentioned.

The surrender of the blood-sucking species.

Let the god of disaster go in person!


You don't give monthly tickets! I just tore this book up!

Chapter 84 Eternal Night Forest, Meet the Daughters of "Dark Night"

"Is this, is there really no problem with this? Lord God of Disaster..."

"No problem. Besides, don't you feel awkward when you keep calling me "God of Disaster"?" I allow you to call me by my name. "

Of course Lily knew the name of the God of Disaster.

Looking at the black-haired young man walking slowly ahead, the petite girl with red eyes opened her mouth, but in the end she still didn't have the courage to call a god-species name directly.

This is a place north of the northwestern region of the continent, called the Bato Mountains.

Withered and yellowed forests, strange mountains and rocks stand tall, and there is a feeling of silence and desolation.

According to the order of the ruler of the earth, the God of Disaster, the winner of the war, to entrust the various races, this place strictly belongs to the territory of the "beast race" empire. But the group of poor orcs have just escaped the life of hunger and fullness for a short time. Even with the support of the God of Disaster, it is "impossible" to digest this terrifyingly large chassis within a few hundred years. range.

As for why a young vampire and spirit species appeared here?

That was the issue of "submission of vampires", and Rope changed his mind. He didn't intend to send two nightmare species to deal with this matter as he said before.

After the war was over, he was a little free and planned to come out in person to see the night residents.

But it was this unintentional move that made Lily panic.

How can a blood-sucking species allow a god-species to descend in person?

Lily's brain is not good enough to think of many terrible things, such as the God of Disaster is not satisfied with the attitude of vampires and wants to exterminate them with his own hands, the gentleness in front of him is the calm before the storm, or something...

So along the way, Lily's little heart was throbbing, her legs and feet were weak, and she almost forgot how delicious the elf blood she drank last night was.

"Master God of Disaster..."

Lily spoke again.

"How about... How about letting Lily go back with your order, and you rest and wait for Lily's good news...?"

Rope's footsteps stopped.

"Are you interfering with my actions?"

"No no! Lily is just... Lily is just..."

The vampire girl shook her head in panic, tears overflowing from her red pupils.

The black-haired young man sighed, turned around and squatted down, reaching out and stroking Lily's short lavender hair.

"No need to be afraid, no need to panic, I am the embodiment of "Anxin". With me by my side, everything will not go to the bad situation you imagined. "

What the vampire girl was thinking, Luo Pei could almost guess, and he didn't blame the other party for her wild thinking.

Because the identity of "God Species" is too exaggerated for other races in the world. An unidentified god-species descended before the race, and this uneasiness was probably more terrifying than a nuclear bomb that was about to explode in a busy city.


"Yeah." Rope stood up.

"It's just a personal interest. However, whether your "elders" are alive or dead, I have to wait for my judgment. Their contempt for a deity species is not a reason for "offending" even if the lower species' thinking is justifiable. "

The surrender of the race, sending out an abandoned son of a "trainee assassin"?

Although Luo Pei would not be angry with vampires of this level, and because Lily is so cute, he didn't intend to deliberately embarrass vampires, but if he saw those "elders" with his own eyes, it would make him feel unhappy, and it would be a disaster. God does not recommend changing the blood of the high-level vampires who are about to belong to him.

It's like brushing dust off a mirror.

"Lily understands."

The vampire girl nodded obediently.

It's true that she cared about vampires, but for those elders, Lily didn't bother to care about them.

Corrupt, conservative, and timid, the vampire elders, whose lifespan exceeds a thousand years, were terrified by the Great War. They only dared to cultivate mercenary-style "assassins" and did not dare to form any army, for fear that other races would think they had participated in the war thought and exterminate the genocide.

This has led to a decline in the life of vampires, who can only curl up in the Forest of Eternal Night and dare not go out.

"Master God of Disaster... Hey!"

Suddenly, Lily was taken aback by Rope's behavior.

The handsome black-haired young man grasped the vampire's slender waist and lifted her up like a doll.

Then put it on his shoulder.

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