The Endless Shuttle

Zongman: Endless Shuttle Chapter 1051

But this is basically the result that everyone can infer. The most subtle thing is that Tetu can also give Nibia and Xinke the feeling of "working harder and being more cautious and winning" while winning.

This is very powerful.

"It's very dangerous, if my hole card is not "Star Dew Grass", I will lose this game... Oops, it's embarrassing for the God of Games to almost lose. "

Tetu shuffled the cards and smiled, glanced away, and saw the girl god species floating with an inkpot beside her.

Immediately, the lively Loli seemed to have discovered a new world, she dropped the cards in her hand, rushed to the front of Fanlou, held her hands, and said excitedly.

"Oh! It's Fanlou sauce! It's our first meeting! I'm Tetu, a kind of god like you! I've been looking forward to meeting you for a long time, and now I finally got my wish!"

Compared with Tetu's enthusiasm, Fanlou seemed a little cold.


She responded indifferently, and pulled her hand back calmly.

"Oh, am I hated?"

Tetu scratched his face in embarrassment.

"Fan Lou is just showing a little indifference, and she is still a little unhappy about my behavior of bringing her out forcibly, it's not that she hates you."

Luo Pei motioned to the girls around him not to salute him, and continued to speak with a smile.

"Today is just a private banquet, so you don't need to be too polite, just let everyone have fun."

Then he snapped his fingers, and music sounded from nowhere, softly surrounding the auditorium.

It was "Like Someone in Love" by Dave Brubaker, the first such banal, joyous, marvelously instrumented banquet in a war-torn world.

Among the various races, the elf queen who has a unique view on "elegance", Xin Ke immediately fell in love with this kind of music.

She stroked her cheek and said helplessly.

"The upper classes of elves are gradually becoming barbaric due to the influence of "tainted blood". "

"It's just music."

Luo Pei walked to the main seat of the long table and sat down.

"If Xin Ke likes it, I can give you a lot of songs when I leave, including the instruments and knowledge to play them."

He could easily get a few meals from Azalea for such a small thing for entertainment.

Just like downloading from the Internet in modern society, it is convenient and fast.

"Thank you so much." Xin Ke smiled charmingly.

"Well, not only Xinke, I will also prepare a copy for you."

Lopez said to the surrounding girls.

Except for the upper class, the girls bowed their heads in thanks.

Afterwards, the girls of the God of Disaster took their seats.

The "God of Suspicion" sail building is arranged on the left side of Rope. In the ancient Hebrew Bible, God's left seat belongs to the "hostess" position, which symbolizes the unique identity of the second head of a family. Fanlou's strength and status are worthy of this honor, even though she doesn't care much about it.

The "God of Games" Tetu sat opposite the sail building.

God species, fantasy species, elf species, ex-machine species, blood-sucking species, beastman species, sea-dwelling species... Everyone is arranged in an orderly manner, like a miniature picture of a race tree.

"Although it's a pity that His Majesty Cthugya is not here, but...according to his personality, that His Majesty probably can't stand my pretending, right? Forget it."

Rope folded his arms and said with a smile.

"First of all, I have to thank you for your long-term loyalty and service to me-I don't mean your race, but yourselves?"

Except for the indifferent Ex-Machinas and the silly Sea Dwelling Queen, all the girls bowed their heads to express their respect and love for the God of Disaster.

"It is our honor to meet you and serve you."

Xinke Nierbalian made a concluding reply on behalf of the girls.

"We will do our best in the future to live up to this grace."

"Ha, I said to have a relaxed atmosphere, if you answer so seriously, the atmosphere of the banquet will be ruined..."

Luo Pei tapped the edge of the table with his index finger, and put sweet wine in front of each girl.

"All of you here have the absolute right to speak about your respective races. The dawn of the end of the war is near, and I think you can see it. Today's banquet is not suitable for discussing serious matters. My purpose is mainly for peace. The later "rule" and "entertainment"-making this world more interesting. "

"My lord."

Nibia frowned.

""God of War" Artosh is our most powerful enemy, before he falls, this kind of thing..."

"I know what you want to say, Nibia."

Luo Pei raised his hand and interrupted the dissuasion of the fantasy species.

"I value Artoxiu more than anyone else, and I will never underestimate him. But the final war is really not something you should worry about. After my decision, the final battle with Artoxiu will not be the same as yours. any racial participation in the

One stone stirred up a thousand layers of waves, and the girls were a little stunned.

"Please forgive me for being rude, Lord Luo Pei." Yu Wuhuan said: "We know the gap between the humble us and the God of War, and it is impossible to enter the battle between the two gods. But the Flügel and the phantom Abant. Heim can't even ignore it, it should be up to us to solve it..."


The person who spoke this time was a little surprised.

It's Fanlou.

With a delicate and expressionless face, the God of Suspicion softly rejected Yu Wuhuan's proposal.

"The Flügel and Phantasmal species are handled by me. World domination is a game of the Deity species, and in the end it will naturally be a war belonging to the Deity species. This is the meaning of your Lord God."

As soon as this was said, there were no voices of dissent.

It is not comparable to an army of tens of thousands or hundreds of thousands if the gods, especially the "first born gods" personally act.

"That's it."

Xin Ke looked at Luo Pei's face and smiled softly.

"You are really gentle..."

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